Smile with bad teeth

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How does having bad teeth affect me? Jonathan talks about his smile
Video: How does having bad teeth affect me? Jonathan talks about his smile


If you have crooked teeth or are less confident about your smile, it can put a damper on things that are fun - things that would otherwise make you smile. It's hard to smile when you're worried about people staring at your teeth. However, finding your most beautiful smile and practicing it can help. When all else fails, there are things you can do to improve your teeth and make your smile shine more. To learn more about how to show off that great smile you have, see Step 1.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Finding your best smile

  1. Consider how far you want to open your mouth. There are all kinds of smiles - broad grins showing all of your teeth, more subtle ones showing only the top row of teeth, smiles with your mouth almost completely closed showing only a glimpse of white, and a completely closed smile showing no teeth at all. shows. By choosing how wide you open your mouth, you can control how the world sees your teeth.
    • Practice opening your mouth to varying degrees to see which smile is best for you. It's your smile and there are no rules about what it should look like! However, try to at least show some of your teeth during the smile, because it is very difficult to keep your mouth shut when you smile because you are happy about something. Aim to smile in a way that helps you look your best while creating a natural-looking expression of happiness.
    • Keep in mind that a smile is often the first impression we have of other people. Think about meeting someone for the first time: How would you like it if they seemed to keep their mouths shut instead of showing a radiant smile? Better to show off some teeth and make your smile look more natural than to close your mouth and look like you're hiding something. Radiating confidence is more important than radiating perfection, so feel free to open your mouth!
  2. Think about what your eyes are doing. You may have heard that you can smile with your eyes, not just your mouth. If you think of your eyes as part of your smile, it helps to make it automatically look more real and more pleasant. For those concerned about how their teeth look, a smile with eyes can draw attention to the top of the face and away from the mouth. Smiling with your eyes - also called a Duchenne smile, allows you to show a radiant, happy smile without having to grin broadly.
    • Try it in front of the mirror. First, smile without using your eyes. Can you see the effect of a pumpkin lantern? The smile doesn't look happy, it looks ... a bit scary and fake. Now try to smile with your whole face, especially your eyes. This type of smile looks like a real expression of happiness.
    • Practice squinting your eyes a little when you smile to make the top of your face smile. See how it balances your mouth and allows you to close your mouth more and still show a happy smile.
    • A Duchenne smile is very difficult to fake. It happens naturally when you really have a reason to smile. The best way to create one when you are with other people is to really feel happy!
  3. Distract the eyes of others with other aspects of your appearance. Another way to divert attention away from your mouth is to create different points of interest on your face and body. Your hair, accessories, and clothing can all be used to draw attention to some of your best features.
    • Try doing something different with your hair, such as curling your hair or an interesting new haircut.
    • Wear beautiful earrings, a hat or another eye-catching accessory.
    • Wear tight clothes that reflect your unique style. People won't think about your teeth when you're wearing a great dress or leather jacket.
  4. Find your best angle. When posing for photos, it can help to know which angle your face looks best from. By turning your face slightly instead of looking straight into the camera, you create depth and bring out the contours of your smile in a more beautiful way. Look in the mirror or take a few pictures of yourself and find out which position suits your face best.
    • When it comes time to pose for a picture, try turning your best side towards the camera. But don't try to force yourself into a certain position - you will miss the mark!
  5. Practice your smile. Like everything else in life, laughter will get easier with a lot of practice. Before you go out in the morning, try to smile in front of the mirror. Practice smiling with your mouth open, and don't forget to turn on your eyes. The more you do this, the more natural it will feel to smile at people or for pictures.

Method 2 of 3: Change your teeth

  1. Maintain good oral hygiene. You will feel more confident about your smile if your teeth are clean and presentable. Take the time to brush them every morning and evening. Floss your teeth once a day - it makes a big difference. Go to the dentist every six months for a professional cleaning and to reduce plaque and tartar. Proper care of your teeth will show in your smile!
    • If you're about to have your picture taken or meet a new person, brush your teeth right beforehand. You are more likely to show a confident smile.
    • Mouthwash is another great way to refresh your teeth. Bring a small bottle to quickly rinse your mouth if you need a boost of confidence throughout the day.
  2. She turned out a few shades. If the problem is that your teeth are a little yellow or grayish, why not whiten them a little so that you feel more confident? There are dozens of methods of whitening your teeth, from expensive whitening treatments to treatments you can do yourself. To quickly whiten your teeth, here are a few things to try:
    • Whitening strips. These are a bit on the expensive side, but they really work. You can find them in the drugstore.
    • Hydrogen peroxide. This is a quick, inexpensive home remedy that will whiten your teeth a few shades. Simply mix hydrogen peroxide with water and then use it to rinse your teeth.
    • Brush with baking soda. Make a paste with baking soda and water and use it to brush your teeth. It will remove stains in an instant. However, don't do this too often as it can wear away the tooth enamel.
  3. Consider braces. If you hesitate to smile and it really starts to hinder your confidence and happiness, then maybe your teeth can be straightened. Make an appointment with an orthodontist and discuss your options. Braces or a retainer may be required to straighten your teeth.
    • The simplest wire brackets are usually the cheapest, but more striking than more expensive options.
    • Check whether your insurance covers this, or whether it is possible to pay the orthodontist in installments if you cannot pay all at once.
  4. See if a "facing" is right for you. These are porcelain teeth that are put on your real teeth. They can be remarkably realistic and almost impossible to tell apart from the real thing. A small amount of your tooth enamel is removed, a mold is made of your tooth for the facing, so that it fits perfectly over the old tooth. If your teeth are discolored, cracked, broken, or misshapen, this could be a great option for you.
  5. See how far you want to go. If the problem is not so much with individual teeth as with the structure of your jaw, then there are surgical options you can pursue to correct the problem. Schedule an appointment with an oral surgeon to find out what makes the most sense for your situation. It can be expensive, time-consuming and painful to get your teeth corrected, but the drawbacks can outweigh the benefits: teeth that make you happy enough to smile.

Method 3 of 3: Gain confidence

  1. Wear it as a signature style. Is it possible that your smile actually adds something special to the way you look? Anyone can pay to get white teeth, but that would get a little boring. Try to embrace your smile as a unique part of yourself that you are proud of. Do you have a gap between your teeth? Messy teeth? Are your teeth crooked? Instead of being ashamed of it, try to make it a part of yourself. Think Anna Paquin, Jewel Kilcher and Hugh Grant - celebrities who have taken advantage of their adorable quirky smiles, embracing what makes them unique.
  2. Try to forget what you look like. This is not easy to do, but try not to think about what you look like when you smile. If you are concerned about your teeth, it will show in your expression, and your smile will appear unnatural and not have a positive effect. Instead of thinking about what you look like when you smile, focus on why you are smiling.
    • Do you have an appointment with someone? Think about how excited you are to get to know someone who can become a close friend or business colleague.
    • Does someone make you laugh? Enjoy the joke, instead of slamming on the brakes before laughing too much.
  3. Smile cheerfully. Do your best not to let your negative feelings about your smile affect how you express joy. When you smile happily, the positive vibrations of your attitude can completely outweigh your appearance. A half smile or looking seriously too often will actually draw more attention to what you're trying to hide. You can take steps to gain confidence in your smile, such as whitening your teeth and picking out your best angle, but in the end, expressing your uninhibited joy will be the best way to have an infectious smile.


  • Brush your teeth twice a day.
  • Use dental floss daily.
  • You can use whitening strips or have your teeth bleached.
  • Don't eat too much junk food.
  • If you are unsure and want to get braces, but you don't want them to show, you can get Invisalign or lingual braces. They are difficult to see unless you look closely.


  • You must remember that a person's teeth are only a small part of the appearance. If your teeth are horrible, you could still be broken. Just look at James Blunt!
  • Don't let something trivial ruin everything for you, including your smile. You are beautiful no matter what anyone says or thinks. You are who you are and you should always smile no matter what anyone thinks of you!