Decide if a Siamese cat is right for you

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 22 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Decide if a Siamese Cat Is Right for You - Considering Siamese Cat Ownership
Video: How to Decide if a Siamese Cat Is Right for You - Considering Siamese Cat Ownership


The Siamese cat is a rare and unique breed that has survived for more than 10 centuries. In Thailand they were sacred and used as temple guards. Many people dream of owning a Siamese cat because of their enchanting eyes, striking looks and elegance. They are also a very intelligent breed that don't like to be ignored and have a reputation for being both very articulate and demanding. Before you decide that you want a Siamese, take the time to learn more about the breed and consider whether this is the right kind of pet for you.

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Part 1 of 3: Considering owning a Siamese cat

  1. Learn about the positive traits of Siamese cats. There are many good reasons for getting a Siamese cat. Learn about all the wonderful things this breed has to offer as you consider whether or not a Siamese is right for you.
    • Siamese cats are known to be very affectionate cats. They love to sit on your lap and will even climb into bed with you at night.
    • Siamese cats are very beautiful. They come in many different color variations and they have beautiful blue eyes. The most common colors are seal, chocolate, blue and lilac point.
    • They do not require much maintenance. Their hair is very short and although they do shed it is not as noticeable as some breeds.
    • They are energetic and love to play.
    • They are often good with children. They may even be more tolerant of young people than they are of adults. Of course, you should always supervise young children with pets to ensure the safety of both the child and the pet.
  2. Consider a Siamese if you would like a dog but can't have one. If you would like to have a dog but cannot walk with it, or if you are not allowed to have one where you live, you may want to consider a Siamese. They share many of the same traits of a dog and some Siamese cats can even be taught how to retrieve.
    • Make sure you are allowed to keep a cat where you live. If you're renting, check with the landlord to be sure.
  3. Be aware of the health problems associated with Siamese cats. Most purebred animals are at increased risk for certain health problems due to the selective breeding required to form the breed. The Siamese cat is no different. Some of the conditions that Siamese cats are prone to include:
    • Premature kidney disease. Various problems affect the kidneys, causing the cat to grow old prematurely. This condition can cause increased thirst, poor appetite, weight loss, vomiting, bad breath, bad coat, and premature death. In some cases the deterioration can be slowed with special food and medication, but regular visits to the vet will be necessary.
    • Weakness in the immune system. This condition predisposes the cat to the feline leukemia infection. If you have a leukemia carrier cat, it is not a good idea to get a Siamese.
    • Megaesophagus. The esophagus is the muscular tube that connects the mouth to the stomach. If the cat develops megaesophagus, the tube will become large and saggy, slowing down the travel food makes to the stomach. This condition leads to outbreaks of food, inadequate calorie intake and malnutrition.
    • Convulsions of the eyes. Siamese cats can also have a twist in the nerve supply to the eyes, meaning their eyes are constantly moving back and forth, as if following a never-ending train passing by.

Part 2 of 3: Learning about the breed

  1. Understand that Siamese cats are different from other cat breeds. While many cats are peaceful, easygoing, and like to sleep a lot, a Siamese is not such a cat. In some ways, having a Siamese is much more like having a dog. Siamese cats are strong-willed and intelligent. If the Siamese sets their sights on something to do, they will, regardless of obstacles or consequences.
  2. Expect difficulty training your Siamese cat. Due to their intelligence and stubbornness, Siamese cats are very difficult to train. For example, a Siamese can ignore unpleasant experiences such as being sprayed with water, making it difficult to dissuade them from bad behavior.
  3. Be aware that Siamese cats are extremely articulate. A normal cat can meow and purr at times, but the Siamese cat howls and screams. A Siamese cat can cry and scream for hours if it wants something. The Siamese cat's howling is loud and quite annoying, which is what makes it so hard to ignore.
    • Think about whether a noisy cat would irritate or comfort you.

    Keep in mind that Siamese cats crave companionship. If you want a cat because you are away a lot, getting a Siamese cat may not be your best bet. Siamese cats need attention and they will screech or destroy the house if they don't get it. These cats need attention and they demand it. If they don't get enough attention, they resort to destructive behavior to take their mind off being alone.

    • You will need to bring your Siamese cat to a boarding house or hire a live-in pet sitter when you are away for more than a day, as your Siamese will not be able to accept human absences for an extended period of time.
  4. Decide if you can make your home safe enough for a new cat or kitten. If you plan on getting a Siamese kitten, you will need to make your home kitten proof. However, even if you plan on getting an adult Siamese, you will need to make sure your home is safe from the cat. Siamese cats are very intelligent and curious. They can get tangled with your electrical wiring or climb up your shelves.
    • Secure loose wires, place a screen around the fireplace, put child-resistant locks on all your closet doors, and keep fires out of reach.

Part 3 of 3: Finding a Siamese cat

  1. Adopt a Siamese from an animal shelter or a Siamese rescue group. Keep in mind that shelter Siamese may not have a pedigree even if they look like Siamese cats. The only way to know for sure if a cat is Siamese is to read the cat's pedigree, which most shelter cats don't have. However, a cat from a shelter can be great company.
    • Relocation groups may have papers of their Siamese cats, depending on how the cats were obtained.
  2. Buy a Siamese from a responsible breeder. If you want to make sure you get a Siamese cat, don't get a Siamese cat from a hobby breeder or pet store. Do your research first. Responsible breeders will be happy to provide references and tell you which cat associations they belong to. They will also provide registration papers and a statement of health.
    • Cat shows are great places to meet responsible breeders.
  3. Ask your vet for recommendations. If you don't know any breeders in your area and you can't find a Siamese in a shelter, consider asking your local vet for recommendations on how to find a Siamese cat. Your vet may be able to refer you to a reputable breeder or a Siamese rehoming group in your area.


  • Owning a pet costs money. Don't bring a pet unless you can afford his food, vet fees, and other basic supplies.
  • Getting a pet is a long-term commitment. Do not take any type of pet unless you are willing and able to take care of them throughout their life. In cats this can be 10-20 years!