Make hair pomade

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 26 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
DIY Pomade I How To Make Pomade l Make your own Hair Product
Video: DIY Pomade I How To Make Pomade l Make your own Hair Product


Hair pomade is a styling product that is normally made on the basis of wax or oil and gives your hair a smooth and shiny appearance that does not dry out. While there are quite a few expensive pomades on the market, it's easy and quite inexpensive to make your own hair pomade with natural ingredients such as beeswax, coconut oil and shea butter, all great for healthy and strong hair. Make a high-strengthening beeswax hair pomade that works great with styles that require more texture, a moderately-firm shea butter-based hair pomade for your everyday look or a creamy hair pomade that is nourishing and very effective for naturally curly hair.


Strong strengthening beeswax hair pomade

  • 100 ml beeswax
  • 100ml pure coconut oil
  • 20 drops of essential oil

Moderate firming shea butter hair pomade

  • 45 ml shea butter
  • 30 ml jojoba oil
  • 30 ml beeswax flakes
  • 30 ml arrowroot flour (or cornflour)
  • 2.5 ml vitamin E (optional)
  • 10 drops of essential oil

Creamy hair pomade

  • 180 ml unrefined shea butter
  • 15 ml of aloe vera gel
  • 15 ml coconut oil
  • 7.5 ml glycerine
  • 7.5 ml of essential oil

To step

Method 1 of 3: Make a strong firming hair pomade

  1. Prepare a double boiler. To make beeswax hair pomade, you must first melt the beeswax so that it can be easily mixed with the other ingredients. Start with a double boiler with about an inch of water in the bottom part over medium heat on the stove.
    • If you don't have a double boiler, you can improvise one by placing a small pan on the stove, pour in an inch of water, then place a heat-resistant bowl on top of the pan in the water.
    • Use a bowl that is wide enough to sit on the top of the pan, rather than in it.
  2. Place the beeswax in the top part of the double boiler. Place the 100 ml of beeswax in the top part of the double boiler (or in the bowl if you are using an improvised double boiler).
  3. Melt the beeswax in the double boiler. After you place the beeswax in the double boiler, you should see it start to soften and melt. Stir the beeswax with a wooden spoon until it is completely melted.
  4. Add the coconut oil and essential oil. Once the beeswax has completely melted, add 100ml of pure coconut oil and 20 drops of your favorite scented essential oil.
  5. Stir the mixture until everything is completely melted. Use the wooden spoon to keep mixing the hair pomade while it heats up. Stop mixing when all ingredients are completely melted and it forms a homogeneous mixture.
  6. Pour the mixture into a container. Once you have finished preparing the hair pomade, pour it into a small and clean container with a lid, making sure to scrape the sides of the double boiler to get all of the hair pomade out.
  7. Let the hair pomade cool for at least three hours. Once you've poured the hair pomade into the jar, let it cool for at least three hours before using it. Leaving the hair pomade on will set it to the right density to use on your hair.

Method 2 of 3: Make moderately firming hair pomade

  1. Add water to the bottom part of the double boiler. To make this moderately firming hair pomade, you must first place a double boiler on the stove over medium-low heat. Put 2.5 cm of water in the bottom part of the double boiler and place the top part back on the double boiler.
    • If you don't have a double boiler, place a pan on the stove and add 1 inch of water. Then place another pan or heat-resistant bowl on top of the bottom pan.
  2. Place the shea butter and beeswax flakes in the double boiler. Put 45 ml shea butter and 30 ml beeswax flakes in the top part of the double boiler and mix together with a large spoon until completely melted.
  3. In a bowl, combine jojoba oil with arrowroot flour. In a separate bowl, add the jojoba oil, arrowroot flour and vitamin E, if using. Stir everything together until all ingredients are mixed together.
    • Vitamin E stimulates hair growth and strengthens the hair. You can find liquid vitamin E at health food stores and large supermarkets.
    • Arrowroot flour is a thickening agent. It can be purchased in health food stores or large supermarkets. If you have trouble finding arrowroot flour, you can safely replace it with cornflour.
  4. Combine the shea butter and jojoba oil blends. Remove the double boiler from the heat and pour the jojoba oil mixture into the top of the double boiler, along with the shea butter mixture.
  5. Add the essential oil and mix. Add drops of essential oil of your choice and mix all the hair pomade ingredients together with a whisk or hand mixer for two or three minutes, until the hair pomade is thick in texture.
    • The essential oils are actually not necessary, but they do add a nice scent to the hair pomade.
  6. Pour the hair pomade into a container. Once you have the essential oils, spoon out the hair pomade or pour it into a lidded jar or tin, making sure to scrape off the double boiler to get all of the hair pomade out. The hair pomade will be ready to use as soon as it cools down.

Method 3 of 3: Make creamy hair pomade

  1. Add all ingredients together. To make a creamy hair pomade, put the shea butter, aloe vera, coconut oil, glycerin, and the essential oil or oils of your choice in a large bowl.
    • You can choose any essential oil that has your favorite scent.
  2. Mix the ingredients to make a cream. Once you have put all the ingredients in the bowl, mix them together with a large spoon. Keep mixing until all ingredients form a cream.
  3. Put the cream in a jar or tin. After you have finished mixing the ingredients into a cream, put the ingredients in a lidded tin with the help of a spoon. Then use the hair pomade to smooth and style your hair!


  • Add extra beeswax if you want a hair pomade with an even stronger hold.
  • If the hair pomade seems hard, rub it between your fingers to let it melt a bit before applying it to your hair. This could be necessary with the beeswax hair pomade.


  • Au bain-mariepan
  • Whisk
  • Big spoon
  • Come on