Getting a girl to text you back

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Get A Girl To Text You Back (Make Her Stop Ignoring You)
Video: How To Get A Girl To Text You Back (Make Her Stop Ignoring You)


It's all about texting. The text message is the ultimate tool to make sure that a girl likes you, keeps thinking about you all day long and makes contact with you just like that. You know, that cute girl on the subway who does nothing but stare at the screen of her phone? Yes, he is texting. Here's how to make sure a girl will text you back.

To step

Part 1 of 4: Determine what you want to get done

  1. Decide what you want from this girl. If you are interested in hanging out with her as a regular friend, then the pressure to say the right thing is less than if you want her to be interested in you in a romantic way. If you know what you want, you can send her a message in an appropriate way.
    • Note: Most of the steps below assume that you are romantically interested in the girl.
  2. Don't be tacky. Once you have received a girl's number, it is better not to call her immediately so as not to appear annoying. If you've waited a certain amount of time that you think is appropriate (2 or 3 days max), send her a short text message letting her know you're thinking about her. It's best to keep the first text message short, flirty, funny, mysterious, or some combination of these.
    • A common text message most guys send might be “Hey. Remember with Jan from the coffee shop? ” This is a mistake. Just assume they know who you are and are impatiently waiting for your text. Asking if they remember who you are should only be done in a flirty way (eg teasing her for having a few drinks when you met her at a party).
  3. Hold the special feeling. Try to hold on to the special feeling you created when you first got her number. Did you flirt with her by giving her a weird nickname like "little one" or "weird," use that to subtly remind her of the chemistry you met when you met.

Part 2 of 4: Thinking about what to say

  1. Text her and say "hey.See if you reply. Most likely she will respond with “Who is this?” Tell her. If she doesn't respond now, leave her for a few days and try again. If she doesn't text you back, then if she's not interested, if she does respond, ask her about her friends, family, and interests and you'll see where this leads.
  2. Cold it simple. A better approach is the simplest message ever: "Hey there." The girl probably doesn't have your number so she'll wonder who sent the message; this means that there is a good chance that she will respond.
    • Possible response # 1. If she responds with, "Hey, who is this?" then you can do something funny with it by making her guess or by teasing her for giving her phone number to so many guys that she doesn't remember who she's on the phone with.
    • Possible response # 2. When she responds with: "Hey, is this Jan from the coffee shop?" Then respond with something like, "I hope you don't have the phone in hand waiting for a message from me all week;)" This is a bit cocky, funny and you start flirting with it right away. You may not think it's masculine to add smiley faces to your messages, but it's hard to tell if someone is joking with a text message, especially if they don't know you well.
      • Any response. Another response you can give is, "Is this the nice blonde girl (or brunette) I met on Wednesday?" or some variation on this. She will probably be shocked by your directness, but she can laugh about it.
  3. Pretend it doesn't bother you very much until the next time you reach out. It's a good idea to exchange text messages 3 or 4 times within a few days before calling her with a plan to date her. You've already flirted with her, made her laugh, and enough attraction has built up in her mind that messing up a phone call or a first date is actually very hard to pull off.

Part 3 of 4: What to do if she doesn't respond

  1. Understand the situation. If she doesn't respond to your text messages, it's important to handle this situation appropriately. There are different levels of text messaging and it is important to observe proper etiquette for any given situation. Remember, if this is your first time texting her, you are practically a stranger to her. So if she's not responding to you, then you'll have to remember that she's not giving you anything guilty and don't make the mistake of sending her aggressive messages trying to force a response.
  2. Give her a moment and then send her another text message. If this is the first text message you've ever sent, wait a few days to give her time to respond to your message. If she hasn't responded after 2 days, she may not remember who you are or what she thought of you. Try again after 2 days where you are a little more specific, like, "Hey, Tanja. With Rob - that charming guy from the coffee shop. I'm still waiting for a first date :)" A message like this let the girl know that this is the two attempting to contact her, but it remains sweet and playful.
    • You can also try to call her if she hasn't responded after 2 days. If she doesn't answer, leave a voicemail, saying something like, "Hey, Tanja. With Rob. I texted you, but wasn't sure it arrived. I just wanted to get in touch and ask how you are. " If she doesn't call you back or otherwise respond in a day or two, leave her alone and get on with your other things.
  3. Give her the benefit of the doubt if she stops responding in the middle of the conversation. Don't forget that sometimes things happen that are a bit more important than sending an SMS. Maybe her mother is in hospital or has a flat tire. There are thousands of things that can happen at any time that will keep you from texting, no matter how much you like the person you're messaging with.
    • Text her something that expresses your concerns like, "Are you okay?" That way she knows that you've noticed she's unresponsive, but you also care about her.
    • If she still doesn't respond, wait a week or so and send her a casual text message that makes it clear that you are a cool figure and also have a busy schedule. Say something like, "Hey, Tanja. I just got back from a weekend in the mountains. Just wanted to know what it's like. Maybe I'll hear from you." If she still hasn't responded after a few days, then it's time to forget about her.
  4. Know what to do if she stops responding right before a date. When it comes to the importance of getting an answer, such as that you have yet to agree where to meet for the date, text something like, "Are you okay?" and see if she responds. Wait two minutes and then text, "Is it still going on tonight?" If she doesn't respond yet, she probably doesn't want to and it is better to leave her alone. If something happened that prevented her from responding to you, she will send you an explanation.

Part 4 of 4: Maintaining control of the conversation

  1. Don't annoy her. How often you text is very important. Getting into a full conversation is very easy, but something you should avoid during the first few days of texting her. You don't want to annoy her by making her phone ring all the time because of some guy she barely knows.
  2. Keep it short. The best way to deal with this is to just have a short conversation (four to six messages each) and then tell her to move on and get back to you later. Try to make sure you are actually busy or doing something interesting. It is not helpful to start a relationship with a lie that you always have to reckon with.
  3. Respond when it suits you. It's all too easy to get excited about a message from a cute girl you're interested in, but she'll notice that you respond right after you get her message. She'll assume you like her and impatiently wait for all of her texts. This ensures that the hunt ends immediately. Take a moment between messages and don't annoy her, but don't play games either. Text messages are great because you have time to think carefully about what you want to say, so when it's your turn to send something, take a moment to think about it.
  4. End the conversation yourself. When it's time to quit, it's best to say something like “I have to go (or go somewhere interesting, if I really do). Will you call later. ” It shows that you are not sticky when you end the conversation yourself.
  5. Stay in control. If she responds with "bye," leave it that way (unless she asks a question). If she's the one who sent the last message, then you take control and she'll start wondering if you're sending another message.
  6. Be hard on yourself. Few things are more unattractive than a boy who is clearly desperate. If the girl you like isn't responding to you, even after several tries, it may be time to forget about her and move on with your life. Find someone else and see if you have a better chance with that girl.


  • Be patient. If she has indicated that she is gone, she means it. If she has let you know, she will indicate that she thinks it is important for you to know about it, so don't bother her.
  • Don't "pretend" you're busy. If she responds, never say you have something else to do or try to pin her down that way; never pretend, ever. If she responds, great. If she hasn't responded after a few days and you can't wait any longer (you will feel it after a few days), just send her another text. Usually it is wise to text again after a few days.
  • Keep it short and sweet, but never too short. Say something that interests her. Then leave it there. If she doesn't respond in a few days, let her go. Whatever you do at this point, stop hoping.
  • The secret: try to befriend first. Treat her the same way you met and she can fall in love with you, her new boyfriend, and not the idea of ​​you on her phone.