Getting a girl to like you in high school

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
【Manga】A Nerd Walks to School 30km Every Day, And Punk Girl Who Loves Muscles Fall in Love with Him
Video: 【Manga】A Nerd Walks to School 30km Every Day, And Punk Girl Who Loves Muscles Fall in Love with Him


Do you have a hard time getting a girl in high school? Well, here's a great way to attract that special girl, whether she's popular or shy, a true athlete or a bookworm. With a little effort, you'll make an impression on her like no other guy has ever done.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Figuring out what your image is

  1. Be yourself! If you pretend to be someone else, she won't like it. If you want to pique her interest, you should do it by showing her a deeper layer of yourself that intrigues her. Don't imitate other schoolmates or follow trends. Be confident about who you are, and your confidence will reward you. Girls like guys who are unique and confident, guys who go their own way.
    • Don't act like you are desperate. Girls love attention, but hate guys who are needy and desperate. Many girls find it scary to ask guys out. So show that you like her, but don't overdo it. Try to keep her from becoming the sole object of your thoughts. You don't want to show too clearly that you like her.
    • Don't brag. A lot of guys think this is a good way, but it's not the right approach. The problem with boasting is that girls might start to think you're arrogant or self-centered. Of course, it's okay to do things you are good at, but don't do it to get her attention.
    • Be relaxed. Don't stress about insignificant things. Don't get upset about whether she'll like your shirt. Be cool and be nice to her. Girls like guys who just act normal and just go with the flow. If you're struggling to keep your cool around her, try to think of her as a friend and not a romantic interest. Don't be uncomfortable. Don't say things like "Hey baby" and things like that.
  2. Pay attention to your appearance. Maybe you think she likes a certain type of guy, like the college-like characters or the rockers. And while she may have a preference, try not to "become" such a boy. You better choose to take good care of yourself, look presentable, and treat your body with proper care. If you've got these things done, she doesn't even care what you look like. Your radiance draws her towards you; your personality makes her stay.
    • Wash your body, face, and hair regularly. Shower every day, cleanse your face twice a day, and wash your hair every other day. If you're developing blemishes, see a dermatologist. Pay close attention to how your hair looks, even if you're going for a messier look.
    • Do not overwhelm her with an eau de cologne or body spray. Commercials are misleading: girls want you to be odorless, not to smell like ripe peach or licorice. Don't worry about cologne or body spray. If you wash yourself regularly, a simple deodorant is usually sufficient.
    • If you aren't already, get in shape. If you need to lose a few pounds, get started. Look for a form of sport that suits you. Swimming, running, and cycling are all good options. Even walking for 15 minutes a day is a good way to start. But whatever you do, don't overdo it. She doesn't exactly want to date The Incredible Hulk.
    • Start eating healthy. Instead of fatty burgers and sweets, it is better to add healthy amounts of vegetables, fruits and proteins to your diet. Not only will this make you feel better, it will also make you look better.
  3. Be a nice guy. In the real world, girls don't like the cocky player you see in movies and on television. And when they do, they soon find out there is no serious relationship with guys like that. A worthwhile girl wants a nice guy who respects her. Be nice, polite, and tender. These things help a relationship grow and make girls want to hang out with you more.
    • Be a gentleman. Don't be too gushy or make fun of her body. Show her that you are a fun, respectful guy with manners and class. Open the door for her and others. Provide advice and guidance to those who need it. Do not speak ill of others, only say things that you would say to them in their face.
    • Stand up for her. If she's in an awkward position - in an argument, or in a discussion - be there for her to break up the argument and offer her support. Stand up for her if someone says something bad about her. Do this with others you care about as well.
    • Be generous. Don't think the world revolves around you. Don't be shy about helping others. That you are someone who cares to make a difference will spread like wildfire. Consider volunteering, donating blood, or running for a good cause.
  4. Improve the little things you can improve. The great thing about love is that it makes you want to become a better person. Not only for her, but also for yourself. Being in love gives you a lot of motivation to address some of your mistakes or flaws so that they become less visible or better.
    • If you have a fiery temper, try to cool it down a bit. Girls don't like guys who can explode suddenly and kick a lot of drama without warning. Pay attention to what hates you and try to avoid these situations. As hard as it is, try to do the opposite of what you normally would when you get frustrated.
    • Work on your conversation skills. If you plan to impress her, you should have multiple conversations with her. Try to come up with good conversation topics, good questions and interesting / funny stories. Try to calm your nerves when you are around her.
    • Learn a skill that no one in your class has and perform it when you are around her. Just don't show it off. Pretend you're showing it to your friends. Good ideas include magic tricks, juggling or being able to play a musical instrument. It doesn't really matter what it is. Whatever you choose, your personality will shine through.
    • Pick up a different hobby or interest. The world is fascinating, and there is a lot to learn. To distract yourself a bit, you can engage in extracurricular activities such as poker, prehistory, or engineering. If she finds out how much you know about your hobby, she will be impressed by you.

Part 2 of 3: Getting close with her

  1. Don't suddenly ask her if she likes you. You need to have a little momentum when you ask her out. So make sure you have that first. It's just like car racing. You have to warm up your engine a little before you can start. It is the same with girls: pay attention to the signals, build a good relationship, and only then ask her out.
    • Pay attention. If she's already taken, or you have a girlfriend, then you shouldn't try to hook up with her. If you ask a friend of hers if she is single, that friend will immediately walk up to tell her. This is how rumors are brought into the world. You don't want to cause unnecessary drama. Keep it to yourself. At least for now.
    • Watch her body language. Notice if she looks at you more in class or talks to you more than usual. These signs indicate that she may already like you. If so, hooray! If she keeps fiddling with her hair, or looks a little shy at her feet, that's a good sign. Here are some other signs that she likes you:

      • When she giggles or laughs at what you say, even if it wasn't even that funny.
      • If you keep making eye contact with you when you're talking.
      • If she tickles or touches you when she talks to you.
      • If she asks you for favors, like holding her backpack between classes.
  2. Make friends with her. Think of her as a friend who likes to stomach you; this makes it easier to talk to her and less uncomfortable. Moreover, this gives you the opportunity to get to know her. Girls must be able to trust a boy. If you become friends with her, you will gain that trust. Be there for her when she needs you, and don't expect anything in return.
    • Spend time with her. Ask her to help you with a problem. Sitting next to her will make it easier to get her attention. Ask her for help, make constant eye contact. Maybe you can compliment her, but not before she helped you. If she helped you with a tricky math problem, you can say something like "Wow, you're sharp, say!" or "Thanks, you are really good at this!"
    • Help her if she needs your help. If she asks you for something, it usually indicates that she is interested in you.
    • Keep your attention on her face. Girls hate it when guys get a little perverse (paying too much attention to her body; you can of course take a quick look at what she's wearing). Look her in the eye when she's talking. Don't stare at her too much or look at her a little strangely. Treat her with respect, as you would with a friend.
    • Do things in groups. In the beginning, you can try to involve her in group activities. That way you can really get to know each other. Go out with the boys and ask her if she and her friends want to come along. Go to the movies, the beach, or a soccer game together.
  3. Get to know her friends. Be careful in this. Don't be super nice to all of her friends. Of course you don't want her to think you have it for one of them. Also, don't tell her you know someone else sees you. This can really upset her. But of course you can do your best to get along with her friends and introduce them to your friends. This is a great way to get the two of you closer.
    • Trust is the keyword here too. If her friends like you, chances are she'll take a little more risk. After all, she trusts her friends. If her friends don't know about you, she's unlikely to take more risks. She cannot ask them for a second opinion.
    • Get to know other girls. If you can't make friends with her friends, or if they don't like you for some reason, try making friends with other girls. Don't flirt too much or be too suggestive. Just befriend them. This will show her that there are girls who can get along with you.
  4. Start flirting with her gently. A little bit goes a long way. Don't rush. Just perform your actions a little more purposefully. Don't start flirting until you've built some kind of friendship. If you haven't done this yet, flirting can be very tricky.
    • Make her laugh. Most girls like guys with a sense of humor — no slapstick, and no false laughter. It's always good if you can make her laugh. Don't be afraid to laugh or laugh at yourself. A good sense of humor is essential!
    • Compliment her on her hairstyle, clothes, or smile. Again, don't make it too obvious that you like her. Girls generally like to receive compliments. If she's already flirted with you, you can compliment her in return. For example, say something like "Wow, you have really beautiful eyes," "You have beautiful hair," or "Did you go to a hairdresser?"

      • Keep the compliments suitable for all ages. Don't compliment her on her feminine features, such as her breasts or buttocks. Keep it respectful and stylish. Stick to her hair, clothes, eyes or smile.
    • Try to figure out what makes her feel special. If a girl is concerned about her appearance, compliment her appearance. If she draws a lot, make her feel like a good draftsman. Adjust what you say to how she sees herself. If you reinforce the way she empowers herself, then you're on the right track.
  5. Gently knock down the touch barrier. When you're talking, it's okay to touch her lightly in a safe place for a moment. That way you can emphasize a certain point you are trying to make. It's okay to touch her lightly on her hand, shoulder, or back. If she likes you, this will give her goosebumps.
    • Touch her "accidentally" on her shoulder, arm, or hand when you're looking at something together, or when you're walking down the hall. Look at her with a smile. If she likes you, if you make eye contact, she'll smile and look away.
  6. Don't bother her or bore her. You're trying to impress her, and this can be tricky at times. Especially if you try to appreciate her personal space, but also want to get closer to her. You may think you're doing a good job, but if she sees you as annoying and troublesome, then you're not right.
    • Don't ask her the same question twice. "Your favorite color is green, right?" usually does not go down well. Girls are not stupid, they have a memory. Try to avoid short conversations with short answers. Don't ask her questions like "Do you ... like?", But rather choose "how" and "why" questions. These are better for having longer conversations. Start a conversation if you think she would be interested. Don't interrupt her when she's talking.
    • Stay a little secretive. Girls like a little mystique in a boy. They are obsessed with the strong, quiet type, especially when it looks good. If he isn't, then he will likely need a good sense of humor or intelligence to please her. Regardless of what type you are, don't be an open book. Don't tell her everything you do. Don't always be available. People are drawn to things they don't fully understand.

Part 3 of 3: Taking the next step

  1. Watch the signs. If she starts wearing nicer clothes, or suddenly puts on perfume, or starts talking to you more, she will definitely like you. Tell her she looks good. Compliment her on her appearance. Girls try to look attractive, and for good reason. Rewarding her efforts with compliments, extra attention, or even a date can help.
  2. Ask her out. The time has come for the next step in your relationship. You're pretty sure she likes you, and you want to take the next step. Find a fun, relatively secluded place to ask her out (away from friends and distractions). Make sure nothing about your appearance can distract her. Remember to be confident. Also remember, the girl expects you to take the initiative and ask her out.
    • You don't necessarily have to call it "a date". If you ask her, try to be cool about that. If she asks if you ask her on a date, you can say "yes". But if you really call it by name, you can put it off unnecessarily. Here are some great ways to ask her out:
      • "Hey, remember that movie we talked about last? I have two tickets, would you like to come on Friday?"
      • "Hey, I know the fair is pretty boring. But a friend of mine has a booth, so I think I'll stop by anyway. Would you like to come along?"
      • "Hey, I was thinking about going for a walk through the woods this week. Would you like to come along?"
  3. Be deliberate when asking her out. Questioning her is not an art, it is a craft. There are some things you can do to make sure you have the best chance of success.
    • Practice what you want to say beforehand. Try it in the mirror. Practicing ahead of time will help you feel more confident when the time comes. In addition, you reduce the chance that you will stutter or get your sentences mixed up. Try to ensure that your question rolls out as smoothly as possible. This is very important.
    • Ask her in person, not via text message. While texting is of course pretty easy, it isn't nearly as effective. The problem with texting is that it also makes it much easier for her to say "no". This is because she does not deal directly with your emotional response. So make sure you ask her in person - you'll have a much better chance of success.
    • If you can't get up the courage to ask her out, don't ask a friend to do it for you. She may start to think it's a joke, and therefore not really consider it. Wait a while if you haven't gathered the courage yet. The closer you get, the easier it will be to ask her out.
  4. Expect the best, but be prepared for the worst. You don't want to jump through the roof when she says "yes". If, for whatever reason, she says she already has plans and can't go along, and that's the end of it, then you've done what you could. Don't be too hard on yourself. Swallow your pride, tell her it's okay, and walk away as confidently as you can.
    • Don't beg if she rejects you. Begging will not help you. You can't impose on someone else just because you want to. Plus, begging isn't recommended, as it will ruin the chance that she might want to date you in the future.
    • If she says "yes", don't forget to ask for her phone number. Also give her your phone number. You want to be able to call or text her every now and then. Just don't do that too often. Text or call her to discuss the details of the date, such as location and time. Then don't text her too often.
  5. Take her on a date. On a date, you can get to know each other better, and maybe even get more intimate with each other. For the first date, take her to a place where there are other people, but where there are also enough distractions. The cinema, the zoo, the mall, the pool - all good choices. If you are really convinced that you can keep your conversation going for a long time, you can take her to the park or a restaurant.
    • Pay for her. Whether it's movie tickets, zoo tickets, or the bill at a restaurant, you want to show that you are a gentleman. And you also want to show her that you are generous. Paying for her also shows that it is really a date (without telling her), if she didn't already know.
    • Don't grab her right away. Give her some space. When you are at the cinema, wait a moment before putting your arm around her; if you walk somewhere, wait a moment before taking her hand. Your patience will be rewarded. As soon as she feels comfortable she will respond to your affection.
    • Smile, relax, and pay attention to what she has to say. Show her that you enjoy talking to her. Try not to be nervous when you are on a date; she's probably just as nervous as you! Pay attention to what she has to say. This will help you have an interesting, persistent, and educated conversation. If the date goes well, then you have achieved all goals - she really likes you!


  • Befriend her and get to know each other better before telling her you love her.
  • Realize that her friends will approach you to ask you questions about her. Be nice to them and answer their questions politely.
  • If she stares at you in class for a moment, your glances meet, and she quickly looks away, she may like you.
  • If you are exercising during gym class, don't be too arrogant. It will seem like you are not really athletic, or even selfish. If you score a goal with football, don't do weird dances. High-five your teammates and carry on slowly.
  • If she is uncomfortable with a topic of conversation, try to tactfully change the topic. If her parents are divorced, for example, she probably doesn't want to talk about it because it hurts her.
  • Girls generally like music. Try to find out her favorite songs and artists. Try to start a conversation about it.
  • Be sweet, flatter her, and explain to her why you like her haircut, dress style, etc. Girls love to hear that you care.
  • Never invite just one female person to your birthday party. Certainly not like the rest of your friends, all men, just go gaming ouzo.
  • If she's a little lonely or quiet, step up to her and ask her what's going on. Do not be shy. If she doesn't say anything, don't walk away. Sit next to her and don't do anything together. Or try to get her to gently tell you what's wrong.
  • Don't irritate her. Don't call her too often. You can talk to her every day, but don't call her more than once a day.
  • If you do something clumsy or clumsy when she's around, don't act like you're embarrassed. Let it slide past you, pretend it doesn't hurt you.
  • If you're going to a party or going out with her, make sure you introduce yourself to her mom or dad. Act like a gentleman. You do have to wear a suit and tie, but try to look presentable. Be courteous to her family.
  • Give her plenty of space. If she has to think about the dates, give her the time.
  • Stay cool. Even if you've made a mistake, always try to stay calm.
  • If she drops her pencil, she's probably doing it to get your attention. Show her your message and return the pencil. Or ask if it's her pencil. Smile with it.
  • Never forget that most girls are good at keeping secrets. Who knows, maybe she always liked you? You just didn't know.
  • Don't talk about video games or soccer every time you're with her. Chances are that this will bore her enormously. If she has expressed her interest in those matters, then of course it is fine. But don't try to bring it up yourself.
  • Get to know her parents and show them that you respect their daughter.
  • If she asks you who you like, stay cool. Just say that information is classified and give it a little smile.
  • If she makes an effort to see you or talk to you, then you know she likes you. If she has to go to math class, and you to social studies, and those classrooms are far from each other, for example. If she then pretends to go to the toilet, near your classroom, and you accidentally meet in the hallway, then she absolutely likes you.
  • All girls like different guys. Don't be offended if you're on one squad and your girl only likes guys from another squad.
  • Be original. Girls like guys who aren't like any other guy. Never try to copy another guy's style or behavior. Stay cool, calm, and friendly. Stay relaxed, but don't be lazy.
  • If you ask her out and she says no, it could also be that she just doesn't feel like going on a date right now. Tell her you're there if she changes her mind. She will find this cute.
  • Give her a nice pet name, such as sweetie or baby. Some girls will feel flattered by this.
  • Try doing something simple, like scratching your ear for a while. Maintain eye contact while doing this. If she's imitating you unconsciously, she might like you. But this kite does not always work. Also, try not to make it too obvious.
  • Be yourself. Girls don't like guys pretending to be cool. Always be honest. Girls like honesty.
  • Always try to talk to her first, girls love that. If possible, try to form a duo with her in certain subjects. That way you can spend a little more time together.
  • Try to speak fluently. "Ehm" and "uh" isn't attractive. This will make you seem nervous, and will make you look silly.


  • Don't talk about an imaginary girlfriend to impress her. This is the most stupid thing you can do.
  • Do not look at her inappropriately or touch her inappropriately. This is a huge turnoff, and she will write you off as a pervert.
  • Don't try to take anything from her, hit her, or do anything bad if she doesn't like it.
  • Don't be negative. Always think and speak positively.
  • Don't make mean jokes about her for trying to be funny. All girls find this annoying and rude.
  • Don't touch your face, ears, or body. Girls think that's gross, especially if you touch them too.