Looking good and confident without clothes (men)

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Hey Steve: How Can I Feel More Confident Without Clothes On?
Video: Hey Steve: How Can I Feel More Confident Without Clothes On?


Despite what stereotypes may suggest, men can feel just as insecure, if not more so, than women about their bodies. It's natural to be a little self-aware when you're naked, but the most important thing is to feel comfortable with the way you look. With the right attitude, you can look confidently in the mirror as well as when someone else is looking at you.

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Part 1 of 3: Feeling good without clothes

  1. Take off your clothes so that you are naked. That means you have to take everything off. The only way you can really do something about your doubts and concerns about your naked self is to face them.
    • No other people should be there because the first step is to make sure you feel comfortable when you are naked.
    • Make sure you are somewhere with a mirror where you can view your entire body, especially those parts that you cannot see directly otherwise.
    • Gradually, you also expand the time you spend naked. You don't have to turn into a nudist right away, just slowly spend more time without your clothes on. You will probably find that you will find it more common.
  2. Focus on your positive qualities. To feel good naked, you need to emphasize those parts of your body that make you feel good. By focusing on the areas you like, you can gain confidence and be motivated to improve on the rest.
    • Your body is made up of many parts, which means there are plenty of opportunities to find something positive. Maybe you have nice strong legs, a sculpted back, or you are very proud of your "young gentleman". Whatever you choose, it's a good start to remember that there are parts of you that are worth being positive about.
    • If you don't know anything, don't think about a list of items. Start with a part of you that you think looks good, even if you can see it when you're not naked. Maybe you have a nice smile or strong hands.
  3. Challenge negative thoughts about your body. Certain forms of negative thinking can damage your self-esteem. This prevents you from accepting your body as it is, and may even prevent you from doing things to improve it. Recognize if you think this way and challenge yourself to think differently. There are several common forms of negative thinking that can affect the way you view yourself.
    • Everything or nothing. You probably won't see chiseled abs and perfectly toned muscles when you're naked. These are all things you can change and improve. Not having them doesn't mean you can't have them.
    • Filter. Staying on the negative parts of your body while ignoring the parts you like can make you more insecure about walking around without clothes. That's why it's important to find something you like about your body. And there is always something to praise.
    • Self-criticism. Don't make your criticism of your negative aspects a reflection of your self-worth. There is a substantive difference between saying to yourself "My stomach is too fat, I should try to lose some weight" and "I'm fat because I can't get myself moving enough". If you criticize yourself, also look for things you can do to improve.
  4. Point out things to improve. It's important to have faith in your own skin (and nothing but your skin), but that doesn't mean things are perfect. Give yourself some goals to work on to help you not only focus on looking and feeling good, but to make sure you continue to do so.
    • Set small, simple goals that are easy to keep track of, so that you can clearly see your progress and success. This is especially important for physical goals, such as improving your physique or changing the style of your hair, as these are easy to follow visually.
    • You also need to consider mental goals, such as solving more attention to the positive aspects of your body. Something as simple as making a positive comment about your body every morning can improve your mood and confidence, even when you're out of clothes.

Part 2 of 3: Looking good naked

  1. Maintain good hygiene. Regular self-care is one of the easiest ways to improve your overall appearance. It may take some effort to get into a regular schedule of good habits, but it will generally pay off for you.
    • Bathe regularly. Take a bath or shower regularly to make sure your hair and body are free of dirt, oil, and sweat. Use soap and warm water, rinse off any foam before drying, then pat yourself dry for a neat finish.
    • Get rid of body odors. Use deodorant or fragrance in addition to regular cleaning, especially those areas that get sweaty and dirty like underarms. Subtle, mild, or odorless deodorant is good for masking less flattering body odors.
    • Complete this with a fragrance that subtly enhances your natural scents. You only need to use small amounts, so you don't need sprays that envelop you in a cloud of fragrance.
  2. Take care of other parts of your body. Some parts of your body will need more specific care. Your nails and teeth need a little extra work, but can make a nice extra contribution to a good appearance and a good feeling about yourself.
    • Trim your fingernails and toenails regularly. Keeping them once a week should be enough to keep them from getting too long. File after cutting for a smoother finish that looks nicer, avoiding sharp edges that could catch on clothing or cut other people.
    • Maintain good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day. Also consider rinsing with mouthwash to improve your breath. If you want to further improve the appearance of your teeth, discuss whitening or straightening with a dentist.
  3. Take good care of your skin. Clear, healthy looking skin is a very attractive quality. Make sure you know what kind of skin you have to find the best products for solving any problems.
    • Bathing regularly will help remove the dirt and grease that causes blemishes and other blemishes on your skin. Make sure you don't skip those sweaty spots.
    • Protect yourself from the sun. The sun can easily damage your skin if you aren't careful, and even if you don't get skin cancer, a sunburn is painful and unpleasant to look at. Avoid going outside during peak hours (10 a.m. to 2 p.m.), wear clothing that covers your body and apply sunscreen.
    • For more radiant skin, look for a variety of colors in fruits and vegetables. Think carrots, apricots, spinach, tomatoes and blueberries. Fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel are good, and adding nuts and seeds to your diet isn't bad either.
  4. Treat any acne. Fight the presence of dirt and blemishes all over your body, not just your face. Bathing regularly to cleanse your body is a good prevention, as is making sure you do this after exercise to wash the sweat off your body.
    • If you already have acne, use gentle cleansers instead of the more aggressive facial astringents.
    • Change your bedding regularly. When you lie in bed, you leave your own dirt and dead skin behind. Changing your sheets regularly will help keep you from sleeping in your own filth, which can protect your skin.
  5. Stay at a healthy weight. Every person's body is a bit different, and your ideal weight is determined by your height, health, and activity level. Talk to your doctor about an appropriate weight for your situation.
    • Related to your weight is the presence of fat (lobes) on certain parts of your body. Identify those specific areas that you feel uncomfortable about. Create a fitness plan that focuses on those areas.
    • To control your weight, you need to monitor your calorie intake. If you are trying to lose weight, don't reduce the number of calories you take in too much. You do need energy to practice and keep up with your life. If you're trying to lose weight, choose plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These have fewer calories and are healthier options that give you the energy to stay active.
  6. Work on your muscle mass. Having muscle tone and definition aren't the only ways to look good, but they can certainly improve the look of your body. If you want to build muscle, with some training and healthy eating you can get it done.
    • Choose the areas you want to improve. You can do specific exercises to strengthen any part of your body. For abs, do crunches or other core workouts. To train your arms you can do push-ups, pull-ups and exercises with weights. As with a weight loss plan, you should choose an exercise routine that meets your goals. Don't forget to stretch before each exercise.
    • You should include proteins in your diet as they help build muscle. Meats such as ground beef, chicken, and eggs are all high in protein. If you're not into meat, there are other foods like almonds and cottage cheese that are also rich in protein.
  7. Drink enough water. You need about 10 glasses (2-2.5 liters) of fluid per day. Water helps to keep your skin radiant, it prevents you from overeating with your meals and ensures that your moisture balance is maintained for your workouts.

Part 3 of 3: Feeling good with a partner

  1. Use confident body language. With no clothes to distract or convey any particular message, your attitude is vital to feeling comfortable and confident in your own skin. Even if you're insecure, pretending can help you appear and feel more confident.
    • Have good posture. Stand or sit upright to make yourself look taller. Keep your chin up and your shoulders relaxed for a confident pose. These are also good tips if you are dressed, but more importantly if you are not wearing any clothes to wrap yourself in.
    • Smile. A friendly face can project confidence, which is always more attractive to others.
    • Look forward and maintain eye contact. This can establish a strong connection with your partner. In addition, it will subconsciously force the other person to look at your eyes instead of other parts of your body. If you're still a little nervous about being naked in front of another person, this can help keep that person's eyes from straying too much.
  2. Keep track of your body hair. You may find it comfortable to simply let your body hair grow, but your partner may not agree. Long, unkempt body hair can be unpleasant to look at, and someone else might not enjoy touching it even more. Plus, if you want your partner to touch you, you want it to be skin and not hair to be touched.
    • Armpit hair. This is a known area of ​​the body that starts to sweat, and trimming it can reduce it. Better not to shave it all off, but keep it short and not let it grow too wild.
    • Chest hair. If you are an athlete this can be a fair part of your body to keep hairless. Shave slowly and use an electric razor to remove the remaining stubble. You may also want to consider waxing yourself. In addition, an electric trimmer can help maintain a masculine look (if that's what you're going for).
    • Hair on the back is generally considered less attractive. If you don't like having it, this is a good part of your body to get waxed as it often hurts less. In addition, it is difficult to shave an area of ​​your body that you cannot easily see.
    • Pubic hair. Like your chest and armpits, it is uncommon for a man to be completely bald in such areas, unless you are an athlete concerned about aerodynamics. Use an electric razor to trim your hair and keep it short. This will reduce sweat and odor and can make you look taller.
  3. Make the room more comfortable. Feeling comfortable without clothes isn't just a matter of confidence. A little environmental effort will be more comfortable for both of you without clothes, and can really help you get in the mood.
    • Provide the correct room temperature. There are a number of factors that determine the most comfortable temperature, which is usually a matter of personal preference. If you are naked, you may want the room temperature to be slightly higher than normal because you are not wearing any clothes. Colder temperatures reduce blood flow, causing parts to retreat into your body for heat, making them smaller.
    • Keep the light muted. If you and your partner are still not completely comfortable without clothes, then poor lighting can help hide things. In addition, it can create a more romantic atmosphere, if that's what you're going for. If you are careful and not concerned about the fire alarm going off, consider lighting candles instead of lamps.
    • Make sure your room smells good. You have focused on your body odor, but of course you don't want your room to smell. Keeping the room clean and avoiding clutter is always a good way to reduce odors. A quick spray with some base scents should be enough to cover any unpleasant smells, especially as a quick fix.
  4. Laugh. There will always be some uncertainty when you have your clothes off, which probably also applies to someone else nearby. Lighten the mood with a joke, or try to find something funny in your situation. Laughing will make you both more comfortable and will help create a better connection between the two of you.
  5. Let your partner touch you. You don't have to if you are naked. Touching someone else's hands can remind yourself that you are not just the image you see in the mirror. Someone else who touches you helps you feel attractive, as someone worth touching.
    • If you are in a relationship, let your partner touch you. It doesn't have to be erotic. A gentle touch on the shoulder or a hug lets you know that your partner finds you attractive.
    • If you're single or don't have anyone to touch you, a massage is another way to let someone touch you. After that, you will likely feel more relaxed as well.


  • A simple grooming tip that many men overlook or avoid is to use face and body lotion. Moisturizing your skin is one of the easiest ways to keep your skin looking better. Try out different lotions to find a scent and texture you like.
  • If this is your first time waxing, consider getting a professional to do it for best results.
  • If you are on a diet, consult a nutritionist to find a healthy and effective plan that can be tailored to your needs.
  • Try to create a training plan with a personal trainer who can help you achieve specific goals.


  • If your negative feelings about your body lead to depression or even thoughts of harming yourself, talk to someone immediately. Seek help from a trusted friend, family member, or professional counselor.
  • Do not overexert yourself in terms of diet or exercise - this could lead to injury or health problems. Consult your doctor before embarking on any fitness or diet plan.