Crochet with a shell stitch

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
CROCHET: Shell stitch tutorial | Bella Coco
Video: CROCHET: Shell stitch tutorial | Bella Coco


The shell stitch is a fairly simple stitch that creates an intricate shell motif. You can easily learn this stitch if you have some knowledge of crochet. With the shell stitch you can crochet a scarf, baby blanket, sweater, washcloth and other projects that could use a hint of sea breeze.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Working on the first row

  1. Make a chain of multiples of six plus five stitches. To start your shell stitch foundation, you will need to make a chain. The chain should be a multiple of six stitches, plus five extra stitches.
    • For example, you can make a chain of 18 plus five stitches (so 23 stitches in total). This is a good length for stitch practice. Or, for a wider piece, you could make a 60 plus five chain (65 stitches in total).
    • To make a chain, loop the yarn over your hook twice, then pull the first loop through the second. Then loop the yarn over the hook again and pull it through the loop. Keep doing this until your chain is the required length.
  2. Make a chain and turn your work. Your first row should always start with a spinning chain. This is a small chain that will provide some slack for your new row to start. Always start with a chain of one stitch (a chain stitch).
  3. Repeat the sequence to the end of the row. Continue repeating the skip to the next single crochet, hooking into a double crochet five times, skipping twice, then rounding off with a single crochet. Keep doing this until you only have three stitches left.
  4. Match your yarn and hook. It is important to choose a crochet hook that is suitable for the type of yarn you are using. If you don't, your project may not work out well. Always check the yarn label to see which hook size is recommended for the yarn.
    • When using a pattern it is always a good idea to follow the thread type and hook size recommendations. Otherwise, your final product may not look the way it should.
  5. Use a smooth yarn and avoid fluffy yarns. You can use any type of yarn you want, but the shell stitch works best with a straight, smooth yarn. Fluffy or "special" textured yarns may not result in a distinct shell design. Avoid choosing such yarns and instead opt for a straight, smooth yarn.
    • A thick, chunky yarn works well for this stitch as long as it has a consistent diameter.


  • Crochet hook
  • Yarn