Getting soft skin

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 12 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
12 Skincare Secrets for Super Soft Skin
Video: 12 Skincare Secrets for Super Soft Skin


Skin plays a huge role in the health of your body, but having soft, healthy skin is also important for your confidence. There are many things that can make your skin rough and uneven, including exposure to the elements, irritants and pollutants, a lack of moisture and poor overall health. To achieve and maintain soft skin, you will need to eat a healthy diet, learn healthy habits, take care of your skin both inside and out, and avoid things that can irritate and dry your skin.

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Part 1 of 3: Getting soft skin

  1. Exfoliate your skin weekly. Exfoliating makes your skin softer as you remove dirt, grease and dead skin cells. You can exfoliate your face with ground coffee mixed with some mild soap, or with a commercially available exfoliant. To also soothe redness, look for a product that contains green tea extract and glycolic acid.
    • Don't exfoliate your skin more than once or twice a week, as doing this too often can irritate your skin.
  2. Wash your skin properly. If your skin loses moisture and natural fats, it can become dry and flake. Washing too often and for too long and using hot water can cause your skin to lose more moisture and fat. If possible, take a shower or bath every other day, use cooler water, and rub the soap with your hand or a soft washcloth on your skin instead of using a sponge. Also make sure that you are not in the shower for longer than 5 to 10 minutes.
    • Do not rub your skin dry after your shower or bath, as this can remove moisture and fats from your skin. Instead, gently pat yourself dry with a soft towel.
    • When your skin is still slightly damp, apply your favorite moisturizer.
  3. Shave the right way. If you choose to shave, don't shave until the end of your shower or bath. This gives your skin time to become soft. Use moisturizing shaving gel and a sharp razor with multiple blades. It's also important to shave down or in the direction of hair growth to avoid irritation.
    • Do not shave immediately after getting up in the morning. Your skin will then retain moisture and you will be less able to shave the hair close to the skin.
    • Treat razor burn with a warm compress and always moisturize your skin after shaving.
    • To save the cost of shaving gel, you can use conditioner instead of shaving gel. However, do not use soap as it will not lubricate your skin well enough.
  4. Hydrate your skin daily. Your skin doesn't care which moisturizer you prefer to use, as long as you use it often and regularly. Always moisturize your skin after taking a shower or bath, before applying make-up, after removing make-up, after washing the dishes, and after your skin gets wet.
    • Look for a moisturizer with vegetable oils and moisturizing ingredients like vitamin A, vitamin E, cocoa butter, shea butter, lavender and chamomile.
    • If you have particularly dry skin, moisturize your skin thoroughly at night. Before going to sleep, put a strong moisturizing cream on areas like your hands, feet, and elbows. Then put on cotton socks and gloves and wrap a soft cloth around your elbows.

    After showering, lubricate your body with oil while your skin is still slightly damp. The oil will soak into your skin and leave it silky smooth.

    Keep your makeup brushes clean. Makeup brushes can grow bacteria and transfer them to other parts of your body, clogging your pores and irritating your skin. To prevent this, wash your brushes weekly with warm water and liquid soap. Let them dry before using them again.

  5. Remove your makeup before going to sleep. If you use makeup, know that your pores can get clogged and infections when you go to sleep with makeup on your face. Before going to sleep, use a mild cleanser, lukewarm water, and a soft cloth to remove your makeup.Pat your face dry and use a moisturizer.
    • If you use makeup, don't do it too often. Your skin can dry out and lose moisture. Look for hypoallergenic brands without dangerous ingredients.
  6. Apply foods to your skin to make it softer. There are many skin-friendly foods that are good for both the inside and outside of your body. Potatoes, for example, can help to reduce swelling, while avocados can keep your skin looking fresh and plump. Citrus fruits should not be applied to your face but can be used to exfoliate the skin. Pineapple is known for lightening the skin.
  7. Treat yourself to a massage. A massage is not only relaxing and wonderful, but also improves blood circulation, providing your skin with nutrients and hydrating moisture, and making it glow beautifully. A massage with oil can also strongly moisturize your skin. So even if you don't opt ​​for a professional massage, you can pamper yourself by massaging your hands, face, arms, legs and body with your favorite oil a few nights a week before going to sleep.

Part 2 of 3: Avoiding common irritants

  1. Protect your skin from dry cold. Humidity levels are often lower in colder weather, which means there is less moisture in the air and your skin dries out. The problem is compounded as the heat from the heater draws even more moisture from the skin, causing your skin to become dry, itchy and flaking. You can help prevent dry skin by:
    • You shower less often in winter.
    • Smear your skin more often with a moisturizer.
    • Using a humidifier to humidify the air in your home or at work.
  2. Protect yourself from the elements. The cold dry winter air is not the only environmental factor that makes your skin less soft. Exposure to wind can cause dryness and irritation, while sunlight can age your skin prematurely, cause wrinkles, make your skin leathery, and cause more serious medical conditions like skin cancer.
    • Protect your skin from the sun with suntan lotion, sun protection clothing and make-up and moisturizers with a sun protection factor.
    • Protect your skin from the cold and wind with gloves, a cap or hat, a scarf and other winter clothing.
  3. Stay away from allergens and irritants. There are many things that can cause your skin to become blotchy, red, itchy, and flaky, including substances like wool, harsh detergents and fabric softeners, perfumes and fragrances, dyes, and non-hypoallergenic cosmetics and creams.
  4. Don't use products with ingredients that dry out your skin. Don't use alcohol-based products on your skin, as well as anything that contains sodium dodecyl sulfate. It's also important to watch what you eat and drink because diuretics like caffeine, alcohol, and cigarettes can dry out your skin, cause wrinkles, and make your skin look pale.

Part 3 of 3: Keeping your skin healthy

  1. Eat to get soft skin. Many healthy foods contain ingredients and nutrients that make and keep your skin soft and radiant. Have a balanced diet packed with fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and a moderate amount of healthy fats. Skin-friendly foods include:
    • Foods high in water such as kiwis, cantaloupe melons, apples, watermelons, celery, cucumbers and zucchini.
    • Foods containing vitamin C and zinc. These help your skin to produce collagen and elastin. Examples are dark leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds, beans, mushrooms, citrus fruits and berries.
    • Foods that are high in omega 3 fatty acids and that fight wrinkles, such as hemp and flaxseed.
    • Foods with antioxidants such as tomatoes, red and yellow peppers, berries and other red, orange and yellow foods.
  2. Drink water instead of sugary drinks. The guideline to drink 2 liters of water a day is just a general guideline, but it's important to stay hydrated. When you're thirsty, your body is telling you you need fluids, so have a drink.
    • Don't worry about the natural sugars in fruits. However, do not drink beverages such as soft drinks that contain a lot of sugars. You can get wrinkles and sagging skin.
  3. Exercise regularly. This not only improves your physical and mental health, but also your blood circulation, providing your skin with nutrients that make it soft and healthy. The sweat helps to rinse dirt and bacteria from your skin and keeps your pores from getting clogged. Always rinse your skin with cool water after exercise to remove sweat and dirt.
  4. Get enough sleep. Collagen is the protein that keeps your skin tight and wrinkle-free, and is produced by growth hormones released during sleep. A good night's sleep is therefore important to get a soft and smooth skin. EXPERT TIP

    Get treatment for medical problems. Many skin conditions can make your smooth, soft skin rough, red, and blotchy. Redness, flaky skin, itching, blisters and severe acne can usually be treated with special medicines and ointments, depending on the cause. Have your doctor or dermatologist diagnose and treat the problem if you think you have any of the following skin conditions:

    • Acne
    • Eczema
    • Psoriasis
    • Dermatitis
  5. Ready.


  • It can be tempting to squeeze blemishes to make them less noticeable, but it's best to just leave them alone and not touch them. Squeezing a blemish can push bacteria further into your skin, spread bacteria to new areas, and eventually lead to permanent scarring.