Remove molten plastic from an oven

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Cleaning Plastic From the Oven
Video: Cleaning Plastic From the Oven


Plastic crockery and ovens don't mix, but we all make mistakes from time to time.If you accidentally forgot a plastic cutting board or bowl in the oven and then turned it on, it probably left you with a potpourri of melted plastic. Don't worry, you can clean the oven yourself with supplies you probably already have at home. If you have a gas or electric oven, the best method is to let it cool. Reheating works better with electric and self-cleaning ovens. Either way, you'll be able to use your oven again in no time.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Let the plastic cool

  1. Remove the oven rack from the oven and place it in the freezer. You can leave it in there for a few hours to make sure it has cooled down enough. This will make the plastic brittle and easier to scrape off.
    • Alternatively, you can fill a plastic bag with ice to cool the plastic. This works well for the rack, coils and oven floor. Let the ice sit on the affected area for 15 to 30 minutes.

    Scrape off the brittle plastic. Once you remove the rack from the freezer or after you have let it cool thoroughly with ice, you can start scraping off the plastic. Gently scrape the melted plastic with a razor blade or other type of scraper. You may need to apply some pressure to peel it off the metal. Continue scraping until you have completely removed the plastic from the rack, coils, and oven floor.

    • The plastic could be sharp, so make sure to wear gloves and be careful to avoid cuts.

    Wipe the leftover plastic into the trash can. You will be left with plastic scraps and pieces on the oven floor. Gently wipe them out using gloves or a brush.

    • You could optionally place a bowl or pot under the rack while scraping to catch the plastic if it falls.
  2. Clean the oven as usual. Before using the oven again, make sure to wipe it with your usual oven cleaner to make sure all plastic residue has been removed.

Method 2 of 2: Using heat to remove the plastic

  1. Preheat the oven. Make sure to set it to the lowest setting, which is usually no warmer than 90 ° C. Stay close to turn it off before it starts smoking. Plastic fumes are not only unpleasant, but also poisonous. Turn off the oven as soon as you can smell the molten plastic.
    • Use a heat gun or hair dryer to heat the plastic. This is an excellent alternative to using the oven heating element. Immediately heating the plastic with these agents can take longer, but it is easier to avoid burns or overheating.
  2. Scrape off the warm plastic on the rack. Using a wooden spoon to scrape off the now pliable plastic will help prevent scratching the oven surface and racks. When the plastic hardens again while working, close the oven and let it heat up again.
    • To avoid burns while working, wear long sleeves and gloves or oven mitts.
    • If possible, take out all of the rack with oven mitts and scrape it off over the sink.
    • Make sure to cover the drain to prevent the plastic from clogging the pipes and giving you a whole new problem.
    • If you can't take the rack out, consider placing an oven-safe pan under the rack to catch the shavings while you work.
  3. Remove the warm plastic from the heating element. Use the same process described above to scrape the hot plastic from the oven bottom and heating element.
    • To do this, use a scraper that cannot melt when it comes into contact with the hot coils. So don't use plastic or wood for this step. Instead, go for a razor blade or scraper.
  4. Remove the plastic shavings. Before starting this, make sure the oven and heating element are completely cool.
    • Use gloves or a brush to avoid cutting on the potentially sharp plastic.
  5. Wipe the oven. Use your usual oven cleaner to wipe off any leftover residue before using it for cooking.


  • Open the windows when cleaning the oven to avoid inhaling fumes.
  • Never flush plastic down the toilet or down the drain. This ends in the sea!


  • Wear gloves and / or oven mitts to protect yourself from burns or cuts.