Treating herpes

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Herpes (oral & genital) - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology
Video: Herpes (oral & genital) - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology


Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the herpes simplex virus. It is estimated that 250,000 people are infected with the virus every year in the US. Herpes is currently incurable. However, medications make it possible to live with herpes well, and further spread can be prevented with simple precautions.

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Method 1 of 4: Recommended treatment options

  1. Consult a doctor. If you have an STI, you must have yourself examined by a professional. The symptoms of herpes are often very mild, so they are either not recognized or not even there. In other cases, these can be symptoms:
    • Small, painful blisters that last for a few weeks. These blisters are usually on the genitals or buttocks.
    • Red, crusted, or rough skin around the genitals with or without itching.
    • Pain while urinating.
    • Flu-like symptoms such as fever, pain in the neck or back and swollen glands.
  2. If you are found to have herpes, you should talk to your doctor about the best treatment option. Your doctor can advise you on medications and precautions that can help with your symptoms. Since herpes cannot be cured yet, controlling the symptoms is most important.
  3. Know the consequences of the treatment. The treatment has the following consequences:
    • Your blisters will heal faster and better.
    • The outbreaks will be shorter and less severe.
    • The outbreaks will occur less often.
    • The chance of spreading herpes will be minimized.
  4. Take antiviral drugs. These types of medicines help reduce the number of outbreaks, and they also ensure that the virus can copy itself less quickly. Repeated use of these types of drugs also reduces the risk of the disease spreading. Most common medications for fighting this virus are:
    • Zovirax
    • Famvir
    • Valtrex
  5. Make sure you know what treatment options there are. Medicines are prescribed by your doctor. As soon as a doctor detects the virus, medication is prescribed. Subsequently, medication is prescribed again on a regular basis or occasionally, depending on what is needed.
    • If your doctor determines that you have herpes, you will first be given a 7-10 day period during which you will be given antiviral medication. If after 10 days it turns out that this does not work, this treatment is extended by a few days.
    • If you occasionally suffer from herpes, your doctor can give you medication to use when you have an outbreak. If you have a supply of medicines on hand, you can start taking your medicines right after the start of an outbreak so that the duration and severity of the outbreak can be minimized.
    • If you do have herpes more often (more than six times a year) you should talk to your doctor and ask if it is an option to take daily medication. This is also called suppressive treatment. People who suffer from herpes more often and use daily medication have up to 80% fewer outbreaks.

Method 2 of 4: Additional treatments

  1. Soak the affected area in warm water, but leave this area otherwise dry. Doctors recommend weeks as it reduces the discomfort, itching, and pain normally associated with herpes. Other remedies, which are not recommended by doctors, can be used to achieve this effect: Burow or Domeboro solutions and Epsom salt.
    • Clean sores with soap and warm water. Clean sores heal faster.
    • If you don't soak the affected area in warm water, try to keep it dry. If after soaking this part of your body you feel uncomfortable while drying, use a hair dryer instead of a towel.
  2. Wear loose, breathable underwear and clothing. Cotton underwear is necessary. Tight clothing can make your symptoms worse because such clothing is mainly made of synthetic, non-breathable material or cotton.
  3. If your sores feel painful, you should ask a doctor for an anesthetic for the affected areas. Topical treatment is often less effective than systemic treatments, but this type of treatment can sometimes be used to relieve a patient's pain or discomfort.
    • Take some over-the-counter medications such as aspirin, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen to relieve your pain.
  4. Try to buy an ointment with propolis. Propolis is a gluey substance made by bees from the buds and sap of plants and trees. An ointment with 3% propolis can help with herpes lesions.
    • In a study with 30 participants who used propolis ointment 4 times a day for 10 days, it was found that the herpes lesions of 24 of the 30 participants were healed, while this was also the case in 14 of the 30 participants who received a placebo .
  5. Try to find the herb "ordinary brunel" or the herb "Rozites Caperata" (also called gypsy mushroom). Both are used in the fight against herpes with promising results. The common brunel can be mixed in warm water to heal ulcers, while the gypsy mushroom can be eaten to treat ulcers.

Method 3 of 4: Alternative uncontrolled home remedies

  1. Try to get your hands on the natural herb Echinacea. This herb has long been used as a cure for colds and infections and has recently regained popularity. Echinacea must be taken in liquid form (in tea, for example). Many people also use this herb for herpes, although there is no scientific evidence that this method works.
  2. Use sodium hydrogen carbonate to dry out herpes sores. This substance is used in many ways, including in toothpaste, and is used to treat acne, to clean ovens and to mask body odors. The substance can dry out lesions and make them disappear more quickly. The fabric is clean and absorbent, although a doctor will not often recommend using this fabric for these types of purposes.
  3. Use lysine (an amino acid) to prevent the disease from spreading. Lysine is an amino acid that absorbs calcium, forms collagen and produces carnitine. If you have herpes, the substance can stop arginine from multiplying, preventing the disease from spreading. However, medical trials with lysine have yielded varied results, so scientists argue that the substance works better at preventing it from spreading than at stopping it from spreading.
  4. Use a tea bag to control burning. According to some people, the tannin in tea helps prevent further outbreaks.
    • Heat just enough water to hold a tea bag.
    • Cool the tea bag under cold water until it is no longer warm and remove the condensation from the bag.
    • Place the tea bag on the lesions and leave it there for a few minutes.
    • Discard the tea bag and dry the area around the lesions with a clean towel or a hair dryer.
  5. Use aloe vera cream to treat the lesions. Aloe vera helps heal herpes lesions, especially in men. Apply the cream to the skin and then dry the skin thoroughly, this can limit an outbreak.
    • Consider biogenetic homeopathic herpes treatments such as: 2lherp, HRPZ3 and Bio 88. These treatments had a positive effect in 82% of the subjects up to 5 years after treatment, the treatment lasted 6 months.
    • Also consider using deer hay (plant). Ayurvedic doctors say this is a good natural way to treat herpes.
  6. You can also try Monolaurin, which is a blend of glycerol and lauric acid aka coconut oil. This oil has certain antiviral and antibacterial ingredients and can therefore be processed in food / drinks to strengthen the immune system. If you put the oil on your sores, they should disappear pretty quickly.
    • Monolaurin is available in tablet form (as well as in liquid, gelatin and capsule form). Make sure that you do not take supplements that conflict with other medications.
  7. Try to find an herbalist who can tell you more about natural herbal medications for your herpes. Herpes can also cause stomach ulcers that are very painful, the herbs used in Ayurvedic medications have been used for thousands of years to treat the burning and itching of these types of ulcers. Herbs such as: Indian sandalwood, deodar cedar, Java grass, Guduchi, a number of ficus varieties, Indian Sarsaparilla, and licorice root are known for their cooling effect on the skin. These types of herbs, when mixed together, can relieve pain from herpes sores and blisters. Consult an herbalist to find out which of the two possible ways of using herbs is best for you:
    • A decoction. Boil 1 teaspoon of powder (on low flame) with half a liter of water until only 100 ml is left. Use the decoction to wash the affected skin.
    • A mixture. Mix the powder with some milk or water and spread the mixture over the affected skin. You can use this mixture if you suffer from severe pain or a burning sensation.
    • It is recommended to apply the mixture or decoction directly to the skin while it is still damp.

Method 4 of 4: Preventive measures

  1. Outbreaks often occur during stressful periods, and when you are already sick or tired. You must therefore ensure that you are always physically and emotionally in good shape.
  2. Engage in de-stressing activities. If you have the stress in your life under control, you can avoid outbreaks. Try to find a hobby such as: yoga, painting or meditation so that you are always calm and balanced.
    • Exercise regularly. Exercise is a good way to maintain your fitness and get rid of your stress. If you are fit you can avoid many diseases because your immune system is strong, which means that you are less likely to get herpes.
  3. Always use a condom during oral, genital and anal sex. This will protect both yourself and your sex partner (who should always let you know in advance that you have herpes). A condom also protects your skin against damage and possible outbreaks.
    • Make sure you don't have sex during an outbreak. Viral particles are secreted all over the area around your genitals, causing the disease to spread easily. If you are concerned about infecting a sex partner, you should only have sex when you are not having an outbreak, and always use a condom.
  4. Go to bed early and get a good rest. Getting enough sleep is important so that you have enough energy, so you should try to avoid both physical and emotional stress. Try to sleep 7-8 hours each night and avoid activities that require a lot of stamina, such as a marathon.
  5. Avoid activities where you could get an infection or illness. Wash your hands regularly and avoid areas where you know germs are likely to be present, such as a doctor's waiting room or other areas where sick people congregate. Keep your immune system working properly to minimize the risk of contracting herpes.


  • As soon as you know you have herpes you should call / email all your former sex partners and let them know to get tested. Outbreaks typically occur within the first two weeks of exposure and may progress mildly and unnoticed.
  • If you have ulcers, you should go to a hospital to have your blisters treated by professionals.
  • People with herpes can also spread the virus if they have no visible symptoms or sores. It is important to use synthetic protection during sexual contact to prevent the virus from spreading.