Winning fights in school

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 22 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024


Has anyone ever been nasty to you at school? Did it ever almost turn into a fight? Have you ever fought in school? Here are the tips you need to come out victorious in a fight at school or any type of fight!

To step

Method 1 of 3: The beginning of the fight

  1. Let your opponent start the fight. Attacking first will only cause you to be blamed. However, there is nothing against you defending yourself, especially if your opponent turns out to be a threat to your safety. Watch for signs of aggression or a possible attack.
  2. Draw attention. If you want to avoid the fight, yell out loud "fire" or anything else that draws attention. You can also go to the nearest teacher or teacher and ask for help. You can also run from a fight. While many people may view running away as cowardly, it is vital when it comes to saving your own life.
  3. Know when to run away. If your opponent refuses to deliver the first blow, you must run away. You will only get in trouble by starting a fight, and you also endanger your own life. A fight with someone can have consequences such as detention, suspension, transfer to another school, or a permanent school ban. This will not do your school record any good, nor your chances of getting admitted to high school or getting a job.

Method 2 of 3: Fight

  1. Stand firm. Keep your feet a little more than a shoulder-width apart. You have to hold your fists above your eyes in front of your face. If your opponent gives you a right (or left) direct hit, keep your hands over your ears and let your elbows protect your face.
  2. Using knees or elbows is very effective when it comes to gaining the upper hand in combat. A kick to the front or back of a knee or calf can defuse your opponent, allowing you to escape. Never aim at the stomach or head.
  3. Push your opponent to the ground as soon as possible. If he falls to the ground, you should take the opportunity and keep him there until he surrenders or is too tired to fight on. Keep it there for as long as you can. Hit him to keep him on the ground if there is no other way.
  4. Block attacks. While this may seem ineffective, it does tire your opponent. This gives you the chance to run or even fight back. Don't hesitate to block strokes often or use this method all the time.
  5. During a fight, you should never yell or jeer at your opponent. As soon as you open your mouth, your opponent has an easy target for dealing a jaw blow. This can result in a knockout or even a broken jaw. Ignore your opponent's taunting words and don't get provoked into giving a jaw blow.
  6. Do not try to pull on your opponent's hair. If you're a girl, pulling your enemy's hair will make you look like a sissy unless your opponent does it first. However, don't shy away from using this method if it gives you an advantage.
  7. Kick your opponent. Although underrated, it is an excellent way to win battles. Use your feet if you get the chance. However, be careful that your opponent cannot grab your leg or foot.
  8. Stay calm when a large group is out to get you. Understand that in this case the point is to escape and not to win the fight. The chance that you will beat a large group without help is small. Avoid showing your opponents that you are angry. During battle, draw energy from your anger and use it against your enemies.
    • When you need help, don't hesitate to call for help. While your reputation as a tough guy may suffer, it's better for your social standing to be damaged than for you to die.
    • Be careful not to get carried away by your pride. You can convince yourself that you can handle a large group in a fight, but it is better to be realistic.
  9. If you or your opponent is turned to the side, you must seize this opportunity with both hands. Hit him on the side of his head. You can also push his head down and maybe even find enough strength and stability to throw him to the ground.
  10. Force your opponent to surrender. Once he hits the ground, keep him there until he surrenders. If you let him get up without surrendering, he can start dealing blows.
  11. Defend yourself when you are on the ground. Block your opponent's blows as best you can. If he delivers weak blows that you can shake off you should try to deal some blows yourself.

Method 3 of 3: What if

  1. Watch out for bigger opponents. Use his own height against him. Attack his pressure points or tick. Try to touch the area between the navel and groin. There is a circular area with pressure points with which you can take out your opponent.
  2. Watch out if your opponent threatens your life or tries to strangle you. Attack him with all your strength. Holds your attacks to elbows, kicking, and hitting pressure points and soft spots. Keep doing this until your opponent is weak enough to allow you to escape. Remember that you have the right to defend yourself in a life-threatening situation. See a teacher / teacher as soon as possible.
  3. Try to escape if you have to fight with more than one person. Run as fast as you can to a place with a lot of people or even the teachers' room or janitor. While you may be tempted to fight for glory with multiple opponents at once, understand that you have to be realistic. One person cannot defeat a large group of enemies without seriously injuring or dying himself.


  • Do what you have to do. No one will defend you if you cannot defend yourself.
  • Stay focused or you will give your opponent the chance to attack you.
  • Don't let people scold or bully you. Take it to the teacher / teacher.
  • Protect your face at all times. Keep your writing hand closest to your face.
  • Keep your fist straight, otherwise you could break your wrist if you hit hard.
  • Never fight in isolation. If you lose the fight, you may have been seriously injured and there is no help around.
  • Techniques don't work without power. If you don't train even a little chances are you will lose.
  • If you've been stung with something, don't take it out. Run away and have a nurse or someone else knowledgeable take it out.
  • Never strike near or under the neck, no matter what you do, as this can cause serious injury or even death.
  • If you think there is a fight coming up you should bring a friend.


  • If the person you fought with is popular and has a lot of friends, you should prepare to fight someone else who will stand up for the person you beat up. You may even have to fight a whole group. Remember, never let yourself be walked over and have a friend who fights with you!
  • If you go too far in battle, you can be charged with serious wrongdoing.
  • Combat will likely make you enemies
  • If the fight takes place at school, you will likely be banned.
  • You will likely be injured or seriously injured in battle.
  • Chances are you will be looked at by everyone if you lose the fight.
  • You will be banned, so prepare for a hearty conversation at home!