Making your boyfriend love you

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 8 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
8 Habits That Make Your Boyfriend Love You Less
Video: 8 Habits That Make Your Boyfriend Love You Less


While you can't force your boyfriend to love you, you can certainly make an effort to be a great friend and build a strong and healthier relationship with him. The most important thing is to stay true to yourself and let things take their own course. If you are understanding, as well as thoughtful and enthusiastic, you will find that your relationship is reaching new heights in no time.

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Part 1 of 3: Being a great girlfriend

  1. Make sure he feels good about himself. One of the best things you can do for your boyfriend as a girlfriend is to make your boyfriend feel amazing, handsome, smart, and interesting - which is what he really is. While every friend gets annoyed by her boyfriend from time to time, you shouldn't be whining about the things you don't like about him all the time; focus on the positives, compliment him on his strengths, and encourage him to get the best out of himself.
    • If your boyfriend's best sides show up when he's with you, then he wants to be with you even more. If you make him feel bad about himself, it makes sense that he wants to spend less time with you.
  2. Continue to bring romance to your relationship. If you want your relationship to stay fresh and exciting, don't forget that romantic feeling from the early days of your relationship. While you can't be sweet and romantic all the time, you can make the effort to be loving and romantic and show your boyfriend how much he means to you so that you keep the fire of your passion alive. Here are some things you can do:
    • Write sweet notes for him as a surprise to him when you are not at home, stating how much he means to you.
    • Send him a sweet message if he's having a long day.
    • Plan a romantic night out for the two of you at least twice a month, and then make the effort to look gorgeous, then really go for it.
    • When you kiss him, do it passionately and in an exciting way. Avoid making kissing a routine.
    • Give him the love he needs. Even if you have both had a long day, a hug or cuddle with each other can still spark the spark.
  3. Discover new things you can do together. If you want to keep your relationship alive, do some activities together so that you are always excited about something together. This could mean going to a new place every month where you walk, discover a neighborhood of the city where you live, take dance lessons together, or even start a book club for two people. As you discover new things that you can enjoy together, you can deepen the bond between you that will only make you love each other even more.
    • You don't have to overdo your best. Just do something new every few weeks; it is also important to find a daily routine together.
    • Be spontaneous. If you wake up on a Saturday morning and feel like painting your room yellow or taking a day trip to the beach together, just do it.
  4. Get along well with his friends. If you really want to win over your boyfriend, you need to show that you can get along with his friends. Don't let him get boring while you're around, and don't be aloof or rude to his friends if you think you can use your time better. Instead, ask them questions about their lives, be kind when you see them even when your boyfriend isn't around, and make an effort to make them feel comfortable.
    • If his friends like you, they will tell your boyfriend that he is really lucky with you. But if you're aloof with them, they might say a lot less nice things about you.
  5. Make time for yourself. If you want to keep your relationship strong and healthy, and if you want your boyfriend to like you even more, make sure you set aside enough time to do your own thing. For example, writing poems, meeting up with friends, or taking a daily yoga class - it doesn't really matter what you do; it is important that you take the time to develop yourself. If you're a tough girl who has her own life, your boyfriend will only like you more; if he starts to feel like your life revolves around him, he will be less enthusiastic about you.
    • If you live a meaningful life outside of your relationship, then your boyfriend feels like it is a privilege to spend time with you. If he thinks that you have all day to spend with him, then he takes the time together for granted.
    • When you make time to be with your friends, you keep in touch with people who grow you personally, which also gives you a more varied life with multiple spheres of influence.
  6. Help him when you need to - and when he helps you when you need to. If your boyfriend is having a rough week, help him out by doing little things for him, like making coffee or filling up when he really has very little time. If you take the time to make his life a little easier, you show how important you think his happiness is; just make sure he would do the same for you and that he doesn't use you.
    • He may not always admit it when he needs help from you; make sure he can't be too modest. If he's obviously struggling and under a lot of stress, see if you can help ease the situation for him.
  7. Keep your relationship sexy too. If you want your relationship to stay exciting, keep it fresh and fiery in the bedroom. Whether you're having sex or spending a lot of time kissing and hugging, keep the tension going, even if you've been together for a while. Make sure your boyfriend doesn't feel like you're having sex because he just wants it, but because you really feel and want it from within. That said, never feel obligated to do more than you actually want to just because you want to please your boyfriend.
    • Each relationship develops at its own pace, and if you're not ready yet, you shouldn't have sex with your boyfriend. If you are both sexually active, make sure there is enough time for foreplay, love, and cuddling after sex so that you don't take each other for granted.

Part 2 of 3: Being full of understanding

  1. Give him the space to do his own things. If you really want your boyfriend to love you, then you have to be able to respect his boundaries and let him be himself. If you want to be with him every second, and always ask him what he's doing when he's not with you, then you come off very clingy and dependent, and most guys don't like that; instead just enjoy the time you spend together and enjoy it also when you are alone because you know that it is healthy for both of you to develop your own interests as well.
    • Plus, if you and your boyfriend spend a lot of time doing your own things, you appreciate each other more when you're together.
    • If your boyfriend has more time to study, play guitar, or develop his other interests, he will grow as a person. If all goes well, you want him to develop into a healthy, fully grown human, if you really care about him.
    • Don't make him feel like he has to answer to you 24/7 or he'll feel controlled by you. Show him that you trust him enough by letting him train for a marathon for several hours without calling him three times.
  2. Give him space to spend time with his friends. If you want your boyfriend to really appreciate you, understand that he needs time with his friends so that he can live a balanced life. Although he may see his friends less now because you have now come into his life, that is no reason to feel guilty about him every time he wants to be with his friends, or to try not to meet up with his friends. you; show him that you are okay with him being with his friends, and that you want him to have a good time without you too.
    • You don't always have to put him on the spot either. When you are together, invite some of your friends and some of his friends so that group togetherness becomes more and more natural. While it's still important that he can meet up with a friend, meeting up in a group can be a nice compromise.
    • When he's out with his friends, don't keep calling or texting him asking when he's coming home, or he'll feel like you don't trust him, or you don't want him to makes sense without you.
  3. Learn to compromise. If you want to be a friend who is in a loving relationship and who is very understanding of her boyfriend, then you need to realize that you can't always get your way. Compromise with your boyfriend if you can't figure it out, and try to come up with solutions that make both of you comfortable. Sometimes you can admit; as long as he gives you your way every now and then. If your boyfriend thinks you really want to have your way or else you will get mad at him, then he won't like hanging out with you.
    • If you disagree with something, make sure you listen carefully to each other so that you understand whether the problem is really important to your boyfriend or not.
    • Don't swear or get so mad at your boyfriend that he can't say anything back. Take time to calm down before trying to find a solution together.
    • If your boyfriend gets his way now and then - like going to a soccer game instead of one of your friends' parties - do your best to have a good time and don't sulk all the time.
  4. Apologize if you made a mistake. If you want your boyfriend to truly love and respect you, then you need to admit it when you're wrong. Look him in the eye, put your phone away, and let him know how sorry you are. He is not supposed to think that you are saying sorry because you want something from him, or because you feel you have to; show him that you are really concerned about doing something wrong, and that you are determined not to let it happen again.
    • It's far more important to admit that you're human than to try to be perfect because you want your boyfriend to like you. If you don't immediately go on the defensive after making a mistake, your boyfriend will appreciate you a lot more.
    • Don't say, "I'm sorry I got angry but when you ..." for putting the blame on your boyfriend with this kind of talk. Instead, take responsibility for your actions and say, "Sorry I ..."
  5. Try to see things from his perspective. If you want to show understanding for your boyfriend and show how much you really love him, you need to make the effort to put yourself in his place every now and then so that you see the situation from his perspective. Thinking carefully about his thoughts and feelings can help you understand that not everything is as black and white as you may think, and that he may have more reasons to say or do certain things than you are aware of. of you.
    • For example, if he's been a bit distant towards you in the past two weeks, see if there are more things going on in his life that are causing him to act like that. If his grandmother has just passed away, if he's worried about getting a new job, or if he's had a bad cold, he may not be himself; try to understand that not all of his behavior is related to you.
    • If you know he's having a rough week ahead, do your best to help him out with anything and everything, whether it's cooking for him or running errands for him. As long as he would do the same for you when you have a rough week, this is a great way to show him that you are genuinely concerned with the difficult moments in his life.
  6. Do your best to get along with his family. If you want your boyfriend to really love you, show that you care about his family, even if you are very different from his family. Make an effort to be friendly, to talk about the little ones, and to be a polite guest in his family's home. If none of that work out, try to be patient, and do your best instead of talking badly about them to your boyfriend or being rude to them; know that in the end he wants a girlfriend who is a good fit for his life, and if you can't be with his mom for another minute without arguing, then he will start thinking about the relationship he has with you.
    • Of course, if his family is really distant and unkind to you, then you really don't have to show off for them. Do your best to keep your distance in a respectful way, and discuss the situation with your boyfriend as carefully as possible when you talk about it.
    • Ultimately, it's about realizing that your boyfriend has known his family for much longer than he has known you. Don't let him choose between them and you.
  7. Communicate with him in an adult way. One way to show understanding for your boyfriend, and to make sure your boyfriend is really going for you, is if you can communicate well together. This could include telling your boyfriend that you had a bad day, instead of pretending that everything is fine, or asking him why he doesn't feel well when you clearly notice something is going on but that he try not to show it. It can also mean tactfully and respectfully letting him know that something in the relationship is bothering you. If you make it a habit to communicate properly and clearly, you and your boyfriend can have a healthy and loving relationship together.
    • When it comes to a conversation on a serious topic, timing is very important. Don't go 15 minutes before your friend's birthday or before he has a job interview to talk about something that has been bothering you for weeks. While it's hard to sit down and wait for the perfect time, if you want to be taken seriously by your boyfriend, you should do your best to pick the right time.
    • Listening is just as important as talking. If your boyfriend is trying to tell you something, make sure you really listen to what he's saying, instead of waiting for it to be your turn to say or interrupt.

Part 3 of 3: Knowing what not to do

  1. Don't be jealous. If you want your boyfriend to really go for you, then you have to show him that you trust him. If you keep doubting him, asking where he's been, or even comparing yourself to other girls, you're just giving him more reasons to doubt you. On the other hand, if you are satisfied with yourself and you say nice things about other girls, he will only be more fond of you because it will show that you have confidence.
    • Of course, if your boyfriend is actually acting suspicious, then you have the right to be jealous and ask questions. But if you ask him questions every time he talks to a girl, or if you keep interrupting conversations he has with girls, it just gets annoying.
    • Instead of gossiping about other girls or saying they're ugly, tell him what things you like about your friends or a girl you've just met. Be happy with yourself and with your relationship so you don't have to worry about the other girls he might meet.
  2. Don't force it. Unfortunately, even a magic spell cannot make your boyfriend love you. It takes time to start loving each other, and sometimes he will start to feel it, and sometimes he won't. You can be the most perfect girlfriend out there, and you can give him whatever you think he needs, but maybe he just doesn't have that feeling of love in the house for you. That can be heartbreaking, but it's better to be realistic and to know if it doesn't work in the end, than to keep hoping for something that isn't actually there at all.
    • If you get to this stage, it should be because you want to be an even better partner to your boyfriend and because you want to have an even better relationship. But don't try to change yourself because you hope your boyfriend will love you more.
    • If you feel like you've tried everything and that you've been together for a while and that he's not really reciprocating your feelings, ask yourself if you think it's worth moving on with the relationship.
  3. Don't pressure him to get on with you too quickly. If you pressure your boyfriend to move on with you at a rapid pace, you could endanger your relationship. If you put pressure on him to have a serious relationship with you too soon, he may not have time to naturally develop feelings of love for you at his own pace. Give him time to get to know your friends and family, to go away for weekends, to move in with you, and also to say the words "I love you." Although each relationship develops at its own pace, it is better not to expect him to say how much he loves you after a few weeks, or even after a few months, otherwise you will be making too much of a claim on him that would can oppress.
    • In fact, if you put pressure on him to have a serious relationship with you in a short amount of time, and keep asking him why he hasn't introduced you to his friends yet, or why he hasn't invited you to an Easter breakfast, this is possible. have the effect on him that he will actually distance himself from you. Respect the time it takes for him to grow his feelings for you.
    • If you find out that you love him after a few weeks, think carefully about letting him know right away. If you don't think he has these kinds of feelings for you at all, you might scare him if you start saying these kinds of things to him.
  4. Don't force him to do things he doesn't actually want to do. While in a relationship you both give and take, don't let your boyfriend do a thousand things that you think a boyfriend should do, if you know that those things aren't at all on his own. For example, if he really doesn't like outdoor sports, you might ask him to go for a walk in the woods a few times, but then you don't pressure him to go camping with you for two weeks; and if he doesn't like to exercise together, don't pressure him to go to power yoga with you. Respect the fact that there are things he just doesn't want to do, and enjoy the things that you both enjoy.
    • Don't try to pressure him into doing certain things that he doesn't want to do, like painting your friends' house, or make him feel like he has to do things like that to prove how much he loves you.
    • Of course everyone has to do things they don't want to do, otherwise the relationship has no chance of success. Your boyfriend might much rather be with his friends than go shopping with your mom, but sometimes he'll just have to get his teeth together. But if you feel like you're dragging him into doing just about everything together, then you might have a problem.
  5. Don't compare your relationship with others. Every relationship is different, and you won't get anywhere if you compare your relationship with that of your parents, your best friend, or your neighbors. Just because your best friend and her boyfriend moved in together after six months doesn't mean you should do the same; and just because your parents got married when they were twenty-five doesn't mean you have to. If you are too concerned with what you should be in your relationship, you will be less able to enjoy your relationship as it really is.
    • And, your boyfriend will stop loving you if you compare your relationship to another relationship, quite the contrary. He will feel that your expectations are unreasonable and that he is never good enough for you.
    • We can never fully understand the dynamics between two people; so don't think that another relationship has the answers to questions about your own relationship. Of course you can ask for advice from others, but remember that the most important relationship is between your boyfriend and you.
  6. Don't try to change yourself for him. If you feel like you need to become someone else for your boyfriend to love you, stop doing it ASAP. Because in the end, you want your boyfriend to appreciate and love you just the way you are, although of course you can do things to improve your relationship and be a better partner. But you're not supposed to try to be the perfect girlfriend.
    • If you find yourself acting and dressing in a way that actually doesn't suit you at all, it might be a good idea to think carefully about your relationship and your starting point in it. Are you acting differently because your boyfriend really wants to, or because you think he wants to? Ultimately, the most important thing is to stay true to yourself.


  • These are just tips for ways to get him to keep. You cannot force someone to love you.
  • If the relationship just isn't right, then there's really nothing you can do about it.
  • Be careful not to let him take advantage of you, because that could hurt you.