Have a lovely kiss with your boyfriend

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Jason Donovan - Sealed With A Kiss - Official Video
Video: Jason Donovan - Sealed With A Kiss - Official Video


As long as you feel good about yourself, it's easy to kiss your boyfriend and make sure he likes it. Guys do love when their girlfriend takes charge of an exciting kissing party. If you want to know how to drive your boyfriend crazy in just a few minutes, just follow these steps.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Start an exciting kiss

  1. Find a comfortable spot. For real. You really won't get in the right mood standing in the MacDonalds parking lot. Go to a dark basement where only the reverberation of a television lights up your bodies, or look for a secret spot in a park where the thought of getting caught will only put you in the mood. Even in the back of a car is completely fine. Really, just go to a place where you feel like you can kiss wonderfully.
    • You are supposed to be really comfortable feels. No stress, nowhere to go, and ready to be intimate together.
  2. Make sure your lips are soft. If you want your boyfriend to enjoy kissing you even more, soften your lips with lip balm or just lick them. You can do this 15 minutes before you kiss so that he is more aroused and pays more attention to your lips. But don't use too much lip balm or lip gloss because he'll taste it when he kisses you.
    • If you're putting on thick or scented lip glosses, do so at least one or two hours before you want to kiss.
  3. Flirt with him. Let your boyfriend know you're in the mood for it. Be playful and get him closer to you. Tease him by pushing him gently, by squeezing his shoulder gently, by making fun jokes, or just by playing with your hair and making him want you even more. Because you can't suddenly go from being together to kissing - you have to flirt with him a bit to get him in the right mood.
    • Compliment your husband while flirting. Let him know he looks good.
  4. Pull it closer to you. Let him know he doesn't have all the control. He will be impressed that you have taken the initiative, instead of waiting for him to start. This is a great relief for most guys; they like not having to try to control a situation for a while. Grab him, give him a sweet smile, and pull him closer until you look each other deeply in the eye and touch each other's bodies.
    • Maintain eye contact as you pull it closer to you - while in control.
  5. Tease him. Don't give up too easily. Get almost completely absorbed in him and then let him take charge of the last 10% of this attraction game. Then if you wait a second with all the action, he will stop, notice how excited he is, and he will only want you more. Then you wait for him to pull you closer and start with a soft, sweet kiss, without getting too intense. As you start to feel more comfortable, use your tongue a little until you are fully french kissing.
    • Don't put your tongue in his mouth right away. At first, just move the tip of your tongue in his mouth, until you both have your tongues in each other's mouths and spin them gently in each other's mouth, or with one tongue on top of the other.

Method 2 of 2: Make it even more exciting

  1. Explore his body. Once you're actually kissing, run your hands over his body. Touch his shoulders, his chest, his waist, his neck, his arms, and any part of the body above the belt. And hey, as you get more comfortable, there's nothing wrong with holding your hands to his crotch to get him turned on - if you're in a more intimate relationship with each other.
    • The most important thing is to keep paying attention to his body with your hands. You don't have to be in a hurry. Just slowly and calmly explore his body with your hands as you get closer and closer to him.
    • Remember this: If you and your boyfriend have just been kissing and you don't feel comfortable moving on, you don't have to run your hands all over his body or let him touch you all over. Because then he might think you're ready to go even further.
  2. Gently bite or suck on his lips. If you're feeling adventurous and you're intimate enough, you can bite or suck your boyfriend's lips gently. Remember to do it in the beginning very bites gently, then slowly getting harder - nothing spoils the mood more than if your boyfriend has a bleeding lip.
    • Not every guy likes this step, so don't get discouraged if you find that it doesn't work for your boyfriend. But if he likes it, you can count on him very likes.
  3. Whisper in his ear. Words are not easy to overestimate. Whispering in your boyfriend's ear during a kissing session will give him a nice tingling sensation in his ear and neck, and hearing your hot breath in his ear will only make him want you more. Apart from that, whispering is just really sexy - as long as you know what to say.
    • Keep it simple. Say something like, I want you,You kiss so nicely or You're so sexy is sufficient and works well.
    • If he does something that turns you on you could say I like it when you ...
  4. Kiss his neck and earlobe. It's important to do all kinds of things, not just kiss, kiss, kiss the lips. After kissing for a few minutes, move down to your boyfriend's earlobes and neck. Kiss his ears and neck gently, and if he responds positively to it, you can bite it a bit too. If you manage to bite in just enough to make him feel really good, your boyfriend will go nuts when you do that.
    • You can also kiss his neck and lick it a bit, then blow it so that your man shivers with pleasure.
  5. Play with his hair. The head is one of the most sensitive parts of the human body, so don't ignore it. Run your hands through your boyfriend's hair, play with his hair, gently stroke his locks, while kissing or when you're not kissing. Looking him in the eye while playing with his hair also works wonders. Just gently stroke his locks as you run your hands through all of his hair.
    • The bottom line is that you always do something with your hands, instead of holding them on your lap. So if you want to stop exploring his body for a moment, touch his hair or vice versa.
  6. Sit on him. Guys love it very much when you take control and sit on them in the middle of a kiss. Before doing this, make sure that you are already aroused, and that you are touching and sitting in a comfortable place, such as a sofa, or close to a chair, so that you can easily sit on him. without having to interrupt the kissing party.
    • Sit on him while kissing and wrap your arms around his neck.
    • This is not recommended for a first kiss - you really need to get really comfortable with your boyfriend before trying this!
  7. Suck his finger. If you and your boyfriend are really comfortable with each other, don't be afraid to suck his finger while making eye contact: do this for one or two seconds. This allusion is all it takes to get your boyfriend really, really turned on, and to show that you're having a good time and that you feel good enough about yourself to try something new that is a little kinky.
    • Don't overdo this. Once per kissing session is sufficient.
  8. Alternate things. Whatever you're doing, just remember to mix it up every now and then. Don't sit on your boyfriend all the time, kiss his neck, whisper in his ear, or do whatever you like. You need to alternate things: this goes from your posture, to the way you kiss him. You can just kiss him on the lips, you can French kiss, kiss him while gently biting his lips, kiss other parts of his body, or do anything described above as long as you provide enough variety.
    • Don't get stuck in just French kissing without moving your arms or switching positions. That can quickly become boring.
  9. Let him know how much you liked it. Don't be afraid to smile afterwards and show him that you enjoyed the kiss. Kiss him softly on the lips, or afterwards tell him how much you like him so that he feels confident and knows that you really enjoy being with him. You don't have to be shy or pretend you haven't kissed. In fact, it is even cool to recognize it correctly.
    • Smile playfully at him and say, That was fun.


  • See if you can get him to wrap his hands around your waist and see how it continues from there.
  • Some guys really like it when you suddenly get really passionate and grab his shirt, pull him towards you, and start kissing him passionately. However, make sure you don't go too fast and that your noses don't bump into each other, for example. Also, make sure that you have been kissing for a while and that you feel intimate with each other before trying this.
  • Always start slowly, then gradually accelerate.
  • Make sure to talk to each other afterwards so that you don't feel uncomfortable.
  • Guys generally like it when you rub their chest, but give it a try to make sure he likes it.
  • Make sure you get a response afterwards so that you can be sure that he liked it; then you know whether to do it again or not.
  • Do not try to French kiss until you notice that the kiss is going well.
  • Don't get too wild.
  • Lick his cheek; some guys like that.
  • Don't be afraid to say you want to kiss. If he doesn't get your hints right away, just say it!


  • Only kiss when it's comfortable for both of you (people don't want to be forced to do things they don't want to).
  • Don't go too fast.
  • Don't tell him you're going to take charge because that will ruin it.