Making sure you regain your wife's love

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Thirty Seconds To Mars - Do Or Die
Video: Thirty Seconds To Mars - Do Or Die


If you've been married for an average to extended period of time, you may need to rekindle the fire of love in your wife. During the dating phase, couples are very sensitive to feelings of love and the different methods it takes to achieve that love. Once married, however, there are many factors that slowly shift attention to other responsibilities, such as work, housekeeping, and taking care of the children. Love comes in many forms, so it's important to find out which ones are important to your wife to make her fall in love with you again.

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Method 1 of 3: Spark romance

  1. Compliment her. Make your wife feel good by complimenting or praising her. Think about the compliments you gave her when you first started dating. Give her those same compliments and how they will only make you love her more.
    • Start the day by complimenting your wife. At the beginning of the day, let her know how beautiful she is and how happy you are with her.
    • Be persistent. If she refuses or trivializes your compliment because she doesn't think you are genuine, stick with it. Tell her again, look into her eyes, and give her a hug to let her know you're serious.
    • An indirect way to compliment your wife is to stop ogling other women. An innocent look has never hurt anyone, but if you stare or comment on it, it will hurt your wife's feelings. Stay focused on your wife; she will appreciate it.
    • Brag about her to other people. When she hears it she will adore you. Or someone will eventually tell her what you said, and she will certainly appreciate it.
  2. Treat her. This does not mean that you have to buy expensive jewelry, clothing or a handbag for her. On the contrary, something thoughtful like an unexpected back massage, a hot bath with rose petals, or flowers you get from you at work will make all the difference.
    • Buy her a cozy robe that she can wrap in after a hot bath or shower.
    • Give her some time to relax and do whatever she wants to do around the house.
    • Cook her favorite dinner. All she has to do is be there and sit down at the table. You do the rest.
    • Buy some plush slippers to wear at home.
    • Prepare a picnic all by yourself, and choose a scenic location.
    • A nice soap and shampoo are always a success. Give her some nice things for the bath and prepare a warm bath for her with rose petals. Have her cozy bathrobe and plush slippers ready when she steps out.
    • Of course, chocolate almost always works.
  3. Write a love letter. Women love to receive original love letters from their loved one and in today's world a love letter is very rare. Sending text messages, tweets, or emails saying "I'm thinking about you" is fun, but putting your feelings on paper and putting them in an envelope with her name on it is a special thing. She will certainly consider this a very thoughtful gift.
    • Write down your most romantic thoughts and memories on beautiful stationery. Make it smell nice by spraying a small amount of her favorite fragrance or your aftershave. Be romantic and write a letter for every week of the year.
    • Make sure you don't just copy anything from the internet. Make sure your letter is original and genuine by expressing your appreciation and clearly describing your feelings when you write down your thoughts. This will make your letter more personal.
    • Try poetry. Even if you've never written a poem before, she will certainly appreciate your effort.
  4. Schedule a romantic date. This does not mean the typical, and perhaps boring, dinner and a movie. Instead, try something new, inspiring, or adventurous that can be a lasting and romantic memory for life.
    • Try something spontaneous and adventurous like arriving at the airport with no luggage or destination and simply buying tickets to a destination you've never been to before.
    • Do something inspiring, such as participating in a new activity together. Go pottery making, ice skating or a sensual massage course.
    • Find something original, such as a hot air balloon ride, horseback riding, or wall climbing.
  5. Relive good memories together. The nice thing about a long marriage is that you have a lot of good memories together. Don't let those memories gather dust in a photo album or musings - relive them together. Treat your wife like she's your girlfriend all over again.
    • Go on a journey together after you first met. Kiss her and congratulate her like you did when you tried to hit on her. Visit the restaurant where you had your first date or go to the cinema where you watched your first movie together.
    • Sit down and watch the wedding video again. Tell her how beautiful she was on that special day and how beautiful she still is to this day.
  6. Focus on the quality of intimacy. People often focus on how many times a week they have to have sex or are so busy with work, children, and other responsibilities that sex becomes more of an act than an intimate get-together. Try taking one day a week to slow things down and get deeply intimate with your wife by spending time together in the bedroom. Show her that making love to her is still important to you.
    • There is not the "right number of times" that you should have sex as a couple. If you're trying to get your wife to love you again, focus on quality rather than quantity. Focus on any special actions that might tell your wife you want to "love her" instead of just focusing on "sex."
    • While it's nice to burn candles after a warm bath, with soft music in the background, for a romantic encounter, quality doesn't necessarily mean it's romantic too. Good sex should be intimate and something that shows that you really love your wife.
  7. Keep yourself clean. Take care of yourself and watch your health. Your wife will be proud by your side if you are proud of your appearance. She'll likely appreciate it if you stay in good shape. Shower every day, wear clean clothes and brush your teeth and hair.
    • This also means cleaning up behind mess that you have created. Put worn-out clothes in the laundry basket and clean the sink when you have finished shaving.
    • Think about your manners. Living with someone for a longer period of time provides comfort and safety that you should not take lightly. Think about your manners when your body plays, such as, "Excuse me" when air or gas is escaping.

Method 2 of 3: Help in the household

  1. Help with the household. In a relationship where your wife mainly takes care of the household, you should also take time to help with this. The extra time you save for her in this way gives her the opportunity to do something that she enjoys doing. She will appreciate your effort to take an active role in keeping the home clean and tidy.
    • Doing household chores can also involve taking care of the children. Brushing teeth, going to the toilet, combing and getting dressed, and eating breakfast are all time-consuming processes. If you can take over these responsibilities from your wife or help her a few days a week, she will appreciate both the time you saved her and your interest in the children.
    • If grooming, feeding, and walking the dog is usually not your responsibility, just do this once in a while and take care of the dog or other pets from time to time. It will make both your wife and the dog happy.
    • Do the dishes a few nights a week and even better, polish the silverware. Do the same with the laundry, doing and ironing the laundry so that she doesn't have to.
  2. Show appreciation for her work. Let your wife know how much you appreciate all the work she does in and around the house. Doing household chores is often not that enjoyable, especially with children who are everywhere and nowhere, where you also have to do the shopping, and often have another job. If you haven't taken on any of these responsibilities, let your wife know how impressed you are with her ability to multitask.
    • Recognizing that your wife is working hard is important, as there are little or no rewards, salary increases, or promotions for the tasks she does in the household. She deserves to be appreciated for keeping the family going.
    • Acknowledge your wife's contributions by telling her that she is why you call this a "home" and not a "home". This will help her see that you appreciate how she uses her heart, love and skill to make this your home.
  3. Notice the little things. Small things can start big things. Notice when your wife has a new hairstyle, wears new jewelry, or changes a standard meal with new ingredients. She'll be glad you care enough to notice when she's doing something else.
    • Other little things you can do is hold your wife's hand when you're out for a walk or put your arm around her when you're sitting in front of the television together. These little "messages of love" let her know that you still care about her and that you are glad she is your wife.
    • Don't forget to say "Thank you!" Don't forget that she is still a woman or a human being just because you are married. Thank her for showing that you appreciate all of her hard work.

Method 3 of 3: Feeling good together

  1. Listen to her. Communication is absolutely essential for a long and good marriage. Listening is one of the most important tools for understanding your wife's ideas, decisions and interests. Listen actively the next time she wants to talk about her favorite things, and really listen to her; she will appreciate it. Plus, listening will show her that you take her words seriously and don't take her for granted.
    • Make eye contact during a normal conversation, give her your undivided attention, and respond to what she says.
    • Listening shows her that you are trying to understand her on a deeper level. Do you remember when you first dated her and how interested you were in everything she had to say? Try to rekindle that feeling and get excited about her again. Feel for what she has to say.
    • Show that you are really focused on her through body language and verbal affirmations, such as leaning forward when she speaks, maintaining eye contact and nodding, holding her hand and saying something like "Yes" or "Yes" and asking questions when she pauses.
  2. Show her your loyalty. Loyalty is comparable to trust in that it is the foundation of a happy and lasting marriage. A betrayal of either will make them nearly impossible to regain. Be true to your wife, emotionally and physically; she needs both.
    • Being loyal is important to prove that you will be there for your wife both emotionally and physically when she needs you. When a crisis arises, she knows you'll be there to support her with kind words and helpful actions.
    • Loyalty means keeping your promises. Don't do anything that will discredit your words or disappoint your wife.
    • Respect your wife's weaknesses and discreetly compensate for those weaknesses, as she likely compensates for yours. Loyalty is not holding her accountable or getting angry with her for those weaknesses.
    • Only say nice things about your wife to others. It's okay to share frustrations with a trusted friend, but never shame your wife. A faithful husband does not slander his wife behind her back.
  3. Identify your mutual goals. Establishing long-term goals is an important part of planning for a long-term relationship. As long as you and your wife consistently work together towards achieving goals, there's a good chance you two will be together for a long time. Do you want to move to a bigger house, or build an extension to your current home? Do you want a holiday to an exotic place? Sometimes these goals fade into the background during busy periods. Meet with your wife to reinvigorate the goals you want to achieve, in both the short and long term.
    • Think about your goals separately and write them down. As soon as everyone is ready you go through the goals and ideas together. Are there goals the same or similar? Make it your "common goals".
    • Redefining goals with your wife will establish the direction you take in the years to come. This makes it clear to her that you care about the success of the relationship and shows that you intend to stay with her for a long time to come.
    • When you share serious long-term goals with your wife, it gives her a sense of maturity and security. Something that will deepen her love for you.
    • Celebrate the success. As you achieve your goals over time, you should also celebrate them. This is something the two of you have accomplished together, and a milestone should be rewarded and celebrated.
  4. Offer her a sense of security. Security can mean many things: physical, financial and emotional security. This doesn't mean you have to build muscle in the gym to protect your wife in the pub; rather, it means affirming your love for her by supporting her and being there when she needs you.
    • Be interested and invest time in your wife and children. This will give your wife more assurance about your relationship, and it takes good family cooperation in everything you do.
    • Make your wife feel safe by being assertive. Communicating assertively with your wife will make both of you feel more satisfied and fulfilled by improving your emotional honesty, expressing your feelings clearly, seeking your wife's advice, and telling her what you are doing in a non-threatening way. Need.
  5. Be morally strong. Show your wife that you will be there in good times and bad. Being a pillar of strength is vital in securing a long future with your wife. Protect her and do not accept others saying disparaging things about her. Instead, make her feel protected and safe.
    • When your wife is going through a difficult time at work or at home, show understanding. Give her a big hug, tell her you love her, and let her know everything will be okay. Taking the time to do this will make her love for you grow faster.
    • Be nice to others too. Women like their husbands to be generous, patient, and understanding. When you do this for other people it will generate a warm place in her heart for you.
  6. Give her space. Everyone needs space, and that includes your wife. She has likely taken on the dual role of running the household while also having a full-time job. Give her some space by going out all day with the kids and giving her the freedom to do whatever she wants, even if it's at home on the couch watching TV all day.
    • Encourage your wife to have a "ladies night out" with her friends, to relax and have fun without the worries of everyday life.
    • Encourage her to take up a hobby that allows her to focus on something other than just her family.
  7. Seek love and happiness through therapy. Whether you have serious problems to resolve or just need a third person to talk to about your day-to-day married life - couples counseling or marriage counseling is a great way to identify and resolve any kind of conflict in a relationship. Therapy is a great way to communicate with your wife and show her that you take even the smallest of topics seriously.
    • Therapy is a proactive step to strengthen the bond and gain a better understanding of your spouse overall, not just when your relationship is in crisis.
    • Therapy can train you to develop skills necessary for strengthening a marriage, such as open communication, problem-solving techniques, and the ability to discuss disagreements.
    • By attending therapy sessions together, you can better analyze both the good and bad things about your relationship and identify the sources of the conflict.