Making a man crazy about you

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
The BEST way to make a man crazy about you: The surprising secret!
Video: The BEST way to make a man crazy about you: The surprising secret!


If there's a guy you love, it's only natural that you want him to love you too. Every man is different, of course, but there are a few common tricks and techniques you can try to achieve your goal.

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Method 1 of 3: Part one: Using your charms

  1. Make eye contact. It sounds simple, but making and maintaining eye contact with a man can give him just enough encouragement to take an interest in you.
    • When you talk to him, make sure you maintain eye contact. Try not to let your eyes wander, especially in the direction of another guy.
    • You can even use eye contact to drive him crazy if you're across the room. Make eye contact with him and drop your gaze after a few moments. Slowly drag your eyes back up to meet his again, putting a shy or flirty smile on your face.
  2. Dress yourself up nicely. It's the inside that counts, of course, but the outside is seen first. When trying to get a man out of control quickly, wear clothes, makeup, and accessories that emphasize your best physical features.
    • This does not mean that you should wear especially revealing or close-fitting clothing. Unconcealing clothing will only interest a man temporarily, but probably will not interest him for long.
    • A dress that shows a little bit of a thigh or a blouse that shows your body shape in all the right places can work wonders, but your appearance should be more "attractive" than "sexy".
    • The idea is to keep your body and your face looking their best. If the clothes are something that you objectively look great in, even if you're not trying to win a man's heart, they probably will work for this purpose as well.
  3. Don't dress too flashy. After you get to know the man, it's time to relax and get the casual clothes out of the closet. This tells him that he has successfully broken through the barricade and made his way in your life.
    • The clothes you wear should of course still be clean. Relaxed jeans and a T-shirt make a nice, everyday combination, but a shirt that's three sizes too big with a giant mustard stain on it might not be the best choice.
    • If it has become common for you to dress casually, you should still dress nicely every now and then to evoke some of the sparks he felt the first time he saw you.
  4. Wear a signature scent. Spray a little perfume behind your ears or apply a scented lotion after a shower. If you smell seductive, it can make the man of your dreams want to get even closer to you.
    • Moderation is essential here. The scent should be just strong enough to float lightly in the air. If your perfume is too strong, it can easily overpower his sense of smell and make him distance yourself from you.
  5. Dance. Many men get all confused with a woman who is comfortable enough in her own skin to break free every now and then in a random dance.
    • You can do this at a party or in a club, but it is even more effective if you randomly dance on the radio when you are in the kitchen or in the car.
    • Also tries to invite him to dance. Watching can be fun, but being invited to join can also drive him wild.
  6. Play with your hair. If you know he's watching, twist your hair between your fingers when talking or casually flip it over your shoulder when you're on something. However, make the action look as natural as possible.
    • If your hair is short or pulled back, consider running your hands around your neck or bare shoulders. This movement can be just as sensual.

Method 2 of 3: Part two: Keeping his interest

  1. Balance your independence with dependence. You need to show him that you are independent, but at the same time there is a place for him in your life.
    • If the guy in your life is busy on the weekends, don't beg him to make a little bit of time for you. Instead, accept it and share your own plans.
    • However, don't be too distant. If he's holding you, that's not the time to check your texts or talk about your other friends.
  2. Show him your confidence. Show him the side of you that is sure about who she is and where she is. Even if you haven't quite worked out your life by now, there is usually an aspect that you can be proud and confident about.
    • You may be unsure that you are not as advanced in your career as you would like, or that you are relatively inexperienced in romance and love. On the other hand, you can be very confident about your intelligence, the relationships you've built with your friends and family, or any other number of achievements you've given.
    • If you don't have faith in some area of ​​your life, emphasize the areas of your life that you do have faith in, rather than fixating on the things you perceive as flaws.
  3. Respect yourself. Respect your body, your free will and your life. Treating yourself badly signals that you don't deserve someone else's serious attention, even if that isn't true.
  4. Show him a different side of yourself. Once he's gotten to know you a little bit, show him a side of you he's never seen before. The surprise will make him realize that there is a lot more to you than he first thought, making you seem a bit more mysterious.
    • If you're usually the strict, serious type, let him watch you laugh uncontrollably at your favorite comedy movie or when you're relaxing after a hard day's work.
    • Conversely, if you're usually the carefree type, one day you'll talk to him seriously and tell him about your dreams and fears.
  5. Learn to laugh at yourself. You will inevitably make a mistake in front of him. Instead of worrying about it, brush it aside and laugh at yourself.
  6. Show your intelligent side. A scattered girl might interest a guy for an evening, but a smart girl will challenge his mind and keep him captivated for much longer.
    • You don't have to pretend you know about things you've never heard of. Respecting your intelligent side simply means showing your natural smarts. Just don't try to appear empty-headed.
  7. Encourage him to court you. Most boys would rather be the one to court than the one to be courted. He needs to know you're interested, but you shouldn't make him think you're clinging to him desperately.
    • Make him work to get closer to you. "Close" here means both physical and emotional intimacy. Be less emotionally defensive by occasionally revealing your thoughts and feelings little by little. Instead of taking him to your apartment the first night, leave him with nothing more than a kiss - if at all - and let him prove himself before things get further than that.
  8. Make him miss you. Even if you never want to leave his side, it can hold his attention more if you leave long enough and often enough to make him miss you.
    • Be unreachable from time to time. Rather than accepting every invitation, let one pass once in a while, especially if he extends it in the short term. Make sure to follow up with your decline with a suggestion of what you'd like to do next.
    • Make him a little jealous, but be very careful. Meet up with some of your friends and talk a lot about the fun you plan to have. Avoid this with male friends as it may give him reason to question your sincerity towards him.

Method 3 of 3: Part three: Make him feel good

  1. Let him be himself. Don't ask him to change for you. No one is perfect, and when you're in a relationship with a guy, there are going to be things you both have to resolve and compromise. However, none of these things should involve a drastic change in his personality or beliefs.
  2. Love his loved ones. Treat his friends kindly and ask about his family. By taking an interest in the people he cares about, you show that you seriously want to be a part of his life.
    • You don't have to become best friends with his friends, but it helps if you can tolerate them well enough to spend time around them when you need to. However, don't try to pushing a lot on any of them, as you might arouse some unwanted jealousy and suspicion.
    • If he's not on good terms with his family and doesn't have much interest in talking about them, don't bring it up too much. Bring it up every now and then, but wait until he's ready to start talking before going into it in more detail.
  3. Interested in his hobbies. There is nothing that tells you to love all of his hobbies, but you should at least be interested enough to give it a try or let him talk to you about it.
    • If he invites you to try his hobby, give it a shot, even if you don't know about it. You can choose not to go through with it after that first try, but at least you'll know enough about it afterward to understand him when he brings it up later.
  4. Give him heartfelt compliments. Offer a positive, flirty comment about how great he is when he least expects it. Flattery can be a powerful tool. Make sure your compliment is genuine and not sarcastic.
    • Compliments about his appearance can be just as effective as compliments about his personality or abilities.
    • Alternate things a bit. If you meet him after work, you can lean over and whisper that you thought about his dreamy eyes all day long. The following week, you might notice in passing that you don't know anyone else who can tell a joke or story as wonderful as he can.
  5. Let him be a man. If the two of you are together, let him be the man. This doesn't mean that you have to be completely submissive, but it does mean that you should let him take the lead and show off some of the traits associated with his traditional role as a man.
    • If he holds the door open for you or offers you his jacket on a chilly evening, for example, you have to accept the gesture.
  6. Support him without suffocating him. Be a safe place for him to let go. If things go wrong, let him know that you will support him emotionally and without judgment.
    • Conversely, you also have to give him space. He may need more personal space than you. If he needs time to be independent or time to deal with his issues alone, let him have it without making a big fuss about the case.
  7. Pay him attention. A man is more likely to love a girl if she shows him that she loves him too. Pay attention to the things he says and does, and bring this information back up later to prove you listened.
    • For example, if he tells you about the dog he had when he was 12, you can pick up on it again later.
    • An easy way to show that you've listened to him is to remember some basic facts: his birthday, the names of his siblings, etc.