Wash dyed hair without fading

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 19 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Keep Hair Color from Fading | How To | askpRoy
Video: Keep Hair Color from Fading | How To | askpRoy


After dyeing your hair, you may be concerned that your hair color will fade, especially if you have chosen a bright color or dyed your hair in rainbow colors. Fortunately, you only have to follow a few simple steps to keep your hair a bright, vibrant color for as long as possible.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Using products that are safe for colored hair

  1. Choose a shampoo and conditioner that will protect your colored hair. In this case, using your old shampoo and conditioner will not work. Look for products formulated specifically for colored hair. These products are milder and do not contain harsh chemicals that fade your hair color. If you feel overwhelmed by the many possibilities, ask your hairdresser for a suggestion.
    • Do not use clarifying shampoo as it will quickly wash the hair dye from your hair.
  2. In between washes, use a dry shampoo that protects your colored hair. Since you don't wash your hair as often as you used to, you can use dry shampoo to absorb the grease, give your hair texture and keep your hair looking and smelling fresh. Spray the dry shampoo onto your hair about six inches away, focusing on the roots. Massage your scalp to rub in the dry shampoo, then brush your hair to spread it all over your hair.
  3. Make sure you use hair care products without sulfates and alcohol. When choosing shampoo, conditioner, heat protectants, gel, mousse, hairspray and other products, carefully read the list of ingredients. Sulfates and alcohol remove hair dye and dry out your hair, so don't use products that contain these harsh chemicals. Also, do not use products with salt and soap, as this can also fade your hair color.
    • Look for products with natural oils such as coconut oil and jojoba oil, and mild cleansers such as sodium myreth sulfate and trideceth.
    • Check the ingredients list to make sure the products do not contain sodium lauryl ether sulfate, sodium dodecyl sulfate, and ammonium dodecyl sulfate (often labeled on packaging with the English names sodium laureth sulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate, and ammonium laureth sulfate).
  4. Use a deep conditioner once a week. To keep your hair healthy and shiny, you can treat it regularly with a deep conditioner. Choose a deep conditioner specifically for dyed hair, such as one containing aloe vera, argan oil and panthenol. Apply it in the shower after shampooing your hair, covering your hair from just below the roots to the ends. Leave the conditioner on for 10 minutes, then rinse it out of your hair with cool water.
    • If you wish, you can put on a shower cap so that the heat from your scalp makes the conditioner work better.
  5. Use a heat protectant before using a hair dryer or flat iron. To ensure that your dyed hair stays beautiful, it is important to apply a heat protectant. Find a product that is suitable for your hair type or ask your hairdresser to recommend a product. Always make sure to apply before heat-styling your hair. Let the product dry completely before treating your hair with a curling iron or flat iron.

Method 2 of 3: Wash and care

  1. After dyeing, wait 24 hours to wash your hair. It is important to give your hair time to let the dye absorb through the hair cuticles. After the first wash to soak up the excess hair dye, wait 24-72 hours before washing your hair again. Washing your hair earlier can cause the color to dull and fade.
  2. Wash your hair every other day at most. Washing your hair often will cause the color to fade faster than anything else. Wash your hair only 2-3 times a week and no more than every other day. You can still take a shower, but keep your hair dry under a shower cap or rinse with water briefly to remove the excess grease.
  3. Add a little hair dye to your conditioner. If your hair is a single color, you can keep the color beautiful by adding a little bit of hair dye to your conditioner. Save some of the hair dye from the box, or ask your stylist if you can take a little bit of hair dye home to add to your conditioner. Mix or shake the bottle thoroughly to distribute the hair dye well. Apply the conditioner to your hair with every shower to refresh the color while moisturizing your hair.
  4. Treat your hair with a conditioner after every wash. Choose a conditioner that contains many moisturisers and oils such as obliphica oil, coconut oil and jojoba oil. With each wash, cover all strands of hair from the center to the ends with conditioner. Do not massage the conditioner into your scalp or roots, as this can make your hair greasy.
    • You can even apply conditioner on days when you shower but don't wash your hair to keep your hair strong and smooth.
  5. Rinse your hair with cool water. Hot water opens the hair cuticles and causes the color to wash away. Cold water, on the other hand, closes the hair cuticles and ensures that the color stays in your hair. Always rinse your hair with cool water to maintain color and vibrancy.

Method 3 of 3: Take care of your hair

  1. Gently pat your hair dry with a microfiber towel or T-shirt. Do not rub your hair dry with a regular towel, as this can fade your hair color and weaken your hair. Instead, use a microfiber towel or soft T-shirt to dry your hair. Gently squeeze the excess water from your hair. Don't wring or twirl your hair.
  2. Use as few warm tools as possible to style your hair. Heat is another factor that can cause your hair color to fade quickly. To prevent your hair color from fading, use your hair dryer, curling iron and flat iron as little as possible. Instead, let your hair air dry and opt for hairstyles that don't require heat, such as braids and wavy beach hair. You can also use rollers to create curls or straighten your hair with a mask.
  3. Wear a cap, hat, or scarf to protect your hair from the sun. Sunlight can quickly fade and dull your hair color. If you plan to go outside, put on a wide-brimmed hat or cover your hair with a scarf. Buy hats in different styles or scarves with different colors and patterns so that you always have something at home that matches your outfit and your mood.
    • You can also use a spray that protects your hair from UV rays so that your hair is not damaged by sunlight.
  4. Do not swim in chlorinated water. Chlorine is an aggressive chemical that can remove hair dye from your hair. To maintain a bright, vibrant hair color, do not go to the pool or put on a swim cap to protect your hair. If you'd rather not wear a swimming cap, but would like to swim, but wet your hair with tap water and coat it with a coat of leave-in conditioner before swimming.


  • Wait 6 weeks before getting your hair touched up to avoid breakage.