Epilation with a string

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Threading | Facial Hair Removal Method
Video: Threading | Facial Hair Removal Method


Epilation with a string is a technique that removes hairs, usually from the eyebrows, but also from the upper and lower lips, cheeks and chin. The name is derived from the cotton string that is twisted and with which the hairs are pulled out from the root. In English it is called "threading" or "tying" and in Arabic "khite". Here is the instruction to remove unwanted hair with a piece of string.

To step

  1. Style your eyebrows. Instead of starting right away and removing hairs here and there, you better determine the desired shape of your eyebrows first. Use an eyebrow pencil to outline your eyebrows and fill them in the way you want them. This will help you stay within the lines if you start epilating with a string at a later stage. This also prevents you from removing too many hairs.
    • If you're going to epilate another part of your face or body, you don't need to outline or fill it in with a pencil unless you're not going to strip it all out and need a guideline.
  2. Trim long hairs. Before epilating with a piece of string, you can cut the long hairs with small scissors. This way you style your eyebrows and prevent them from pulling them out completely when you epilate. Use an eyebrow brush to brush the hairs upwards and trim the ends of the hairs off. Use a makeup brush to brush the cut hair off your face.
  3. Prepare the string. Cut a cotton thread from a spool of thread that is about the length of your forearm. The less wire you use, the more control you have. Tie the ends together so that you make a loop.
  4. Tighten the loop with your hands. Keep the thread stretched between your thumbs and index fingers. Turn your right hand clockwise so that you twist the thread six or seven times, or until you have about an inch of twisted thread between your hands.
  5. Test the wire. Hold a loop on each side with your thumb and index finger, then spread your right thumb and right index finger apart. The piece of twisted wire should now move towards your left hand. Now close the space between your right thumb and index finger and spread your left thumb and index finger. This is the movement you always make when epilating with a string. The hairs then get caught in the piece of twisted wire and are also pulled out.
  6. Start epilating with a piece of string. Start with the hairs that are highest. Bring the twisted portion of the wire up to that piece. Spread your fingers apart in a smooth motion, pushing the twisted part down. Then you spread your left fingers apart to bring back the twisted part. Continue to make these moves, working from top to bottom. Carefully hold the twisted part of the wire to the section of hair you want to remove before moving it up and down to get rid of any unwanted hair.
  7. Take care of your skin if it has become irritated. Your skin may be slightly red or swollen after epilation with a string. If so, you can gently pat your skin with a tonic with astringent properties to keep your pores clean and calm. Witch hazel has medicinal properties on the skin. You can buy such a tonic with witch hazel in it via the internet and at a natural pharmacy.


  • Use a pencil to take the following three measurements to give your eyebrows a natural shape. To determine the inner border of your eyebrow, draw a straight line from the outside of your nostril to the edge of the inside of your eye. You let the line continue to your eyebrow. To determine the outer tip of your eyebrow, hold the pencil from the edge of your nostril to the outer corner of your eye. Continue this line to your eyebrow; that's where the eyebrow should end. To determine the highest point of the arch in the eyebrow, hold the pencil to the edge of the nostril again. You let the pencil point up the pupil of your eye. Let the line continue up to your eyebrow. Keep these points as a guide when epilating with a string.
  • Hair will stay away for about 2-4 weeks with this method. This depends on the speed at which your hair grows.


  • Save yourself pain and keep the thread slightly above your skin to prevent your skin from getting caught in the thread.


  • Spool of strong cotton sewing thread
  • Eyebrow scissors
  • Eyebrow pencil
  • Eyebrow brush
  • Tonic with astringent properties