Become more energetic

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Have More Energy | Sean Hall | TEDxUNSW
Video: How To Have More Energy | Sean Hall | TEDxUNSW


Do you notice that you often have much less energy halfway through the day? Or do you feel too tired to go to the gym, meet up with friends, or do you not have the energy to go out in the evening? If so, you need to get more energetic. All you need to do is follow a diet that gives you energy and try some simple tricks that will help you feel energized both mentally and physically. So if you really want to get more energetic, follow the steps below.

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Method 1 of 3: Getting energy from your diet

  1. Eat a healthy breakfast. Eating a healthy breakfast is the best thing you can do to get the day off to a good start and to give yourself enough energy before you step out the door. Eating a nutritious and not too heavy breakfast will give yourself the energy you need to get a good start in the morning, and it also prevents you from collapsing or just feeling tired before noon. . It is best to eat a combination of proteins, healthy vegetables and some carbohydrates for breakfast. Avoid foods that have too much sugar like muffins, or foods that are too fatty like bacon, and choose something that is also filling but healthier. Here is a list of foods that can make you feel energized:
    • Oats
    • Hard boiled eggs or fried egg fried in coconut oil
    • Turkey or chicken
    • Vegetables such as celery, spinach, leeks or kale
    • Black currants, raspberries, bananas, apples or pears
    • Whole grain toasted bread or whole grain bagels
    • A cereal breakfast without sugar, with skimmed milk
    • Yogurt with muesli, without sugar
  2. Eat three balanced meals a day. While breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it is desirable that you feel energized throughout the day so that you can be alert and motivated. Make sure you eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner no matter how busy you are or how tired you feel. Make sure that every meal consists of a combination of proteins, carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, and try not to eat a heavy lunch or you will collapse afterwards. Your dinner should consist of a small portion but big enough so that you don't wake up hungry at night. And it shouldn't be so heavy that you get a big after dinner dip after dinner. Here are ideas for delicious meals that you can eat for both lunch and dinner:
    • Lunch: Salads with nuts and berries, tomato soup, whole grain bread with turkey, salmon, polenta, and tuna with fennel.
    • Dinner: salmon and quinoa, whole wheat pasta with chicken and lemon, brown rice with mushrooms, and couscous with turkey.
  3. Eat snacks that give you energy. The three meals are important, but the snacks you eat during the day that help you get through the day are just as important. You should actually eat something every 3-4 hours, even if you're not really hungry. Try to avoid eating until you feel lightheaded or extremely hungry, as this will cause you to lose a lot of energy or risk overeating, which will tire you out. Avoid this negative spiral by having healthy and nutritious snacks on hand that will get you through the day. These are some great snacks that you can eat in between that give you energy:
    • Muesli
    • Yogurt
    • Almonds, cashews or other nuts
    • A small piece of dark chocolate
    • Celery and nut butters
    • Apple with honey
  4. Eat more high-fiber foods. Fiber gives you more energy than carbohydrates during the day, because it is absorbed more evenly into your bloodstream than carbohydrates. As a result, fiber-rich food gives you energy that you can use for longer than with carbohydrates. Fiber-rich foods can also be a great addition to your meal or snack that you eat in a day. Here are examples of high-fiber foods:
    • Rye bread
    • Pistachios
    • Raspberries
    • Lentils
    • Figs
    • Lima beans
    • Pecans
  5. Eat foods rich in Omega3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in rapeseed oil, fatty fish and walnuts, among others. Omega3 fatty acids make you feel mentally alert and therefore more energetic. Ideally, you should eat fatty fish and walnuts twice a week to keep your energy levels high.
  6. Make sure you get enough fluids. If you want to feel more energetic, you should drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day. Do this even if you are not thirsty, as it will keep you feeling alert and positive. Always have a bottle of water with you, and drink water whenever possible, even if you are not thirsty. Drink a glass of water with every meal or snack so you don't forget to get enough fluids.
  7. Take it easy with your caffeine intake. You don't have to quit coffee altogether, but be aware that while drinking caffeine will give you more energy in the short term, it will make you tired and fatigued in the long run. Try not to drink coffee after noon, and if you do, drink it slowly instead of gulping down that cup of coffee in ten minutes and then feeling rushed. strongly rely on you than in coffee, so switch to tea so you don't lose your energy as quickly as you would with coffee.
    • If you drink too much caffeine, you often cannot sleep at night, which means that you have less energy in the morning - which you then try to combat by taking more caffeine. Break this negative spiral if you really want to feel more energetic.
    • If you want to get rid of your caffeine addiction, reduce it slowly; if you stop suddenly you may feel restless, tired or have a headache, especially if you are used to a lot of coffee.
  8. Don't drink too much alcohol. Alcohol is a depressant and can make you feel tired. In addition, it can lead to a bad night's sleep. If you'd like to feel more energetic, you might think that going out with friends and drinking five beers makes your life more exciting; in fact, the more alcohol you drink, the more likely you are to become tired and irritable - even if you don't notice the effects right away.
    • If you still like to drink a glass or two of wine in the evening, drink the alcohol at least two hours before going to sleep. While it can help you fall asleep, it will make your sleep more shallow and restless.

Method 2 of 3: Feeling physically energized

  1. Exercise makes you feel more energetic, happier and physically fitter. If you're feeling sluggish, exercise is probably the last thing you feel like doing, but that's exactly what you need to do to feel more alert and awake. Just 30 minutes a day will boost your energy levels overall, not to mention the remarkable progress your health will make. For example, you can go jogging every other day, take a yoga class a few times a week, practice a team sport, or look for a buddy with whom you go to the gym.
    • Try to be active whenever you can. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Instead of taking the car, walk. Do some sit ups while watching TV.
    • Go to the gym in the morning or exercise at home in the morning. This will wake up your body and give you more energy throughout the day.
  2. Take power naps. Power naps have been shown to energize your body when you feel a lack of energy. Just retreat to a dark room for 15-20 minutes, close your eyes, and let yourself sink in. Even if you don't fall asleep completely, you still get energy from resting your body. A power nap is more powerful than a real nap; sleeping for an hour or more makes you feel even more tired and drowsy when you wake up, and may cause you to be unable to sleep at night.
    • A good time to take a power nap is after lunch, if you feel a little tired after eating.
  3. Wash your face with cool water. Take a few handfuls of cold water and wash your face with it whenever you feel tired. This is a great trick to make sure you wake up well in the morning - not least because it clears you up of course - and at various times throughout the day to keep you feeling energized all day long.
  4. Go outside. It has been shown that people feel happier and more energetic just being outside as much as possible. If you can catch some sunlight, do it too; instead of having your lunch at your desk, you can also go outside to get something for lunch or eat it on a park bench.
    • If you are indoors for eight consecutive hours, your energy will run out much faster than if you were to take occasional breaks and spend some time outside.
  5. Take a walk for 20 minutes. Taking a short walk of just 20 minutes can invigorate your body and mind and make you feel more energized. If you notice your energy levels are getting lower, get outside, get some fresh air, and get your body moving.
  6. Get enough sleep. Getting enough sleep is crucial when it comes to feeling energized. You may feel tired because you simply haven't gotten enough sleep lately. You may think that with enough willpower and caffeine you can make up for the fact that you only sleep five hours a night on average, but nothing can replace a good night's sleep. Make sure you sleep at least 7-8 hours a night and that you go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time; if you often change your sleep rhythm, you may feel like you wake up with jet lag.
    • Have a good activity to wind down the day at least an hour before going to bed. Turn off all devices with a screen, such as your telephone, computer and television, and read a book in bed or listen to some soothing music. This makes you fall asleep faster.
    • When you wake up, don't keep pressing snooze and just start the day. If you keep pressing snooze you only achieve that you always fall back into a short restless sleep, so that you do not even feel more rested. Getting up immediately after your alarm goes off will make you feel more energized and feel more in control of the day ahead.

Method 3 of 3: Refresh your mind

  1. Listen to uplifting music. If you put on the right music, this can immediately give you more energy. If you find that your energy level is a bit low, just put on your favorite music that you know will make you feel cheerful, whether you're listening to Michael Jackson or Katy Perry. Ask a friend if he or she would like to have a little dance party with you, or just dance alone in your room. Just moving around makes you feel more energized, awake and full of enthusiasm for life.
    • You can also listen to classical music, even if you are not really interested in it. It has been shown to induce a waking mind.
  2. Alternate your activities regularly. Another way to refresh your mind is to switch activities, so to always start with something new. For example, if you've been studying chemistry for three hours and you notice that your mind is wandering, try something else. At that point, plan when you will be writing your English essay, or write that paragraph in Spanish that you have so dreaded. Switching to something new when what you are doing is no longer working is a great way to feel energized again.
    • Even though the task you switched to is not necessarily more exciting than the previous one, the mere effort you put into switching has the effect of making you feel a little more energetic.
    • Start your day with a To-do list. That way you have the options to switch immediately at hand and the chance is smaller that you will get stuck in an activity that costs you a lot of energy.
  3. Reward yourself for the things you have accomplished. Giving yourself rewards is a great way to feel energized and motivated to get on with your work or whatever you have to do. Agree with yourself that you can eat an ice cream after you have studied for four hours. Agree with yourself that you can go to a movie with your friends when all the things that need to be done are done. Just the prospect of something fun in store for you can make you feel more energized and motivated to get on with the day.
    • You can even reward yourself without leaving your desk. Agree with yourself that after half an hour of work, you can read that article that your best friend sent you for five minutes.
  4. Try to avoid multitasking. While you may think that multitasking helps you stay alert and get things done much faster, studies show that multitasking actually takes a lot of energy, makes you more distracted and also less efficient than just doing one thing at a time. to target. Crossing out tasks from your To do list is much more effective - and probably saves you a lot more energy - than trying to do three things at once and not complete any of them.
  5. Attempted another ten minutes trick. Whenever you have no energy left at all to complete a task that you are in the middle of, agree with yourself, I'll keep this up for another ten minutes. Repeat this as a mantra within yourself as you continue to complete the task. Setting a short time frame as a limit can make it easier for you to oversee the task and make it less overwhelming. It also allows you to keep your focus better instead of losing your patience.
    • If you find that this trick works for you, you can set longer time limits for yourself - half an hour or even an hour - if you want to be able to muster the energy for a particular task.
  6. Plan your day in such a way that you take your energy peaks into account. This is another trick to keep yourself feeling energized throughout the day. While most people don't have the luxury of planning their entire day around the times when they feel the most and least energetic, a few small changes can still make a big difference. For example, if you know that you have the most energy in the morning, schedule your daily run for a run in the morning, instead of in the evening after a long day of work when you have run out of energy; and if you know that you always feel very tired after lunch, schedule some simple post-lunch tasks, from grocery shopping to doing the easiest tasks at work.
    • Make a list of things you usually do on the days of the week and put your energy level at the times. What parts of your schedule can you change so that you can make your life a little easier?
    • You may not be so aware of the fluctuations in your energy level. On a weekday, try to keep a close eye on your energy level and keep it up to date so that you can gain more insight into it.
  7. Go on vacation. While you obviously can't go on vacation every time you feel you really need to recharge your batteries, you'll be amazed at how much a vacation you desperately needed boosts your energy levels once you get back to your daily life arrested. Whether you're going to Bermuda or taking a vacation in your hometown, where you have time to thoroughly tidy and clean your home and read some books, just not having to get out of your daily chores feeding yourself, pampering yourself and getting out of your routine can make you feel happier and more energetic in your daily life.
    • If you don't have the money for a vacation, you can also take a day or two off from work. That also helps a lot to feel less overwhelmed with all the things that need to be done and will leave you feeling refreshed afterward.
  8. Take breaks every 60-90 minutes. Even the most focused, enthusiastic person needs to take a break every hour or an hour and a half. Taking breaks, whether you're going for 15 minutes for a walk, stepping outside to call home, or just stepping into a lower gear and watching the news will make you feel refreshed and ready to do the tasks that await you to perform. Relaxing your mind for a while gives you energy and prevents you from feeling overstrained. Don't skip that lunch break to get your work done faster; go for lunch and come back to work with renewed energy.
    • Taking breaks can also have a fantastic effect on your eyes. Take your eyes away from the computer screen for a moment and point them at a newspaper, look out the window, or, if necessary, take the hoe through your Zen garden. Your eyes get tired staring at a computer screen for eight hours without a break.
  9. Connect with others. If you find your mind wandering and starting to feel the need for a nap, it may be a good idea to meet up with your friends. When you feel tired and sleepy, meeting up with a group of people may be the last thing you feel like doing. Yet that is exactly what will make you feel more energetic. Having a conversation with a close friend or being in the midst of a group of people energizes you by talking to other people and participating in a fun, active conversation, instead of just sitting at home feeling tired.
    • So, the next time you want to have more energy, call that friend and meet up to do something fun together. You will feel energized again in no time.