Communicate effectively during a job interview

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 25 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Communicate Better (in an Interview)
Video: How to Communicate Better (in an Interview)


An interview is an exciting and important step towards getting a job. The interview will focus on obtaining more information about your personality, skills and qualifications. Good communication during this job interview is an essential part of the process and gives you the opportunity to present yourself as well as possible and to be hired.

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Part 1 of 2: Communicating during the job interview

  1. Be yourself. Showing some of your personality can be a good idea during the interview. It gives the interviewer an opportunity to get to know you better as a person and you can show enthusiasm about your professional interests and skills.
    • Stay professional when talking about personal matters.
    • Don't go into too much detail when talking about yourself, and don't spend more than about one minute on it.
  2. Try to relate personal information to the requirements of the job. When discussing a personal topic, you can link it to skills relevant to the position you are applying for. This allows you to both express your personality and illustrate your skills and experience.
    • You could talk about how you taught yourself a language or instrument to illustrate that you can learn new skills and techniques.
    • Sharing about how you helped organize a ward event can illustrate leadership skills.
  3. Act, speak and dress professionally. During the interview, it is important that you behave, speak and dress professionally. Presenting yourself as a competent and serious candidate will increase your chances of making a good first impression. Clothing appropriate for the position you aspire to is a mandatory part of a successful job interview.
    • Please dress appropriately for your interview. Ask your contact person at the company for the dress code of the location where you have the interview.
    • Men are required to wear a smart shirt and long trousers. Women can wear a shirt or blouse with a skirt to at least the knee.
    • Do not use slang or colloquialisms. Language as you use it for friends and family is often too informal for a job interview.
    • Avoid using filler words such as "uhm" or "uh". It is acceptable to allow pauses in what you are saying.
  4. Identify skills that employers are looking for. During the interview you will want to make it clear that you have the skills and talents that your employer is looking for. Many potential employers are looking for the same skills over and over again. Consult the following list of skills to discuss during the interview:
    • Communication skills. This can be demonstrated in the course of the interview itself.
    • Knowledge about the company. Research the company and think of some topics of conversation or questions to ask.
    • Competence and competence in technology. Don't be shy about mentioning your basic IT skills, such as word processing programs or any specialized programs.
    • Budgeting skills. Identify moments in your career that demonstrate your ability to work on a budget.
    • Able to adapt to new situations. Identify moments in your professional life when you have been successful, even in times of change.
    • Leadership. Give an example from your last job that you were a leader, focusing on what you learned from it.
  5. Be aware of your body language. Most of the interview will consist of verbal communication. However, information will also be transferred through non-verbal body language. Pay close attention to your non-verbal communication to make a good impression during your job interview.
    • Appear calm and confident.
    • Avoid yawning or getting distracted.
    • Make eye contact and smile occasionally to show a positive attitude.
    • Don't forget to breathe. Holding your breath too much or breathing too much can be explained as a lack of self-confidence.
  6. Stay positive. When discussing a topic or answering a question during the interview, your response should always focus on the positive aspects. Keeping the interview focused on the best aspects of yourself and your situation can increase your chances of getting the job.
    • When a negative question or detail comes up, bring up the positive aspects of it.
    • Dressing up a mistake as a learning experience can be a great way to stay positive.
    • Instead of complaining about a difficult time you have had, describe how you made yourself a more powerful person.
    • Even if an original goal has not been achieved, it can illustrate your adaptability and how you were able to cope with change.
  7. Listen carefully. Make sure you listen carefully to what your conversation partner says during the interview. Careful attention will help you answer questions accurately and promptly. Paying attention to the details of the interview may also help you come up with any questions you might have for the interviewer.
    • Don't think about your response yet while the interviewer is speaking. Wait until the other person has finished speaking before thinking about your answer.
    • Listen carefully to catch details that you might otherwise have missed.

Part 2 of 2: Preparing for the interview

  1. Prepare for the interview. Practice answering questions you might expect. Practicing your answers can help you relax during your interview and present yourself the best. Read and practice some of the following sample interview questions:
    • Tell us a little bit more about yourself.
    • What are some of your strengths?
    • What do you think is your biggest weakness?
    • What do you like most about our company?
  2. Learn about the company. Before the interview, you should take the time to study the company where you want to work. Learning more about the company will help you appear informed and make a good impression. By knowing more about the company, you will also easily be able to get questions for your conversation partner.
    • It is likely that a lot of information about your potential employer can be found online.
    • Try to ask a few questions about the company to your conversation partner.
    • Don't be afraid to ask questions. You are interviewing the company at that moment.

    Plan your route to the meeting location. Before the job interview, you need to know the best route to get there. By being aware of this and how long the journey will take, you can arrive on time for your interview.

    • If you are using public transport, plan your trip and which transport is most suitable for the appointment.
    • Consider traffic. Both the route and the time on that day can be factors in terms of traffic density.
    • If necessary, explore the route prior to the job interview.
    • Find the best parking spots to avoid having to search for them on the day of the interview.
  3. Leave early so that you arrive in plenty of time. Once you have determined the best route to the interview location and how long it will take to get there, you can determine your departure time. By making enough travel time available, you help prevent being late and appear punctual.
    • Try to arrive no earlier than 5-10 minutes early.
    • Leaving on time will help you avoid being late if you have problems with traffic, for example.
    • Arriving early can also give you a moment to gather your thoughts and prepare for the interview.


  • Switch on your mobile phone or set it to "silent" during a job interview.
  • Get out on time and give yourself enough time to get there.
  • Make sure you always look, behave and dress professionally.


  • Don't be late. If you suspect that you will be late, call the contact person of the company immediately to inform them.