Being loved by others

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to love and be loved | Billy Ward | TEDxFoggyBottom
Video: How to love and be loved | Billy Ward | TEDxFoggyBottom


Being loved by others is a very complex task. You need motivation, and you need to love yourself first. Being loved by others can be very easy; you just need to know how!

To step

  1. Always treat others however you want to be treated yourself. This means being nice to everyone. Do you like to be insulted? Of course not! So don't offend others either. When you find yourself in a difficult situation, ask yourself, "How would I feel if someone else did this to me?" before you say or do anything. When you treat others how you want to be treated, they will treat you that way, and they will respect you.
  2. Help others. This means talking to that new shy girl; or hanging out with that lonely person; or help others with their problems. Give helpful advice to others to help them with their homework or other things they need to do. Don't be selfish, and always help those who need it. They will remember that, and as a result they will appreciate and love you for being caring.
  3. Be social. Have conversations with new people. The more people the better. Don't limit yourself by only speaking to the same 3-4 people from your friend group. Get to know new people, or even old acquaintances you haven't spoken to in a long time. Talk to them and be nice to them. You never know what you'll learn about them; maybe you guys have more in common than you think! Besides, if you don't talk to people, they can't love you, can they?
  4. Listen to others. The more people like, trust, and love you, the more they will come to you for help with their problems. Listen to them when this happens. Don't ignore them by saying something like "I don't have time right now" or "I don't really care." Listen patiently to their story, then discuss it with them. Sometimes people just need to vent and come to you to do that. If you can listen to their problems, they will love you even more.
  5. Compliment others. If you've noticed that the girl opposite you got a haircut, compliment her on it! It will make her feel good, and then you will feel good too. Karma will get by, and if you are nice to people they will be nice to you too. When you compliment others, you will most likely receive compliments in return, and people will love you!
  6. Love others! Before you can make others love you, you have to love them first! You can't expect someone you don't care about and don't love to love you. You have to love (or at least care about) every person before they can love you.
  7. Be as positive as you can. Nobody wants to be around someone who is grumpy and mean all day long! Stay positive and release good energy! If you've had a bad day, learn to get rid of those bad feelings, and don't let your emotions affect how you interact with others. Nobody likes a moody person.
  8. Be yourself. Nobody likes a fake person. Don't change yourself to conform to others or try to please everyone. Be fair and not judgmental of others. Embrace who you are and embrace other people around you. Whether you are talking to someone popular or that shy girl; treat everyone the same.
  9. Love yourself first! As said before, you have to love yourself. Write down everything you love about yourself and try the things you do not likes to correct so much. Learn to be confident; this is an important step in making others love you. Embrace who you really are; also your flaws. Nobody is perfect, but as long as you love who you are, you don't have to be perfect!


  • Believe in yourself, be confident, and love yourself for who you really are. If you're not "pretty" and people don't like you, they are irrelevant to your life ... that's just the way it is!