Look slimmer in photos

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
10 photo poses for PLUS SIZE. No experience needed.
Video: 10 photo poses for PLUS SIZE. No experience needed.


Contrary to popular belief, photos do lie. So why not take advantage of that and make you look thinner than you actually are? If you always look much fatter in the photo, then you are immediately at a disadvantage as soon as a close-up is taken of you. The next time you pose for a photo again, arm yourself against it by using some of the following tips and tricks to make you look a lot slimmer. If you want to know how, read on at Step 1.

To step

  1. Wear flattering clothes. If you know that you are being photographed, try to wear clothes that show off your figure. Clothes that are roughly the same color, especially if they are a little on the dark side, tend to make someone look slimmer. Choose clothes that fit you well; if the clothes are too tight they will bulge and if it is those loose, trendy clothes it might look great, but not at all in a photo. Below are a few suggestions on how to choose clothes that make you look slimmer than you are:
    • Leave horizontal stripes on the left. Choose vertical stripes because they make you taller and slimmer.
    • Do not wear clothes with all kinds of frills in those places that you consider to be your problem areas. If you have a dress with patterns around the waist, which is precisely the part of your body that you want to hide, the embellishment will only emphasize your waist. In general, patterned clothes make people look bulkier than they are, compared to plain colors.
    • If you really want to work it out and you know you will be photographed, then it doesn't hurt to wear clothes that push your body into shape.
    • Women should wear high heels because they make you look slimmer.
  2. Make sure you are never photographed from a low point. It may look like you have a double chin, you look shorter than you are and you just look heavier than you are. If you are being photographed, make sure the camera is at least at eye level, if not higher. Shot from a low point, a photo can make you look 20 pounds heavier!
  3. Put your best foot forward. Women could try a red carpet pose by slightly bending to the side and placing one leg in front of the other, toes pointing towards the camera and knees slightly bent. Shift the weight to the back leg. Not looking directly into the lens will make you look slimmer as this pose will add depth to your body.
  4. Chin up. To avoid that dreaded double chin, lift your chin slightly. You can also stretch your neck slightly, as long as it doesn't look like you're looking for someone. This makes you look taller and thinner. Practice this before the shoot so that it doesn't look like you're trying to make yourself taller or thinner, or look unnatural. You can also move your head forward slightly, avoiding a double chin as you pull your head back.
  5. Position your arms slightly away from your body. Place one hand on your hip, emphasizing a slim waist. Letting your arms hang at your sides can make you look angular and your arms look thicker than usual. If you find that a hand on the hip looks a little too dramatic, feel free to let them hang to the side, but keep them slightly away from your upper body so that they don't bulge up against your body.
  6. Improve your posture. Stand up straight, pull your shoulders back and stomach, as if trying to put on tight pants. If you are really going to keep your stomach in, do this subtly so that it is not visible in the photo. It's better you look a little heavier than you want than someone to say, "She's holding her belly!" Good posture is critical to looking taller, more confident and thinner.
  7. Position your legs correctly. To enhance the shape of your legs, bend your knees slightly, wear high heels, or tighten the thigh muscles. If you are going to be in a seated position for the photo, it is better to cross your ankles so that your thighs will look narrower.
  8. Smile naturally, instead of created. This might be cute for little kids at a birthday party, but it will also give you chubby cheeks for smiling overly. Instead, try to smile in a normal, natural way. You can also try pushing your tongue against the roof of your mouth, making your face look narrower than it actually is.
    • If you're not crazy about it, you can also try a technique from many models where you turn slightly away from the camera with your head just before the photo is taken; then turn your head to the camera and smile as the picture is taken. This makes your smile look less flat and more natural.
  9. Move slightly away from the camera during a group photo. The closer you are to the camera, the bigger you look from the others. If you want to look thinner and smaller, move a little further away from the camera. But if everyone is supposed to be lined up, like a class photo, try to stand in the middle.Everyone at the end of the row, left or right, looks heavier and taller than the rest.
  10. Avoid direct sunlight. If you take a picture with the sun shining in your face, you squint your eyes and make your face look bigger. Make sure your photo is taken in such a way that you are not bothered by the sun and the expression on your face is not affected by it.
  11. Get a tan. Even though you don't have to apply yourself to get a fake tan, it doesn't hurt to spend some time in the sun and let your skin get some color so you don't look pale in the photo. Photos tend to make people look a bit white anyway, with the outline of the body slightly blurred, and then a tan can help to look more contoured and defined.
  12. Use your hair to your advantage. While putting your hair up halfway or wearing a ponytail (or hair curl) will help lengthen and look thinner your neck, hair that is in a tight ponytail or updo will make your face and neck look stern. showing, creating sharp angles. These make your face look bigger. Even if you only have a few strands in front of your face, this creates an even softer, beautiful look, which can make you look thinner.
  13. Relax. When the time comes to have the picture taken, just smile and relax, instead of worrying about how you will look in the picture. If you are too tense, you often see that in the lines of your face and your posture. If you want to look your best, it is important to relax and smile calmly when you take the picture!


  • Press the back of your tongue against the back of your palate. This tightens the muscles in your jaw, making a double chin less visible.
  • If you are wearing a dress or skirt, add a pair of high-heeled shoes, the kind that curves your foot in a distinct way. This will make your legs look thinner and tighter.
  • Try to keep your stomach in.
  • Bare arms? Then hold something heavy in your hands; this improves the shape of your arms.


  • An outfit
  • Body shaper
  • A heavy object to hold (possibly)
  • A natural smile
  • High heels