Make hazel eyes stand out

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
The Truth Behind Hazel Eyes
Video: The Truth Behind Hazel Eyes


Hazelnut eyes are in between gold, brown and green. For this reason, hazel eyes are very sensitive to the environment, and can appear to change color depending on the light, the colors you wear, and the eye makeup you are wearing.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Using makeup to accentuate your eyes

  1. Use colored eyeliner. While many people stick to a simple black eyeliner, if you have hazel eyes, try experimenting with different colors to see what colors make your eyes stand out.
    • For example, if you want to bring out the blue in your eyes, try using a dark purple eyeliner, which will make the blues in your eyes stand out.
    • If you want to bring out the green in your eyes, try using colors like taupe, brown, green, or gold.
    • Brown eyeliner is flattering for hazel eyes too. Choose a warm color, like chestnut, to highlight cool tones, or choose a cool color, like silvery cedar, to bring out the gold in your eyes.
  2. Try a different mascara color. As with eyeliner, you don't just have to use black for mascara if you have hazel eyes. Try other shades too! Some mascaras contain bits of gold, which is a great option for hazel eyes. You can also try lighter browns or even a purple tinted mascara.
  3. Experiment with different colors eye shadow. This can be difficult for those with hazel eyes. Most of the colors that will accentuate your hazel eyes are generally brighter and can look clownish if you're not careful. You can use neutral tones like cream or taupe, or use colors in the purple, blue, green, and gold family.
    • Apply in moderation! If you are using a bright color, apply the eyeshadow to no more than a third of your lid.
    • Avoid using too much blue. A little bit of blue can accentuate your eyes if they are more blue than brown. However, too much blue can overwhelm them, especially if your eyes have a slightly greenish-brown color.

    Choose a lip color that will accentuate your eyes. Eye makeup isn't the only way to bring out the shades in your eyes. By choosing a specific lip color - be it lipstick, lip stain, or lip gloss - you can also help your eyes stand out. While you don't want to overwhelm your eyes with super bright lip color, you can still accentuate them beautifully.

    • For example, try out colors that complement your eyeshadow. In general, fine shades (such as coral, pink, or red) are good but subtle choices.
    • An example of a bad color combination is a very dark berry color on your lips, in combination with one with a green eyeshadow.
  4. Try adding bronzer to your makeup routine. Most bronzers are made to give you a warm, golden glow, and gold works really well for highlighting hazel eyes. However, apply bronzer in moderation as you don't want to give yourself a fake orange color. Simply apply the bronzer lightly to your T-zone. This area includes the skin just above your eyebrows, your nose, the skin under your nose, and the skin under your lips.
  5. Think about your hair color. Hair color plays a big role in making your eyes stand out (or not). If you already dye your hair, or are open to giving it a try, you can try warmer shades like red, reddish brown, or even a more golden shade.
    • If you have a bluer shade in your eyes, you may also be able to work with cooler shades like silver or ash blonde.
    • If you are nervous about dyeing your hair, try using a semi-permanent color that doesn't last as long as permanent color, or you can even try a wig in whatever color you have in mind to see how it will work with your skin and eye color.

Method 2 of 2: Accentuate eye color with clothing and accessories

  1. Avoid clothes that are the same color as your eyes. For people with hazel eyes, this can mean several things. Some people have slightly greenish-bluer eyes, while others have more greenish-brown eyes. In any case, choose a color that is slightly different from the color of your eyes.
    • For example, a forest green sweater can bring out the olive green color of your eyes.
  2. Use glasses to accentuate your eye color. If you wear glasses, you can choose one that will accentuate your eye color. To bring out the green in your eyes, you can choose glasses that come in the purple or red color family, or even dark green glasses. Try out dark purple or plum shades to bring out the golden hues in your eyes.
  3. Choose outfits in neutral colors and purple and green. Choose neutral and dim colors such as cream, gray, sand, and dark pink. Dark purple and green shades also look very nice. Emerald green and dark purple, for example, will accentuate your eyes. In general, it is best when the garment used to highlight your eyes is a shirt (or dress).
  4. Use accessories with colors that will bring out the color of your eyes. There are a wide range of accessories you can use to accentuate your eyes.
    • For example, try a scarf or hat in the purple, green, or gold color family. If you wear earrings you can try the same with that too.
    • Accessories worn closer to your face will play a greater role than accessories worn further away from your face. So if you're trying to accentuate your eyes, it's best to choose earrings, a scarf, or a hat instead of something like a bracelet or your shoes.


  • You don't have to try out every makeup and dress tip at the same time or your look will look too over-the-top. For example, if you choose a bright lip color, keep your eye makeup simple. So if you're going for a dramatic eye look, keep your lip color neutral.
  • Keep your skin tone in mind so you can choose makeup shades and clothes that are flattering on both your eyes and skin.
  • Regardless of eye color, eyes look best when they are clear and healthy. If your eyes are dry, put in some eye drops to help refresh them, and make sure you get enough sleep so your eyes won't be red and puffy! Also, make sure to eat a well-balanced diet as it can affect your eye health as well.


  • Be careful not to overwhelm your hazel eyes. Use a few bright accents in between neutrals to make your eyes sparkle!
  • When trying to accentuate your eyes, don't go too far! For example, don't wear dark purple eyeshadow with a dark purple shirt and a dark purple hat. While this may accentuate your eyes, it will also be very much the same. Instead, try mixing and matching, such as pairing a gold eyeshadow with a purple shirt and a dark brown hat.