Making every girl's heart beat faster

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 22 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024


Have you ever met a really nice girl but felt she was too good for you? It can happen to you too, but luckily there are ways to deal with it. If you want to make a girl's heart beat faster, this article will come in handy no matter who you are or what you look like!

To step

Method 1 of 3: Understand girls

  1. Learn how to behave in front of girls. Before you want to make a specific girl's heart beat faster, it's wise to know how to behave around girls in general. And, the more girls like you in general, the better your chances are of getting the girl's heart that you really like beating faster.
    • There are many myths about things that girls don't like: being a nice guy, being sensitive, etc. Believing in such myths will actually put you behind.
    • Treat a friend (as opposed to someone you are in a relationship with) like one of your friends: be friendly, talk about interests you share, joke, and listen. Add some extra kindness and attention to that and voilà! You're well on your way to becoming that down-to-earth, well-mannered boy she's hoped for.
  2. Be nice. Don't be a rude person. It's good to be nice and sensitive. But don't go too far in this to prevent her from seeing you as her brother. That would deprive yourself of every opportunity, so steer the conversation in a different direction than a brother would.
    • For example, when you say something like, "You look good, Julia," you may be telling the truth, and the girl will undoubtedly enjoy hearing this, but let's face it, this is something her brother could have said too! Instead, say something like, “Wow Julia, you look really hot today. You really love those jeans! ” Do you think her brother would say such a thing? Let's hope not. Don't act like a brother or let her see you as one.
  3. View and appreciate the whole picture. People tend to give what they get and get what they give. If she thinks you value her only because of her character, then it is likely that she also values ​​you because of your character. Not your body, dude.
    • Appreciate everything about her, including her character, her demeanor, and her body. Let her know you think she is attractive, or sexy, or both.
  4. Pay attention to girls who are not often the center of attention. Lots of nice, beautiful girls are often somewhat on the sidelines because they are a bit quieter or shy, or not part of a popular group.
    • The next time you sit next to one of these girls in class, start a conversation with her. The next time you see a girl alone at a party or disco, ask her to dance with you. Even if it is clear that there is no romantic interest, she will not forget, and she will never look at you the same way again.
    • Learning how to interact with girls socially, without going out for more than their company, is a good lesson to learn. The more comfortable you are around girls in general, the more comfortable you will be around someone you really like.

Method 2 of 3: Look good

  1. Change your profile picture. If your current profile picture shows you with a big smile, you should delete it immediately. While research has shown that boys are most attracted to photos of smiling girls, girls feel the least attracted to photos of smiling boys. They prefer photos of boys that appear either proud or grumpy.
    • Studies have also shown that the left side of the face is often considered more attractive. Take a new photo of yourself in which you look confidently to the right, with your gaze slightly down, like Edward Cullen, or a little more arrogant with a look that is slightly up, like Jacob Black. You will see the "thumbs up" and "hearts" pour in.
  2. Don't try too hard. If your photo comes across as pathetic or if they suspect that you are looking for attention, you will be laughed at. Take lots of photos, if necessary, and choose one that still looks natural and like yourself. Have a friend take the pictures if possible. She will know what girls like to see, and may shoot the perfect picture.
  3. Be self-assured. Show that you are comfortable in any situation, even if you secretly would like to run away. This is called self confidence.
    • If you approach girls with the attitude of a desperate bum who is terrified of rejection, they will immediately sense it, and treat you this way too.
    • Don't be too macho. Just try to appear enthusiastic and calm, and if something goes wrong, laugh about it and carry on as if nothing happened.
  4. Learn how to flirt. Flirting takes practice, confidence, and the ability to forget about your own nervousness. You can't flirt if you constantly look at the floor or constantly wipe the sweat from your forehead. Prepare yourself by reading an article about flirting. For instance:
    • How to flirt
    • How can you have a good conversation
    • How can you read body language
    • How to Touch a Girl - Contains helpful information if you want to learn how to break that barrier

Method 3 of 3: Make your move

  1. Ask her to go out with you. Once you've found someone you're really interested in, don't be afraid to take the first step. Most girls will appreciate it when you take the first step in asking them out (even if they don't say yes). Plus, you'll be proud of yourself for having the guts to ask her out (again, even if she doesn't say yes). Learn how to ask a girl out to prepare yourself.
    • There are lots of stories about girls who are never asked out because everyone is convinced that they are already taken or too beautiful.
    • Persevere. If a girl you are interested in says no the first time, just try again later. However, this doesn't mean you have to be clingy or a stalker; it involves smiling, saying, "Okay, I'll just try again next week," and then get back to business as usual. If you normally talk to it during the week, don't stop. Just try not to push the question to go out together.
    • Give her the time and space to think about how nice and confident you were and that the next time you ask her, you may find that she does respond positively.
  2. Meet the expectations you have created. Okay, so you finally won the girl of your dreams. What are you doing now?
    • When you're about to kiss her, get ready (clean teeth, fresh breath, etc.).
    • If you are dating, make sure you know how to be a good boyfriend.
    • If it seems to be going on a serious side between the two of you, make sure you know how to get into a healthy relationship.
    • Making every effort to make a girl's heart beat faster and then cut it off when things get really interesting is enough to make a girl go wild.


  • Make sure she continues to feel special.
  • Be yourself. You can change the way you behave, but changing who you are as a person to please someone else is making a big mistake.
  • Listen, so don't just pay attention to what she's saying, but how she's saying it. You can learn as much about a person from what they don't say as from what they do say.
  • Pay attention to changes. If she's cut or colored her hair, give her a compliment. If she accidentally dyed her hair purple and you compliment her, she might think you're crazy. So be careful what you say.
  • Break the flirtation barrier when you feel more comfortable with her. When you're both ready, you could see if you can touch her. If she is open to this, you could touch her back, lower back, hands and more.
  • Make sure to remember all the important dates and don't forget to buy her something nice.


  • Some girls are very selfish and don't care about anything other than their looks. Don't try to hit on a girl like that unless that's what you're looking for.