Get rid of dandruff

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
What causes dandruff, and how do you get rid of it? - Thomas L. Dawson
Video: What causes dandruff, and how do you get rid of it? - Thomas L. Dawson


Dandruff is usually not nearly as visible as people think and there are all kinds of ways to hide it. By treating the hair with oil or special shampoo, you can often easily remedy dandruff. However, complete healing takes a few weeks in most cases.

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Method 1 of 3: Treat Dandruff Quickly

  1. Comb your hair with dry shampoo. You can buy dry shampoo powder both online and at the drugstore. Spread it on your scalp and then comb out your hair. Rinse your comb in between to remove the dandruff flakes and continue until all flakes have been removed from your head.
    • You can also use talcum powder instead of dry shampoo. However, this can give your hair a gray, white or dark glow.
  2. Match your hairstyle to your dandruff. Many people only suffer from dandruff in certain areas on their heads. Adjusting your hairstyle and combing your hair so that it falls over the problem area is a great way to hide your dandruff. You can use hairspray or gel to make sure your hair stays in place.
  3. Wear light colors. Choose a gray, white or metallic shirt, cardigan or dress. This ensures that your rose stands out a lot less.
    • Clothes with a pattern also help to distract from your dandruff.
  4. Wear a cap or hat. An easy way to hide your rose is, of course, to cover your head with a cap, hat, hat or scarf. This also ensures that no dandruff flakes fall on your clothes.
  5. Make sure you have a clothes roller with you. To remove dandruff from your clothes, it is useful to always have a clothes roller with you. As soon as you see that there are flakes on your sweater or shirt, you can go to the toilet to clean your clothes.

Method 2 of 3: Reduce Dandruff Within 24 Hours

  1. Use this method to temporarily reduce your dandruff, not fix the problem for good. If you have a severe dandruff breakout on your scalp and want to delay the chance of flakes for a few days, this method is probably a good solution. However, in order to remove your dandruff in the long term, you better choose a different method.
    • At the bottom of this section you will find more short-term treatments that you can buy at the pharmacy or drugstore.
  2. Apply warm mineral oil. Warm up a bowl of oil and massage it into your scalp. Pure olive or peanut oil is recommended by some people, but these can also make your dandruff worse. If you want to use natural oil, you can, for example, opt for 5% tea tree oil.
    • Rumors about the harmfulness of mineral oil are probably unfounded and irrelevant if you only use the oil for your skin.
    • Heat the oil gently. Make sure the oil does not get too hot.
  3. Leave the oil on for a few hours. The longer you let the oil soak into your scalp, the better the method will work. It may be helpful to wear a bathing cap or hairnet while waiting.
  4. Rinse the oil out with shampoo or a mild detergent. You probably won't get the oil out of your hair with water alone. Make sure you remove the oil with plenty of shampoo. If this is not enough, use conditioner and leave it on for 10 minutes before rinsing it out. As a last resort, you can also try using a small amount of detergent, although it could damage or dry your hair.
    • Tar-based shampoo might work too, but many people don't like the smell of this stuff. In addition, it can cause stains.
  5. If you still suffer from flakes, use night medications. Many shampoos help prevent dandruff in the long run, but are also effective if they have a long time to set. You can also try to let the shampoo soak into your hair at night and rinse it out the next morning. When choosing a shampoo, make sure that it contains charcoal and keratolytics. Urea, salicylic acid or sulfur can also help reduce dandruff quickly.
    • If you want to sleep with shampoo in your hair, wear a shower cap.

Method 3 of 3: Remove Long-Term Dandruff

  1. If your dandruff flakes are transparent, it is best to focus on long-term treatments. If your dandruff is thin, transparent and is not on your scalp, but in your hair, then you probably have a reaction to certain styling products. In this case, try out other hair products or wash your hair a little more often. If the dandruff flakes are thick and white and they are also on your scalp, then you probably have a certain type of yeast. This is labeled dandruff by most pharmaceutical companies and doctors and can be treated by taking the following steps.
  2. Choose an anti-dandruff shampoo or a similar product. There are all kinds of different products to combat dandruff. For mild dandruff without irritation or itching, shampoos with salicylic acid or urea are best because they remove dead skin cells. There is a chance that the shampoo will dry out your scalp and so it is recommended to combine the product with a moisturizing conditioner. For severe dandruff it is best to choose a shampoo with ketoconazole (at least 1%) or ciclopirox. Selenium sulfide (at least 1%) is also effective, but can make your hair a bit greasy.
    • Your doctor can prescribe you shampoos that are stronger than those from the drug store and contain, for example, 2% ketoconazole.
    • If you have thick African hair that dries out quickly, you may want to consider an oil treatment. This can be applied in the hair like a pomade.
  3. Use the shampoo. Wet your hair and massage the anti-dandruff shampoo into your scalp. Leave it on for 5 to 10 minutes and then rinse.
  4. Repeat this daily until the dandruff has disappeared. Use your anti-dandruff shampoo at least once a day until the flakes, itching and irritation are gone.
  5. Keep your dandruff, try a different shampoo. If you don't notice any improvement after a few days, try an anti-dandruff shampoo with other ingredients. Dandruff is often caused by yeast, so an anti-yeast shampoo can also be effective. Your doctor can prescribe a stronger shampoo or recommend a different treatment.
    • For some people, a combination of two shampoos works best. They do not use the shampoos at the same time, but change it every other day.
  6. Try to phase out the use of the shampoo if you notice that it is improving or if you use the shampoo for two weeks. Continue to use the shampoo 2 to 3 times a week until the dandruff has completely disappeared. If you have been prescribed strong shampoo, do not use it for longer than two weeks to avoid unpleasant side effects.
  7. If you don't get the problem resolved within a few weeks, see your doctor. If after a few weeks you are still not satisfied with the condition of your scalp or the amount of dandruff, it is best to make an appointment with your doctor. Dandruff rarely leads to serious physical complaints, but if you would like to get rid of it for personal reasons, the doctor may prescribe medication. In severe cases these can be tablets, although the problem is usually first tried to solve the problem with shampoos or drops.
  8. Try out home remedies. If medical anti-dandruff treatments don't work, try treatments with home, garden, and kitchen remedies. These methods may not have been scientifically researched, but they are nevertheless used by many people. If your scalp becomes drier or redder, stop the treatment immediately.


  • Hair products can cause or aggravate dandruff and can create flakes that look like dandruff. Try using a different product or using no polish or gel at all to solve the problem.


  • Always adhere to the prescriptions when using medicines. Do not use them more often or for longer than allowed to avoid side effects.