Become clairvoyant

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 1 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Develop Clairvoyance | Psychic Abilities
Video: How to Develop Clairvoyance | Psychic Abilities


Mediums can communicate with entities and energies from other dimensions, including the deceased. They are often called upon to help people who have questions about or for a deceased loved one. Mediums sometimes use palmistry, psychometry, reading tarot cards or crystal balls to facilitate communication with the other dimensions. In this article, you can learn what it means to be a medium, how to develop your mediumistic gifts, and how to use your gifts for the benefit of others, be they human beings or spirits.

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Method 1 of 3: Establish your aptitude to become a medium

  1. Know what it means to be a medium. Mediums perceive spirits from other dimensions, using the following gifts:
    • Clairvoyance. Clairvoyant mediums can see ghosts, auras, objects and places that others cannot see. The dead can appear to them in visions or they can sense a place where they have never been. Mediums perceive the visions through their third eye, in the middle and slightly above the eyebrows. Although everyone has a third eye, the average human's third eye is too weakly developed to be used in this way.
    • Clairaudience. Clairaudient mediums can hear messages from “beyond”, physical or psychological. They can communicate with spirits that are thousands of miles away or in another dimension.
    • Clairsentience. Clairsentient mediums get their information through taste, smell or touch. They may feel pain or pleasure from the mind they are communicating with or from a person in the room.
  2. Determine your level of mediumistic gifts. Everyone has a level of mediumistic gifts that help us sense the feelings of others and connect with our spiritual side. The following questions will help you determine the level of your mediumistic gifts:
    • Are you a born medium? Some people already have visions as a small child, they hear messages or strongly feel the presence of spirits. They don't know exactly what they are experiencing until they are older. Natural mediumship is almost non-existent.
    • Are you clairvoyant, clairaudient or clairvoyant? You may be about to develop one of these areas within yourself. You are sensitive and pick up on feelings and communication from others. You have also had experiences that you can label as paranormal.
    • Are you interested in mediumship but have you never had paranormal experiences? It is possible to acquire certain skills through practice and thereby create the opportunity to train your "mediumistic muscles". After some practice, you will be able to open and use your third eye more.
  3. Conduct research into mediumship. One of the best ways to find out if you are a medium is to read reports from other mediums. Determine if you can identify with their stories and experiences. Learn as much as you can about the history and use of mediumistic gifts.
    • Read books written by mediums and watch programs in which they appear so you can see which way they have taken.
    • Talk to a medium about his or her experiences. Paranormal fairs are good places to meet mediums.
    • Keep in mind that not all people who pretend to be a medium actually are.

Method 2 of 3: Develop your mediumistic gifts

  1. Increase your awareness. Mediumship is about being able to open yourself up so that you can communicate with the other side. Try the following methods to raise your awareness and open your third eye:
    • Pay attention to your intuition. Don't dismiss your dreams as nonsense. Acknowledge strange feelings and urgent needs that you feel. Observe the energies you are exposed to during the day.
    • Be in silence, alone, for a while every morning. After you wake up in the morning, before starting your day, give yourself time to let your thoughts and emotions wash over you. Don't try to control what comes to your mind, welcome it and absorb it. Open yourself to the possibility of receiving communication from energies outside of yourself.
    • Try automatic writing. Write down what comes to your mind. Don't judge or try to edit the words. Read them a few hours later. Although the messages you receive from other entities will not always be clear, writing them down will help you find patterns.
  2. Try to communicate actively with ghosts. One way to do this is to find a circle of mediums who meet regularly to receive messages from beyond. In this way you become acquainted with the set-up as necessary for effective communication. Once you feel comfortable with the whole setup you can try it yourself or invite other mediums to do this together.
    • Arrange a room in your house where it is quiet. Dim the lights or turn the lights off completely. Candles help to create a spiritual atmosphere.
    • Say a prayer or sing to get the room ready for communication. Summon ghosts to join your circle.
    • Recognize the presence of the spirit or spirits in your midst. Allow yourself to receive the spirits' communications, be they images, words, smells, or feelings.
    • Ask the mind to identify. When you get an answer, repeat it out loud. Continue to communicate with the mind by asking and receiving questions.
    • Keep in mind that at this stage you are not yet able to control the effect of the communication on yourself. You may be afraid or in pain. Always ask yourself whether the mind or entity you are interacting with is benign or evil. As you develop your skills you will be better able to determine the way in which you communicate with the other side.
  3. You can also choose to follow a course or a workshop in mediumship. Bookstores and spiritual centers often offer this. Check out what's on the internet, go to psychic fairs and meetings to learn more about mediumship, courses and certificates.

Method 3 of 3: Share your mediumistic gifts with others

  1. Offer to make it easier for someone to communicate with their loved one. If you have a friend or family member who is concerned about issues that could not be resolved at the time of their loved one's life, offer to help them.
    • During the séance or trance as a medium, make sure that you do not ask too many questions of the person helping you. A good medium never asks the client for the name of the deceased or other details; otherwise it is not a reliable session. It is up to you to determine the name of the deceased, occupation, date of birth, physical description, how the person died and so on.
    • Remember that giving a psychic consultation is a big responsibility. It can be a very emotional process for everyone involved.
  2. Consider making your profession of mediumship. It is possible to have a very successful career as a medium as long as you believe in your abilities. Create a website where you offer your services. Reserve a room is your house or rent a room for sessions with clients.
    • As a small business owner, make sure that you adhere to the laws and regulations of your country.
    • Talk to other mediums about the ways they run their businesses. Also ask how much they charge for their services.
    • Participate in psychic fairs and gatherings. Make business cards and hand them out at the fairs and meetings.


  • A credible and professional medium does not read thoughts. Keep in mind that mediums too are human and can make mistakes.


  • If you are serious about developing your mediumistic abilities, it is strongly recommended that you find a good teacher or teacher who will guide you in the development of your psychic abilities. These capabilities can be very powerful and must be applied with care.
  • Not all spirits are benign. Keep in mind that ghosts that seem good can also be bad. Good spirits are never binding, patronizing, negative and do not predict the future. They don't scare you but are loving. Spirits are located in the astral world and often want to use (abuse) people on earth because they themselves want to live on the earth. Therefore, be careful, make sure you stay in control and not the mind with whom you communicate.
  • Keep in mind that your communication that you receive may come from your own consciousness (for example, from your higher self) rather than from an entity or mind.