Keep your dog from getting bored

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Combat Your Dog’s Boredom | Teacher’s Pet With Victoria Stilwell
Video: How to Combat Your Dog’s Boredom | Teacher’s Pet With Victoria Stilwell


Boredom is one of the most common causes of behavioral problems in dogs. Dogs have an innate desire to lead an active life, and for thousands of years, dogs have been bred in ways that fulfilled this natural desire for an active life (for example, working in partnership with humans on hunting and farm life). Today, as the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) points out, the most common job description of domestic dogs is that of a couch-sitter. This article will outline some of the ways you can help your dog lead an active life and avoid the unpleasant and sometimes destructive behaviors that can result from boredom in dogs.

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Method 1 of 3: Do things together

  1. Spend time with your dog. When you're not working or otherwise busy, engage in activities with your dog to keep her from getting bored. These activities can range from playing games to outdoor training. Spending time with your dog is a great way to keep yourself fit while giving your dog the active lifestyle she's naturally accustomed to. EXPERT TIP

    Go for a run or walk together. Take the dog out for a run or a walk at least once a day. This will keep you both fit and give your dog the physical activity she craves to explore the outside world at the same time. The ASPCA encourages you to vary in routes and visit new places "so that your dog can experience new scents and environments".

  2. Travel with your dog. Traveling with your dog is also a great opportunity to spend time together and keep your dog from getting bored. Depending on the amount of time you have, this can be as short as a car ride (which dogs love) to the supermarket, or even an extended vacation.
    • Before taking your dog on vacation, take her to the vet for the necessary vaccinations. Keep her vaccination record with you and remember that you need a health certificate for air travel.
    • Buy a crate for your dog. Benches keep a dog safe when traveling by car, and are required for air travel.
    • Make sure your dog has good identification in case she gets lost on vacation.
    • When traveling by car, make sure your dog stays safe and healthy. This means that you should avoid motion sickness by having her travel on an empty stomach. In addition, keep your dog safe by not letting her drive her head out of the car window. Schedule regular rest breaks and don't leave your dog unattended in a closed vehicle, especially in the summer when the temperature inside a closed vehicle can get extremely high.
    • Ask the airline, shipping company, railways or bus service about their rules regarding the transport of dogs, as they do not all allow it and each has their own rules for this type of travel.
  3. Play games with your dog. Playing games together will keep both your dog and you active, and therefore healthy. It also has a positive effect on your relationship with your dog.
  4. Have a tug of war. Have a tug of war with your dog. This game is useful because it "provides an outlet for your dog's natural needs to grab and pull things with her mouth". A helpful guide from the ASPCA on how to teach your dog to play this game is available here.
  5. Play fetch. Play fetch with your dog. This game is good if you don't want to exhaust yourself too much, while at the same time you want to give your dog a good exercise. A helpful guide on how to teach your dog to fetch is available here.
  6. Play hide and seek. Play hide and seek with your dog. This game will train your dog's brain as it will encourage her to look for you. This game also gives your dog a chance to train her sense of smell. A helpful guide from the ASPCA on how to teach your dog to play hide and seek is available here.
  7. Play Search. Play search with your dog. This game is very similar to hide and seek except that in this game your dog will look for things that you have hidden from her for this game. Hide treats from your dog in a variety of places (behind furniture legs, for example) and tell your dog to find these hidden treats. This game also encourages your dog to use her powerful sense of smell. The ASPCA indicates that giving your dog the opportunity to use her sense of smell "can really exhaust her!"
  8. Play tag. Play tag with your dog by tying one of her favorite toys to a rope and letting her chase that toy while you jump it in the air or pull it over the ground. You can also purchase toys from the pet store that are specially designed for playing tag with your dog.

Method 2 of 3: Encourage active time for oneself

  1. Provide your dog with healthy activities that she can do on her own. One of the best ways to keep your dog from being destructive or otherwise bad behaviors when she is alone is to give her appropriate tasks to do while you are away. This will ensure that your dog is fulfilling her natural desire to stay active while doing healthy, non-destructive activities at the same time.
  2. Buy food puzzle toys. A good way to create an environment where your dog can hunt for her food is to use food puzzle games. These are containers that contain food and treats but do not provide easy access for your dog. Working for her food in this way will fulfill her innate desire to hunt for food, mimicking an environment like those wild dogs experience when hunting for food.
    • Food puzzle toys require your dog to work for food in ways that are healthy for your dog because of the skills (e.g. claws, nibbles, rolling) required to get to the food. In addition, these toys also have a calming effect on your dog by encouraging her to chew and lick.
    • Give your dog time to learn to play with food puzzle games. Gradually increase the amount of effort required to get the food out of her food puzzle toys. If your dog is used to getting food in a food bowl, it will take her time to learn to enjoy playing with food puzzle toys. Be patient with her as she learns this skill and don't force her to overdo it too quickly.
    • For detailed instructions on how to fill a particular brand of food puzzle toy, such as a KONG food puzzle, visit this website.
  3. Hide the food from your dog to simulate a hunting environment. Let your dog hunt around the house for her meals by hiding treats and food puzzle toys in and around the house. The ASPCA tips to "hide one of your dog's meals just before you leave her home alone, and then she will have fun looking for her nibbles while you are away". You can vary this activity by doing the same in your yard so that your dog can hunt for her food both indoors and outdoors. Most dogs love the game of looking for kibble in the grass.
  4. Allow for chewing time. All dogs have an innate need to chew. The ASPCA has found that chewing helps dogs keep their jaws strong and their teeth clean, and that both wild and domestic dogs spend hours chewing. Giving your dog time to chew on appropriate items will not only help her keep a healthy jaw and clean teeth, but will also prevent her from chewing on things around the house that you don't want her to chew on.

Method 3 of 3: Encourage activities with other dogs

  1. Create opportunities where your dog can play with other dogs. Dogs, like humans, are social creatures who love to spend time with their own kind. Allow your dog to play with other dogs by creating opportunities for such social interaction.
  2. Get an animal as company for your dog. An animal companion for your dog (for example, a trained dog) can provide many benefits, including increased exercise and physical activities, alleviating loneliness, and providing affection and companionship to your dog.
  3. Arrange activities with friends and family members who have dogs. A great way to create opportunities for your dog to play with other dogs is to make play dates with friends or family members who have dogs. By doing so, you give your dog a chance to socialize with other dogs and catch up with friends and family at the same time.
  4. Take your dog to a park or daycare. You can also take your dog to a dog park or a daycare center to give her a chance to socialize with other dogs. You may not have the time or the financial means to take her to a daycare center every day, but try doing it a few times a week if possible. For more information about dog parks and dog crèches, visit this website. Make sure she has had her vaccinations before going to these kinds of social gatherings.


  • If you're struggling to incorporate the above activities into your busy schedule, consider taking your dog to a daycare center at least a few times a week.
  • Visit your dog from work at lunchtime, if you live near work.
  • Hire a dog walking service to take your dog for a walk, or ask friends or family if your dog can spend some time with them during the day if you work yourself.