Make sure your teacher thinks positively about you

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 12 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The 5 principles of highly effective teachers: Pierre Pirard at TEDxGhent
Video: The 5 principles of highly effective teachers: Pierre Pirard at TEDxGhent


Do you want a teacher to think positively about it? A teacher who likes you can open the way to better grades. Maybe you just want your teacher not to be too strict? Maybe you want to be a bright moment in their day, without the stigma of being the teacher's darling. Check out some of the tips below to help you with this!

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Method 1 of 3: Become a model student

  1. Impress your teacher by working hard on good grades, especially for subjects you are not very good at. Be positive and helpful and your teacher will notice. Being positive will show your teacher that you respect everyone and are willing to lend a helping hand when needed. If your fellow student doesn't understand something, you could offer to help when the teacher is tired or busy. This will show that you have character as a student and would like to learn and share your knowledge. Teachers appreciate such an attitude.
  2. Understand what your teacher would like to see. Some teachers want their students to be quiet and ask questions only when necessary. Others want you to ask questions openly to show that you find the lesson interesting. Get to know your teacher's preferences by watching their responses to other students. Once you know what they expect, act accordingly.
  3. Maintain one positive attitude. Praise other people's work and even make positive suggestions. By being constructive and understanding, you show that you are compassionate and eager to help others. Most teachers would like to see this.
  4. Avoid becoming the teacher's favorite. Don't try to be helpful all the time. This can cause problems and annoy your classmates. Volunteer occasionally to help or participate in an after-school project, but not every time. This makes it clear that you are interested and have a sense of responsibility, without completely discounting yourself or claiming all the credit.
  5. Be calm in the classroom. Do not get involved in conversations without being asked, because your teacher will find this disturbing. Only speak when you are asked to do so or during a group assignment. Interrupting your teacher will likely embarrass you and anger the teacher.
  6. Be friendly. Take it a step further by checking if you have an informal chat with the teacher before class. If the teacher has mentioned something specific about their family, ask how it goes, especially if it was something tough or difficult. This way, your teacher will feel like you have enough respect for him / her as a person. You can also joke with the teacher from time to time, if they have a good sense of humor.
  7. Be respectful. This means that you do not comment on, insult, or scare the teacher. This can be difficult, especially with teachers who are just plain mean. If you are polite to them, they will know they are rude if they do not respond politely to you in turn. In addition, immediately do what the teacher asks. Simply following directions or instructions can create a lot of goodwill. It's always a good idea to greet a teacher when you see them. Find out when their birthday is and wish them a good day. Respect your teacher. Make sure you are always on time.
  8. Don't talk out of turn. If you talk out of turn, for example while the teacher or another student is still speaking, you will appear rude and disrespectful.
  9. Think before you talk. If you ask a stupid question or bring up something that has already been covered, it will seem like you haven't been paying attention!
  10. Don't interrupt your teacher. When your teacher is explaining something, wait for them to finish their story. If you still don't understand, then you can ask your question. If you wait, there is a good chance that your teacher will answer your question without you having to ask it. Teachers usually find it uncomfortable to be interrupted when explaining something because it is a sign of disrespect and the lesson is ending.
  11. Participate. Just like being mindful in class, you need to be involved. Teachers appreciate students who nod when they understand something. If you don't understand a concept, ask questions and the teacher will usually be happy to answer them. When a teacher asks questions in class, try to answer the questions to which you know the answer. This shows that you can learn and remember information, which is something that teachers want to see. When asked a question, give an answer that is more than just "yes" or "no".
    • A deep silence when questions become questions makes the teacher feel that no one is paying attention or listening attentively. Speak up in class without worrying about what your classmates will think. The teachers will respect your participation and attention. It also indicates that you are making an effort to learn the curriculum.
    • If there are things you don't understand yet, ask for further explanation. If you disagree with something the teacher has said, express your opinion as diplomatically as possible, but always politely. If they defend their position, accept it and move on.

Method 2 of 3: Be responsible for yourself

  1. Prepare for class. Always make sure you have done the specified homework. Respect your teacher, your classmates and the rules of the school. This attitude helps you to be prepared for anything.
  2. Pay attention during class. Don't talk to your friends during class. Do not send text messages and check the clock constantly. Otherwise you clearly indicate that you find it uninteresting what the teacher says. Be respectful and appear motivated, even if the topic is dry or boring. There is nothing that annoys a teacher more than a student who ignores him or her. If possible, look at the teacher and smile (not overly) when he / she looks at you. Don't laugh or giggle. Only laugh at your teacher's "jokes".
  3. Make notes. Take notes: when, where, what, who. Do not repeatedly ask the teacher for basic knowledge. For example, don't ask your teacher which chapter you should read again. You should always be able to take notes during class and listen carefully. Show that you think it is important and you want to learn.
  4. Talk to your teachers as you would any other human. Get to know them better and ask them interested questions. Be interested by asking if the teacher had a fun weekend. Comment positively on their appearance, or just talk to them to bond with them. They are also ordinary people like everyone else. Keep in mind that some teachers do not like to talk about their private life. So you will have to take into account their response to friendly conversations.
  5. Submit your work on time. If you don't, you may have to do everything again and you will fall behind the rest of your class.
  6. Be honest. If you haven't done the homework, don't pretend. Do extra work to make up for missed assignments and get more points. Be honest about it and apologize. Most, if not all, of teachers would rather you be honest.
  7. Don't forget to bring your homework to school. Make sure you have a system so you don't forget anything. For example, while you are doing your homework, keep a binder and bag next to you so that you can store everything neatly when you're done.

Method 3 of 3: Show interest and creativity

  1. Be creative. Do more than the minimum of what is expected of you for a project.Try to have fun with the assignments, adding some of your personality if possible!
  2. Find a common interest. Maybe both of you like a particular sports team, or maybe both of you are obsessed with animated movies. This can be something to talk about when you finish work earlier and your teacher is not too busy. If they can relate to your interests, they may also understand you better.
    • On a special day for the teacher (for example, their birthday), bring something that the teacher is interested in. You show that you are attentive, but be extremely careful with such things!
  3. Work ahead. If you can, turn in your homework earlier than requested. You indicate that you think the profession is important. This reduces the chance that you will forget your homework on the day you have to turn it in.
  4. Do research outside the field. This does not mean that you should write an essay about everything. It just means that you take what you have learned a step further. Ask your teacher a question that is not related to the specific topic you are learning, but is related to the subject. This can be especially useful if the question is a contemplative or one that you have been dealing with for some time.
    • It could also mean that you have learned about something you are learning, but the teacher has not yet mentioned, or that you have found a new perspective on. Teachers like it when you show this, because you indicate that you think the subject is so important that you want to do more.
  5. Do extra assignments for more points. This will help improve your grade and make the teacher feel even more positive about you. Do two or three extra assignments, especially for subjects where you can use the extra points. Do not choose the toughest tasks that you may not understand. At the same time, it's not wise to choose assignments that are so ridiculously easy that the teacher thinks you're just trying to boost your grade.


  • Make sure your homework always looks neat.
  • Be nice.
  • Do not engage in inappropriate language near the teacher or during class.
  • Never talk to teachers in a derogatory way about another teacher.
  • Be kind to your classmates so that your teacher can see that you are a nice person.
  • Show that you have good manners.
  • There is no method that works for every teacher. You will have to adjust your methods.
  • Always smile at teachers and do your best to help.
  • Pay attention to a teacher's lesson.
  • Stay on top of the trade.


  • Don't overdo it with "amicable conversations". The teacher may start to question your motives and the other students will probably think that you are trying to get a white foot.
  • If you know what your teacher hates, don't or talk about it.
  • Don't ask if you missed something when you missed a class. Of course you missed something! To imply that you didn't miss anything by not attending class is insulting. Find someone's notes and get back up to date.