Breaking up with someone in style and understanding

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How To Successfully Break Up With Someone
Video: How To Successfully Break Up With Someone


We all know it's hard to break up with someone. But unless you're experiencing one of the few teenage romances that continues into life, breaking up is an inevitable part of life. And while it is up to you to decide how you want to break up, if you want to avoid the karma of bad relationships in the future, you need a few basics to fall back on.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Picking the right time and location

  1. Choose the right time. Holidays and special occasions such as birthdays and special dates should be avoided at all times. Do you really want to be reminded of your ex every time that day comes along? No, you don't want that.
    • Statistics show that most students break up during the summer holidays. For everyone else, Monday seems to be the most popular day of the week to end a relationship.
  2. Choose a suitable location. The less audience the better. Don't do this in a place where the other person will feel particularly vulnerable. Avoid the following locations at all costs:
    • At the office.
    • At a wedding.
    • In a car.
    • At school.
    • In a restaurant or disco.

Method 2 of 4: Do the right thing

  1. Do this privately. If the relationship is relatively new, you may be able to get away with doing this over the phone. Perhaps. But come on, if you've been out multiple times, isn't this a little harsh? Do it correctly and end the relationship personally.
    • A final conversation with each other is a good way to end the relationship.
    • As painful as it can be, a conversation to end the relationship can teach you about yourself and set the stage for something better in the future.
  2. Do not lie. You can try to spare the other person's feelings, but you will get it right in your face if you get caught. You will be seen as untrustworthy, something that could shake your reputation. Your friends may continue to support you, but that's not necessarily true for the rest of the world.

Method 3 of 4: Avoid insensitivity

  1. Be honest but sensitive. Nobody likes to be dumped. But at least we appreciate the truth when it's over. Unless the truth is that you no longer find him / her attractive, you met someone "better", or are simply fed up with the relationship.
    • There is no need to be negative. Try to seal yourself off with as much decorum as possible. Even if bad blood has been put down, always handle it with style. You will be glad you did.

Method 4 of 4: Stay polite

  1. Control your emotions. Don't be too clear about whether you are happy about the breakup: that will come across as mean. Be kind, caring, and considerate.
  2. Don't respond. Some people don't handle rejection well. Some people scream, scream, or cry. But it doesn't mean you have to respond to their collapse. Remember, rejection is tough. You already got the status of the dump truck. If their tantrum escalates, get out of here! Don't wait for the messy aftermath. Try to ignore the other person only when the conversation turns to yelling and screaming, and otherwise remain polite. Be honest and sensitive, try to listen to and respond to the other person's emotions.


  • Finally, ask yourself this question: Would you be happier if you were not together anymore?
  • Don't tell others about it until after it happens. You don't want the rumor to spread.
  • The longer the relationship lasts, the more difficult it will be to break up, so don't put it off for too long, if not at all.
  • Consider the other person's feelings and your own. If you feel like breaking up is better for you, do it. But do it the right way.
  • If you know the other person has done something terrible, don't listen to their lies.
  • Think about why you want to break up with the other person (for example, if you've heard rumors that they are cheating on you).
  • If you love someone, tell them, but if the relationship doesn't seem to be working, ask them if they want to stay friends.
  • Never break up with someone via text message or social media. It's the worst way to hear this. If possible, tell the other person privately.
  • Be kind and don't hold back. In the sense that if you are not satisfied, you tell the other why this is the case and explain things.
  • Some people prefer to break up with someone over the phone because it makes them more sad than during a face-to-face conversation.


  • Carefully weigh your decision to break up without analyzing it indefinitely. Is this really what your heart wants? It may not be possible to reverse your decision once you have made it, and you may burn ships behind you throughout the process.
  • Never lie about the reasons why you break up.
  • Make sure you are safe. If you are afraid of the person you want to break up with, tell someone you trust, such as your parents, co-workers, or close friends. Don't put yourself in a dangerous position.
  • Avoid clichés. If the other has heard them before, it may seem insensitive.
  • Never tell a third party who is not very trustworthy or who is friends with both of you that you intend to end the relationship with your partner. If you want to break it up in style, it's important that your partner hears it first.