Getting a couple to break up

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How to Get Over The End of a Relationship | Antonio Pascual-Leone | TEDxUniversityofWindsor
Video: How to Get Over The End of a Relationship | Antonio Pascual-Leone | TEDxUniversityofWindsor


While it can be a dangerous effort to break up a couple, in some cases it may be worth it. If you feel like you really belong to someone who is already in a relationship, for example. To separate a couple, you have to be careful. First you start sowing doubt, then you ensure that the break becomes inevitable. If you want to know how, follow the steps below. These actions can often be quite wrong ethically unless you are doing them to benefit the good of another.

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Part 1 of 3: Sowing doubt

  1. Don't tell anyone about your plans. While you may think there is nothing wrong with breaking up a couple so that you and the person in question will be happier, the world may think differently. So don't say anything to anyone for now. Not only may your goal reach the ears of one or both members of the couple, but other people may want to try to thwart your plans.
    • If this is your goal, be absolutely sure that you are doing the right thing. If the breakup is caused by an outside force (like you), and not a natural problem in their relationship, the couple may still harbor feelings for each other. This can eventually cause their feelings for each other to grow even stronger.
  2. Become the confidant of the person you want to be with. If you want to end the relationship of the man or woman of your dreams, you have to get in between the couple bit by bit. To do this, make sure that your desired person trusts you and starts opening up to you. Be understanding, reasonable, and sympathetic; show that you are a good listener. In the beginning, that person may not want to tell you about their relationship yet, but that time will come.
    • A word of caution: there is a difference between a counselor and someone who ends up in the Friend Zone. Make sure you don't act too much as a friend-friend. Otherwise, he / she will never be able to view you as a potential partner.
  3. Let the person speak up about the flaws in his / her relationship. The worst thing you can do is to criticize their relationship, lose their partner, or make the person feel like their relationship is doomed. This makes them angry, defensive, or more determined than ever to fix the relationship. Nobody likes to admit failure, especially when it comes to relationships. You have to wait until he / she admits that there is a problem.
    • You can start this by having the person talk about their relationship. Ask innocent questions. For example, ask her if she still remembers what band was playing when her boyfriend didn't show up. Or ask her if she liked the concert.
    • Or ask questions about how they spent their evening. If he seems upset, ask him, "How was your weekend?" and wait for him to reveal the rest.
    • Ask how he / she felt at the time. Leave room by asking general questions that encourage him / her to keep talking. Soon you will see the cracks in his / her relationship.
    • You could also be trying to end a relationship that is actually not that bad at all. In that case, it becomes difficult for the person in the relationship to say negative things about it. But if you have become the counselor, chances are that his / her relationship is not in the very best shape.
  4. Play devil's advocate. Once the person begins to reveal flaws in the relationship, or to complain about the problems with their partner, it is not wise to agree wholeheartedly. Also, don't say that he / she actually deserves better. The person you are trying to win over will become aware of your hidden motives. Instead, be a little withdrawn or confused. Force the other person to talk longer, let him / her explain why he / she is really unhappy - and why his or her partner isn't perfect.
    • If he / she needs to further explain the problem or frustration and you make sure he / she keeps talking, then the problems will stand out all the more.
    • Keep the person talking when something negative comes up. Submit questions to him / her so that he / she will explore the thoughts further.
    • If you don't criticize his / her relationship, it will be a lot better in the long run. If you later become a couple, no one can say that you sabotaged the previous relationship.

Part 2 of 3: Making the breakup inevitable

  1. Be the one that the person you like is looking for. Without completely discarding your personality, you can try to become the person he / she is looking for in a relationship. If she keeps complaining that her boyfriend never asks her about her feelings, you will. If he keeps saying that his girlfriend doesn't share any of his interests, go for a walk; or go to that vegan restaurant he keeps talking about.
    • This is not as manipulative as it sounds. If you want to be with that person for a valid reason, then you want to be the best possible partner for him / her
    • Don't make it a big deal. If he keeps complaining that his girlfriend never does anything for him, bring him lunch or coffee when he has a busy workday.
    • Don't overdo it. By doing these things and being a good friend, you will naturally settle into the boyfriend-girlfriend role. But don't do anything extreme. Don't buy her flowers or tell her she looks beautiful.
  2. Increase your presence. This does not mean that you have to dance to his / her pipes whenever it suits him / her. It just means that you gradually meet up with him / her ... and then a whole lot more. Offer to give her a ride to school, go out for a sandwich, or play a harmless game of tennis. Make sure you become part of his / her daily routine. Just be careful not to develop an obsession. Don't let your love interests make the decisions for you.
    • Do not be to helpful. He / she should also see that you have a life of your own - in addition to trying to end the relationship.
    • Being more present will show the person what it would be like to start a relationship with you. This should give him / her a good and more secure feeling about you.
  3. Take advantage of the couple's weaknesses. Every couple has certain weaknesses. Let's just say they are the type to argue when there are big, alcoholic events. Perfect: invite them to your party. Or if your desired boyfriend's wife spends too much money, tell her there's a new gadget on the market that she absolutely needs. If you like a guy who in turn thinks his girlfriend is too concerned with her appearance; then take her shopping.
    • Once you figure out what's wrong with the couple - which can be many things - you can try to make those things much worse. Turn that tiny crack into a life-size hole, so big that they can't help but fall into it.
    • If someone in the relationship wants to get married and the other isn't very sympathetic, find ways to broach the topic of "marriage." Talk about your parents' anniversary, invite them to an engagement party, or send them a bridal catalog through the mail.
  4. Try to separate the members of the couple from each other. Nothing can make the couple lose interest in each other faster than having a good time without each other. Invite the girlfriend of your eye to a girls' night. Better yet, introduce her to a guy she might be a better fit. Do everything in your power to make sure the two are as far away from each other as possible. And make sure they have fun in the time they are apart.
    • Don't be too conspicuous. Just think of some activities that separate them for a moment.
  5. Try to convince his / her friends. If you really feel that the person of your desires is in a terrible relationship and that he / she should be better off with you, chances are his / her friends would agree. In that case, you should behave nicely towards his / her friends. Make them think you're a nice person. This can lead to his / her friends asking him / her why he still hangs out with that loser. Or why he / she doesn't go with [your name]?
    • When you hang out with the friends of your love object, try not to hold on to him / her too much. Don't let his / her friends think that you are only fun to pick up on their friend; rather make them feel like you are a perfect match for their friend.
  6. Don't be needy. There is a big difference between becoming a better friend and being available, and acting like you always want to hang out with the person you like, despite their relationship. Don't try to hang out with them when they're dating, when they're celebrating special occasions, or when you know the couple is spending time together. This will give the impression that you are needy and clingy - no one wants that.
    • You can make yourself available without calling or texting every five minutes. Set your trap and wait for him / she to approach you.
  7. Make the person jealous. Nothing will make him / her realize what he is missing faster than seeing you walking with another girl / boy by your side. This does not mean that you should use someone to make him / her jealous; just spend a little more time with a friend of the opposite (or the same) sex, or go on a few innocent dates and report them. You will be amazed at how quickly you are seen in a different light. The situation will also turn desperate very quickly. It is good to remind your potential loved one that you will not always be available.
    • This will make the person think, "Oh no! My good friend can be conquered too ... or wait, why should I give in? Does this mean I have feelings for him / her?"
  8. Position yourself correctly during the break. Unless it's abundantly clear that the person in question ended their relationship for you, don't take care of the leftovers right away by starting dating right away. Instead, act like a good friend, a sympathetic listener, and offer a shoulder to cry on. The person whose / whose relationship has just ended will no doubt feel a little sad: that is a logical consequence of a breakup, even if it was doomed.
    • Tell him / her that you are always there for him / her if he / she wants to talk, and that you cannot imagine what he / she is going through.
    • Still, don't lose the other person. If you call his / her ex a jerk or bitch (or worse) right after the breakup, you can cause him / her to get angry.
    • Know what you can do to cheer them up. Give him / her a stupid teddy bear, or take him / her to a cabaret show. Just don't be too romantic just yet.

Part 3 of 3: Making sure the new relationship lasts

  1. Don't jump right in. While you may have waited months (or even longer!) For the relationship to begin, that doesn't mean you'll have to move all your belongings, start dating, or present the girl / boy of your dreams to your parents. set. Better give it some more time. Even if you decided to start dating right away, you better wait to spend whole days together. Meet up a few times a week, give him / her time to recover. .
    • The best thing you can do is give him / her time to recover. Don't start dating until he / she is really ready. But if the feelings are genuine, then this is easier said than done.
  2. Initially try to avoid talking about the ex. Although you and your new boyfriend carefully dissected the previous relationship before, now is not the time to do that again. You also don't have to pretend that the ex never existed, but try not to talk about it that often. Do not ask him / her about his ex. Wait until he / she has fully recovered - this can take months, even years.
    • However, if your new friend wants to talk about the previous relationship, you shouldn't cut him / her off either. But you can say that in order to focus on the new relationship as best you can, you think to leave the past alone until you have built a somewhat stronger foundation.
  3. Enjoy your new relationship on its own terms. Don't hang on to the past too much or worry too much about being the perfect person for your new partner. Just be yourself. If you belong together, you will no doubt find a routine that will put you both on the path of happiness. Never compare yourself to the ex, don't try to be the opposite of the ex, or try to be someone other than you actually are.
    • Okay, you've used some devious tactics to establish your new relationship. But if you want to make sure that you last, then you should only think about the two of you and nothing else.
    • Even if your friendship was close before, you will have to keep looking for new things that define you as a couple. Make sure that you make your own history, and do not persist in another history.
  4. Don't be suspicious of the past. If you do, the relationship will not last. You may be in a difficult position right now. If your new partner broke up with his / her ex because of you, why not do this trick again. Why couldn't he find someone who suits him / her even better than you? Well, no one can promise you that. But try to maintain your sanity and make sure you have a great relationship. Tell yourself that the previous breakup was irresistible, and that you really belong with your partner. It won't happen again.
    • If you're always wondering what the ex is doing, or if you act jealous when your partner spends time with people of the opposite sex, then your relationship is doomed.
    • If your relationship is really meant to be, then after a while you will stop worrying about the ex or the previous relationship. But this can take months, even years. But if you're made for each other, it pays to bury the past.


  • It is important that you will not be seen as the dividing factor. When people see you as such, you will be hated and distrusted.
  • If a relationship is already showing cracks, it will also break without your help. So you don't have to do anything about it.
  • If you want to go out with one of them, give him / her some time after the breakup. Give him / her time to recover. Chances are, if they just broke up, they know it was because of you.
  • If you are friends with the couple who are trying to break up, you will be forced into a secret relationship.
  • You should associate with one of them (never the other). Make sure to always come in when they are on a call. Never let them talk to each other alone. Always text one of them so they can't talk to each other.


  • It is extremely difficult to break up a couple who have just got together and are still in the honeymoon period.
  • When you take the final step, make sure no one finds out that you are doing this. Be careful not to get caught in the last step.
  • Don't get involved in arguments between two lovers.
  • This can be seen as ethically wrong.
  • Hopefully you're not that stupid and selfish enough to try some of this nonsense.