Identifying a black widow

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 18 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Spider Identification: Brown Recluse and Black Widow
Video: Spider Identification: Brown Recluse and Black Widow


Black Widows, who got their name from their deadly courtship, are believed to be nightmare things. In reality, these spiders are actually quite beautiful, mainly because of their highly visible red marks. Of course, their bite can cause a lot of discomfort, so it is important to be able to identify these spiders correctly.

To step

Method 1 of 3: The identification of color and characters

  1. Look for red marks on the spider. Look for two blood-red triangles in an hourglass shape on the spider's underbelly. This sign indicates a female southern black widow. A male black widow has a distinct pattern that sets him apart from the rest, consisting of a row of reddish dots and white or yellow lines.
    • Occasionally the color of the hourglass shape can be yellow or orange and every now and then you may encounter a female with only one triangle shape.
  2. Check if the spider is deep black or brown or gray. Females have a dark brown to deep black color, with deep black being the most common color. Males, on the other hand, have a slightly lighter color than females and are usually brown or gray.
  3. Look at the shape of the abdomen. Black Widows have plump, rounded abdomen that connect directly to the spider's thorax, behind the spider's rear pair of legs. The belly is the same color as the head and is where you will find the spider's typical patterns.

Method 2 of 3: Identify physical characteristics

  1. Check that the specimen has eight legs. Like all spiders, Black Widows have eight legs attached to their thorax. The hind legs are covered with stubble, which the spiders use to help wrap their prey in silk.
  2. Look at the spider's head. Look for two horizontal rows of four eyes distributed across the face. The farthest right and left eyes in each row are more protruding from the head and slightly larger than the other eyes.
  3. Carefully inspect the head for two chelicerae, or canines. The jaws open to the side, just like scissors, to inject the spider's enemies with poison.
  4. Measure the spider. If the spider is dead, or if you can get close enough to a spider without disturbing him / her, you can try measuring the spider. A female Black Widow will have a length of about 3 inches, including the legs. Males are much smaller, measuring about 1.9 cm in length, including the legs.

Method 3 of 3: Explore the web

  1. Measure the spider's web and observe its shape. A Black Widow's web is typically irregular in shape. The threads are strong, which means they look a little thicker than those of other spider webs. The webs look like a big tangle, but in reality they are constructed with precision. The Black Widow's web usually has a wingspan of about a foot (30 cm).
  2. Look for white or light-colored egg sacs in the spider web. One or two bags can hang in the web, each holding up to 900 eggs. They will be round in shape and the spider will likely be very close. Female Black Widows never leave the “nest”.
  3. Think where the web can be. Black Widows usually reside in dry and dark shelters.They are often found in corners, meter cupboards, basements, wood piles and under stones. Black Widows live in countries that have a predominantly warm climate and are found on every continent except Antarctica. However, they prefer locations within 45 degrees of the equator.


  • Black Widows spend most of their time hanging upside down in their webs, waiting for prey to catch.
  • Black Widows are not aggressive. Although their bite is dangerous, it is very unlikely that you will ever be bitten by it. However, your pets may try to play with them and may be at risk for defensive bites. So try to keep the house clear of these, thankfully easy to spot, spiders.


  • While the common belief that a Black Widow bite will kill you, it will hurt a lot and cause nausea and difficulty breathing. However, it can be fatal if a child, someone elderly, or someone who is very sick is bitten. Regardless of your health, you should go to the hospital if you are bitten by one of these spiders.