Reject someone without breaking their heart

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How can I reject someone without hurting them?
Video: How can I reject someone without hurting them?


Have you ever been asked out by someone you weren't really interested in that way? It can be very difficult to find a polite way to decline the invitation. Breaking up with someone you no longer want to go with can feel just as awkward. You don't want to hurt someone's feelings, but you also don't want to end up in an uncomfortable situation. There are several steps you can take to reject someone without breaking their heart.

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Method 1 of 3: Kindly reject someone

  1. Tell the truth. Honesty is usually the best policy. It is disrespectful to lie to someone. If you don't want to go out with someone, say so.
    • Sometimes it is easier to be honest. For example, you could honestly say, "No thanks, I'm already going to that party with someone else."
    • At other times, you may need to find a kinder way to say this. You may not be attracted to the person. Instead of saying it bluntly, try something like, "No thanks, I don't think we would be a good match."
    • Prefer not to come up with a fake excuse. For example, don't tell someone you're not home this weekend if you aren't. There is a chance that you will run into each other at the cinema, which will certainly hurt the other.
  2. Have a "compliment sandwich". A compliment sandwich is a very effective way to provide feedback. In fact, "sandwich" you put a negative reaction between two positive comments. Try this method if you want to reject someone.
    • An example of a compliment sandwich is a comment such as, "You're a great person. But I don't want to go out with you. I'm sure there is someone else who will be very happy if you ask her! "
    • Or try something like, "You are very nice, but I don't want to be more than a regular girlfriend. I really enjoy socializing in a larger group! "
    • Be sincere. If you offer false compliments, the other person is likely to notice and feel hurt.
  3. Be direct. If you don't want to date someone right now, it's best to make this clear right away. Don't beat around the bush. If you are sure, it is better to express yourself as clearly as possible.
    • If someone asks you out and you don't feel the need, you can be direct and friendly at the same time.
    • You can express your feelings without intentionally hurting others' feelings. Try to smile and say, "That sounds great, but rather not. I don't want to go out with you. "
    • Don't back down. If you don't want to accept the invitation, don't say you want to think about it.
    • It is better to reject the other immediately. Don't give the other person false hope. So don't say something like, "I need to check my schedule and come back to it."
  4. Treat the other person with respect. Treat the other person as you would like to be treated yourself. This means that you have to choose your words carefully. Consider the other person's feelings.
    • It's okay to wait a while before responding. You may be caught off guard and need some time to sort out your thoughts.
    • Thank the other. It's a compliment to be asked out. You can say something like, "I am flattered." Unfortunately, I cannot accept your invitation. "
    • Try not to laugh. Many people laugh nervously in difficult situations. Try to avoid giggles as this can be hurtful.
  5. Communicate as effectively as possible. Sometimes it is not what you say, but how you say it. If you want to reject someone, also consider factors other than your words. Non-verbal communication is also important.
    • Use the correct intonation. Try to sound both friendly and determined.
    • Make eye contact. This helps to make it clear that you mean it and also that you respect the other person.
    • If the other person asks in public, try not to speak too loudly. It is not necessary for everyone around you to hear that you are rejecting someone.

Method 2 of 3: End a relationship in a friendly way

  1. Take responsibility for breaking up the relationship. Maybe you already have something with someone and you want to stop. There are ways to kindly say goodbye to your ex-lover. Your first step is to face the situation right away.
    • Don't try to delay breaking up. If you want to end a relationship, it is better to do it as soon as possible.
    • Don't wait for the other person to break up. It can be tempting to act mean or stop making plans together so that your partner will end the relationship.
    • Driving someone to end the relationship is not exactly sympathetic. It's just a way of putting the burden on someone else's shoulders.
  2. Be compassionate. The termination of a relationship can often be very painful. It will also often be an uncomfortable conversation. Try to make this go as smoothly as possible by being as friendly and nice as you can.
    • Don't blame the other person. There is really no need to tell the other person that you are breaking up because he / she is a horrible person! "
    • It's okay to report what's wrong. Be honest and constructive.
    • For example, you can say, "I no longer want to date you. It really bothers me that you repeatedly change plans without prior consultation. "
    • You can also say something kind. You can try the following: "We had a lot of fun together, but now is the time for me to move on."
  3. Plan what you want to say. You may get a little nervous when you have to reject someone. Sometimes you can get a little less nervous by having a plan ready. Think carefully about your approach to the conversation.
    • Think about the main points. For example, if you break up because you don't want a relationship anymore, say so.
    • Take some notes. It can be helpful to have your thoughts in writing. It can also help you remember what you wanted to say.
    • Consider the other person's feelings. Try a few different variations of the comment, "This isn't going to work," to try out what feels natural and fair.
  4. Look for the right time. "The conversation" will always be difficult. If you pick an appropriate time for it, it can become a bit more bearable. Consider the other person's perspective.
    • Break it up in a personal conversation. It's tempting to text or email, but try to avoid it. It's kinder and more respectful to have a face-to-face conversation.
    • Try to avoid a scene in public. For example, don't choose a friend's birthday as the location for a conversation.
    • Give the other one a forewarning. Let the other person know that you want to have a serious conversation. For example, you can say you want to talk about something, and it probably isn't that nice. "
  5. Make sure to complete it. The ending of a relationship can be complicated. You may feel that it is kinder to the other person to phase out your relationship. However, it is more effective to end things permanently.
    • Set clear boundaries. You can indicate that it is better not to have any contact at all for a while. "
    • Consider blocking the other person on social media. That way, no one will be tempted to check statuses on Facebook or Instagram.
    • Don't keep the other person on a leash. After you break up, don't flirt or make plans with your ex.

Method 3 of 3: Keep your own interests in mind

  1. Watch for alarms. Rejecting someone can cause a lot of emotions. In fact, it can make some people very angry. If you want to reject someone, keep an eye out for warning signs.
    • Your safety is top priority. If you think that someone's rejection will cause them to become very upset, take steps for your own safety.
    • A bad mood is an alarm signal. If you have noticed before that that person is out of control, you can consider rejecting the other person in a public place. It may feel a bit annoying, but you are safer.
    • Know when to run away. If your rejection is causing anger, don't stop and try to explain. If the person starts yelling or gets mean, end the conversation.
    • If the other person is having a hard time controlling their anger, it's okay to reject them via text or email. That is an exception to the "personal" approach.
  2. Prioritize your own feelings. Rejecting someone is never a pleasant experience. It can also make you feel bad. However, it's important to remember that your emotions should be your priority.
    • Don't say "yes" just to avoid saying "no". Only accept a date with someone you are really interested in.
    • Know that your happiness is important. You don't have to go out with someone you don't like enough to do.
    • Think about your motivation. Don't let your dating choices be determined by your friends. Say "yes" or "no" based on your own insights.
  3. Confide in someone you can trust. Knowing to turn someone down can be tricky. If you know someone is going to ask you out and you want to say no, ask someone for advice. Talk to a friend or family member you trust.
    • If necessary, ask a brother or sister for advice. They may know a friendly way to reject the person in question.
    • Pick a friend you know won't talk to others about it. Other people are not supposed to know about the breakup until your boyfriend or girlfriend hears it from you.
    • Be honest about your emotions. Say something like, "I have to turn someone down, and it makes me really nervous."


  • Give a reason for your answer. Clarity can help soften the blow.
  • Avoid gossip. Don't laugh with your friends about rejecting the person.
  • Make eye contact. This shows respect.
  • Don't shy away from it, as this will only make the other party agitated or curious. Gets straight to the point.