Getting a girl to find you attractive

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
4 Signs A Girl Secretly Finds You Attractive
Video: 4 Signs A Girl Secretly Finds You Attractive


While you can't actually force someone to like you, there are easy ways to make yourself more interesting to the opposite sex. With a little effort on your part, plus a healthy dose of belief in yourself and a willingness to do your very best, you may be able to attract the girl of your dreams. Go for it and adorn her with your positive attitude and caring, calm attention.

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Part 1 of 4: Looking your best

  1. Take care of yourself. It is important to spend time on your appearance. Don't overdo it, just make sure you dress well. Take the time to comb your hair and give it a neat, well-groomed appearance. It will convince the girl that you have done your best for her, which will show her that she is special to you. If you're wearing the same clothes you were wearing yesterday, it seems like she doesn't care and you aren't really interested in her, or that you don't care about her opinion.
    • Wear a fragrance. Don't overdo it, though, or it will get too overwhelming. You want her to focus on you, not the heavy scent around you.
  2. Smile. A smile can help ease tension when you are just getting to know someone. You indicate that you are confident and having fun. A good smile can make you appear more successful.
    • The key to smiling is sincerity. When people are really happy and having fun, it is usually the eyes that express these emotions.
    • Smiling too quickly can seem artificial. When you smile, slowly pull back the corners of your mouth.
  3. Stay fit. You don't have to be heavily muscled, just eat a healthy diet and keep your body in shape. Women are more likely to find a man attractive when he takes good care of himself. It will also make you more confident.
    • Also make sure you get enough rest. You may not realize how much the dark circles under your eyes make you less attractive, but women do.
  4. Improve your life. Don't worry about what to say or how to dress so that women will like you. Focus on what you can do to improve yourself. Once you start pursuing the other things you want to achieve in life, aside from picking up on women, you will see that women notice your drive and ambition and are drawn to it.
    • Success is more than just having a lot of money. Maybe you want to learn more, or sing in a band or go rock climbing. The kind of man who pursues these dreams is the kind of man who will be more successful in attracting women.

Part 2 of 4: Approaching a girl

  1. Have faith in yourself. Even if you don't feel very confident yet, pretend until you actually do. Look her in the eye, stand up straight and don't put your hands in your pockets. Speak clearly and project your voice so she can easily hear you.
    • While girls admire self-confidence, don't get so wrong that you come across as very self-centered.
    • Relax. Men who are relaxed are more attractive than men who are tense.
  2. Approach her from the side or the front. Make sure she can see you coming. Approaching a woman from behind can activate her protective instinct. Approach her from the front so she doesn't feel alarmed.
    • Since most people decide if they like someone in the first 30 seconds, it's important to make them count. If you approach her in a way that is immediately uncomfortable for her, you may have a hard time making a good impression.
  3. Start a conversation. Talking to girls takes courage, but this is something you'll need to do to get her interested. Just push yourself through the initial clumsiness. It may take a while to get used to starting a spontaneous conversation, but the more you practice approaching women, the better you will get at it.
    • Forget the decorating tricks. She's probably heard them all before. Just say "Hi". If you're looking for something more original, "Hello" works too.
    • Introduce yourself. Shake her hand too, but not too firmly.
    • If you're at school or elsewhere and she's talking to a group of friends, try to catch some of the conversation. Then step in and ask a question in response to their conversation. It doesn't even matter what they say.For example, if they say something like, `` It was such a good movie, '' just ask, `` What movie? '' Instead of trying to pick her up, suddenly you're just part of her conversation, and you probably will. give some attention.
  4. Keep your opening sentence simple. Don't overwhelm her with compliments, or bring up the weather in a difficult conversation. Start the conversation as naturally as possible, as if you were chatting with someone you already know.
    • Tell her a funny personal story. You can even think of one in advance. If you can make her laugh, she will probably enjoy your company.
    • Use an indirect opening line. An indirect introduction gives you the opportunity to start a conversation while staying under the radar. For example, try something like: "Where is the best place to order a drink here?" She can then make you a suggestion that you can pick up again. After talking to her for a while, ask her if she would like to come to the place she suggested.
    • If you are younger and approach a girl at school, there are plenty of opportunities to start a conversation. For example, you can ask, "Are we not taking the same course?" (Whether or not this is the case). Even if not, you can pretend you're sure you have or say you're sure you've seen her before. Then you ask for her name and keep the conversation going.
    • Try to comment on the situation. Depending on where you are, you could start a conversation by referring to something around you. For example, if there is music, you can ask, `` Do you know who owns this song? '' Whether or not she knows, you can comment on how good or bad the song is, and before you know it you are talking on all kinds of subjects.
  5. Be natural. Don't try too hard to memorize pick-up tricks or talk from a script. It will only clog your brain and make it difficult to have a relaxed conversation. Don't be afraid to fail or be rejected. The only way to get better at talking to women is to practice until you feel comfortable with it. Once you have had a little bit of success, you will become more confident and find that approaching girls is not at all as difficult as you thought it would be.

Part 3 of 4: Flirting with a girl

  1. Listen to what she says. Ask her questions and comments about what she is saying. You should always go the extra mile to keep the conversation going if you're interested. Ask open-ended questions that take more than a yes or no answer to keep talking to her and sharing more about yourself. For example, instead of asking if she likes music, ask, "Who are your favorite musicians?"
    • If you're having a hard time keeping the conversation going, say something like, "That's really fascinating, can you tell me more about it."
    • Give her your full attention. Don't look around at other girls, or the room, or even your cell phone. If you make affirmative noises, such as "uh huh" or "sure" during her breaks, you won't come across as cold and encourage her to keep talking.
  2. Work on your self-esteem. It doesn't matter what you say, as long as she hears reasons to continue talking to you. Be funny, or show her that your life is exciting, or that you are incredibly smart, successful, or romantic. If you can continue to show her your positive qualities during the conversation, she will enjoy hanging out with you and getting to know you better.
  3. Be vulnerable. You might be a real tough guy and this may have always worked well in the past, but a girl would like to see a guy have a little more substance before she's attracted to him. Even if you don't really think you have a soft side, show it to her anyway. Talk about something that made you sad, or tried to do the right thing, but failed. Tell her a story about yourself that makes her feel like she really gets to know you and shows her that you have an emotional side.
    • Don't be an open book. It's good to open up every now and then, but know when to keep the book of yourself closed. Don't talk too much about your shortcomings, and leave a negative tone out of the conversation.
  4. Be enthusiastic. Talk about the things you really care about and show her how much it means to you. Women are often more attracted to a man who is driven, has a goal and knows what he wants from life.
    • You can talk about places you really want to travel to and where you have been. Talk about how much you love what you do. You can also talk very enthusiastically about music, books, painting or skydiving. Bring out whatever it is that really matters to you.
  5. Show her that she matters. Being the center of attention makes people feel good. Compliment her, say something about her hair, or the way she smiles, or something she did that impressed you.
    • You can also give her a nickname. Something fun and playful can help ease the tension and establish a bond. If you find that she always eats a blueberry muffin for breakfast at work or school, you can call her "muffin" or "blue".
    • Maintain eye contact with her while talking. This will help reassure her that she is the center of your attention and let her know that you are actually listening.
  6. Be a man. One of the biggest mistakes guys make is they soften up too much around women. Modern men have become accustomed to being less masculine in order to appear less threatening. You don't have to act like a tough guy or macho to come off as an alpha male.
    • Focus your gaze forward. Don't look at the floor. Otherwise, you will appear insecure and seem like you lack self-confidence. Keep your chin up to radiate pride and confidence, which is more likely to impress a woman.
    • Make your intentions clear. You don't have to say something bluntly like, "I want you." Casually state that she is "pretty" or "beautiful" or something similar to indicate that you find her attractive. Do this early in your conversation so she knows what you want.
    • Touch her. Don't be afraid to put your hand on her back or touch her hands gently. Don't let your moves be aggressive, but be an alpha male by making her clear about your intentions. Make sure you estimate her responses. If she's uncomfortable, don't force anything.
  7. Be a positive force. Make sure you are as energetic as they are during the conversation. A little more energy is also good.
    • Stay optimistic even if she rejects you. She may start to think differently (but if she doesn't, then leave it that way - don't be a stalker). Show that your man is enough to accept her decision without being less confident and happy. That will probably impress her.
  8. Be independent. Don't let her be a little unsure about your interest in her. Women are often more likely to think about a man when they are not sure how much a man loves her. If you tell her right away that you think she is the most beautiful woman in the world, she won't wonder what your feelings are for her. If you can let her know you're interested, without telling her exactly how much, she'll probably have a hard time putting your meeting out of her mind.
    • Be busy with things. Tell her that you really want to go out with her, but you've been so busy lately that you can't make any promises. This comes across as if you are important and wanted. As if you lead a full and interesting life. That you like her, but that she will have to do her best to win you over to her. Suddenly she will start to see herself as the one who has to pick up on you, instead of the other way around.
  9. Ask her to come with you. Use Ryan Gosling's lyrics in Crazy Stupid Love and say, "Let's get out of here." Instead of asking a question, this comment suggests that you already belong together. It doesn't matter if the two of you go somewhere else together or if you go home, if she agrees to leave with you, you know she's very attracted to you.

Part 4 of 4: Getting signals that she finds you attractive

  1. Read her body language. If a woman looks at you most of the time, you've piqued her interest. If she often looks around at the rest of the room, she's probably looking for other options. When a woman's body is focused on a room full of people, it is an unconscious way of appearing available, while a woman who turns to you is focused on you.
  2. Notice the empty space between your bodies. If she keeps her bag or jacket between you, she creates a barrier. She may not even realize she's doing it, but that doesn't mean you can ignore its implications. It could mean she's on her guard, or she's not quite sure about you yet. Either way, you should know that it may be a sign that she's not attracted to you.
    • If she crawls into your personal space, there's a chance she's doing it on purpose. Just make sure you're not the one crawling closer to her.
  3. Listen to secrets. If she's not interested in you, she won't share a painful story from her past with you. Even if she's not sharing something that is deep or personal, sharing her side with you is something that is good.
  4. Watch if she hits you. If a girl doesn't like you, she doesn't feel the need to touch you. If she does, even in a way that is seemingly harmless, it could be a good sign that she has some interest. Make sure to touch her back in a similar way.


  • If a girl notices you looking at her, that's okay; don't feel stupid because it just means she looked at you too. Smiling or laughing about it will lighten things up a bit.
  • Make sure she's paying attention and that she knows she's noticed you.
  • Always have mints with you so you don't talk to her while you have bad breath.
  • Never try hard to make a girl like you. If she's not interested in you, don't pressure her. That can make her feel bad and prompt her to pretend she likes you so she doesn't have to feel guilty.
  • If a date isn't going well and she doesn't seem to want to talk to you, accept that it may be time to find someone else.
  • Try to be a guy who is self-assured, and don't think you have to show off anything.