Saving energy at home

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Saving Energy Around The Home - Energy Efficiency Tips
Video: Saving Energy Around The Home - Energy Efficiency Tips


Are you concerned about the use of fossil fuels by energy companies? Do you want to keep some euros in your account at the end of the month? Whatever the reason, there are few drawbacks to saving energy at home. To save energy at home, you can try these tips and techniques.

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Method 1 of 3: Reduce your energy consumption

  1. Lower the thermostat. By setting your thermostat just 1 degree lower, you can already reduce your energy consumption by 5%. You won't even notice the difference in temperature. Turn the radiator off in rooms where you can't turn it off completely.
  2. Lower the temperature of your hot water. Your hot water tap doesn't have to be warmer than 60 degrees. If you make it warmer, all you have to do is add more cold water to use it.
    • Have your water heater checked regularly, especially if it is several years old.
  3. Was economical. Do not switch on your washing machine until you have a full load. If you do need to wash a smaller load, set it to eco or half load. Modern washing machines wash just as well at 40 degrees as at 60, but the lower temperature makes a difference for real in the amount of energy you consume.
    • Dryers consume a lot of energy. If possible, hang your clothes on a line to dry. This is even better for your clothes.
    • Economic washing does not only apply to your clothes. If you take a shower yourself instead of a bath, you save 50% energy.
  4. Reuse tap water that would otherwise go down the drain. If you turn on the tap and wait for hot water, put a container under the tap until it is warm enough. With this water you can, for example, water the plants.

Method 2 of 3: Prevent loss of energy

  1. Avoid drafts. In an average house, 50% of the heat is lost through drafts. To test an area, you can hold the palm of your hand against a door or window. If you feel cold air flowing in, it means that warm air can escape. This is easy to fix and can save you hundreds of euros per year.
    • Install draft excluders around all doors as needed.
    • Fill all cracks and cracks around your window frames, skirting boards and floors with sealant.
    • Close the curtains when it is dark to keep the warm air in and prevent drafts.
    • If there is a big crack under your door, put something under it (you can buy those nice draft hoses).
  2. Turn off appliances and lights. Turn off all devices you are not using, and turn off the lights when you leave the room. Don't leave fridge and freezer doors open longer than necessary and remember that you need to defrost your freezer regularly to keep it working effectively.
    • Turn off your computer. By using your screen saver you save no energy.Screen savers consume more energy than your computer itself and they can shorten the life of your monitor. Instead, set the monitor to automatically "sleep" when you haven't used your computer for a while. You can save a lot of money with this.
  3. Isolate. More than a third of the heat in the house escapes through the roof. Prevent this by insulating your home. Not only is this very easy to do, but it is also the measure that can save you the most. If you don't already have it, invest in cavity wall insulation. This prevents a third of your heat from escaping.

Method 3 of 3: Make use of subsidies for energy saving and new techniques

  1. Look for grants to make your home energy efficient. Saving energy has become such an important topic that there are all kinds of benefits to be gained if you want to improve your home.
  2. Use energy efficient appliances. From energy-saving lamps to white goods to TVs, there are plenty of energy-efficient appliances for sale. These can use up to 50% less energy than other models, and up to a quarter with energy-saving lamps.
  3. Switch to green energy. Many energy companies now offer energy from renewable sources instead of polluting fossil fuels. Do research to find out which energy company supplies green energy in your area.


  • Be creative. You lead a unique life, which means there will be many unique ways in which you can conserve energy. For example, if you are a fanatic tea drinker, only boil as much water as you drink at one time.
  • Do your part to save our planet! Use renewable energy instead of fossil fuels. Examples of renewable energy sources are:
    • Solar energy
    • Wind energy
    • Biomass
  • If you follow these steps you will not only save on your energy bill, but you will also help to restore balance in your life and that of our earth.
  • Examples of non-renewable energy sources:
    • Fossil fuels
    • Nuclear energy
    • Coal-fired power plants
  • Put multiple electrical appliances in an extension cord with a switch so you can turn them all off at once when not in use.