Wash a wool coat

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 17 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Miss Cathie - How to Wash a Wool Coat in the Washing Machine
Video: Miss Cathie - How to Wash a Wool Coat in the Washing Machine


Wool is a warm and durable fabric, and you will be able to wear a wool coat for years to come if you take good care of it. It is necessary to wash a wool coat a few times per season, but you need to take extra care to prevent the fabric from pilling, shrinking and warping. While it is possible to wash wool coats in the washing machine, it is usually safer to do it by hand. Another important aspect of cleaning a wool coat is not to put it in the dryer - this will cause shrinkage.

To step

Part 1 of 4: Preparing a wool coat

  1. Read the washing instructions. Always read the washing instructions for a garment before washing it. This will tell you exactly how to proceed. Check the washing instructions for:
    • Whether you should wash the jacket in the washing machine or by hand
    • Which cycle to use in the washing machine (if allowed)
    • Which detergents or soaps to use
    • Other special washing and care instructions
    • Directions for drying
    • Whether you can only dry clean it
  2. Brush the jacket. Use a clothes brush and gently wipe the fur to remove dirt, dust, food, mud, and other particles that have accumulated. Brush lengthwise from the collar to the bottom to avoid felting and make the wool fluffy.
    • You can use a damp cloth to wipe the coat if you don't have a clothes brush.
  3. Only clean the stains. Look throughout the garment for dirt, food, and other stains that may be on the fabric. Apply a small amount of mild detergent, such as Woolite, to the dirty area to clean it. Rub the cleaner gently with your finger until the dirt comes off.
    • Clean the collar, cuffs and armpits of the jacket, even if there is no visible dirt on them.
    • You can also use a stain stick or cashmere and wool detergent to clean a wool coat.

Part 2 of 4: Hand wash the jacket

  1. Clean your bathtub. Rinse your bathtub with a little soapy water and a sponge. Rinse all soap out with clean water. This provides a clean space to work in and prevents any debris from transferring to the jacket from the bathtub.
    • If you don't have a tub that you could use, clean a large sink or washbasin.
  2. Fill the bath with water and detergent. When the bath is clean, insert the drain plug and fill it with lukewarm water. While the water is running, add ⅛ cup (30 ml) of mild liquid laundry detergent, such as Woolite or baby shampoo, to the flow. Fill the tub with enough soapy water to submerge the jacket.
    • It is important to use lukewarm water instead of hot water to prevent the jacket from shrinking.
  3. Leave the jacket on. Immerse the jacket in the soapy water. Push it down until it is sufficiently soaked that it no longer floats. Let the coat soak for 30 minutes. Knead the coat all over with your hands to make sure the soapy water penetrates all the fibers.
    • Soaking and soaking the coat will help prevent shrinkage.
  4. Move the jacket around to remove the dirt. After soaking for an hour or two, rub the soiled areas with your fingers to remove dirt and grime. Then move the jacket back and forth in the water to loosen dirt and other particles.
    • Do not rub the wool against itself to clean it. This could cause felting.
  5. Rinse the coat. Drain the soapy water from the bathtub. Transfer the coat to a large bucket. Rinse the bath and refill it with clean, lukewarm water. Put the coat back in the bath with clean water. Move the jacket around in the water to remove excess dirt and soap.
    • Repeat the rinsing process if there is still a lot of soap from the coat into the water.

Part 3 of 4: Washing a wool coat in the washing machine

  1. Put the jacket in a laundry bag. Your coat may be machine washable according to the washing instructions. Before washing the jacket, turn it inside out and put it in a laundry bag. This will protect it from rubbing and prevent it from snagging in the washing machine.
    • You can use a large pillowcase if you don't have a laundry bag. Put the jacket in and tie the pillowcase loosely.
    • If the jacket is too big for a pillowcase, wrap it in a sheet and tie the sheet with the jacket in it.
  2. Add water and detergent. Set the washing machine to fill the drum with lukewarm water. While the water is running, add ⅛ cup (30 ml) of a gentle detergent especially for wool, such as Woolite or wool detergent. Let the drum fill with soapy water.
    • Soaking a wool coat is an important part of the washing process. If you have a front loader and can't soak the coat in the machine, wash it by hand or soak it in a bathtub first and then transfer it to the machine.
  3. Leave the jacket on. Place the jacket in the soapy water in the drum of the washing machine. Immerse the jacket in the water so that the fibers get soaked and the jacket sinks. Leave the lid open and soak the coat in the soapy water for 30 minutes.
    • Soaking helps prevent shrinkage and loosen dirt.
  4. Wash the jacket. Close the washing machine lid after soaking for 30 minutes. Set the washing machine to a hand wash or wool program. Turn on the machine and let it wash the jacket.
    • It is important to use a wool or delicates wash cycle. This causes less movement and friction which could otherwise lead to felting.
    • Make sure the washing machine temperature is set to lukewarm, otherwise the jacket may shrink.
    • When the wash cycle is complete, remove the jacket from the washing machine and laundry bag and turn it right side out.

Part 4 of 4: Drying a wool coat

  1. Squeeze the excess water from the jacket. Hold the jacket over a sink or bathtub. Working from the top of the jacket to the bottom, gently squeeze the jacket to remove excess water. Do not twist or twist the wool, otherwise you can warp and stretch it.
    • When you are at the bottom of the jacket, go back to the top and squeeze the jacket from top to bottom again.
  2. Roll the jacket in a towel. Place a large towel on a table. Lay the jacket flat on the towel. Roll up the coat and towel as you would roll up dough. When the jacket is rolled up in the towel, squeeze the towel to absorb moisture from the jacket.
    • Do not twist or wring the jacket when it is rolled in the towel.
    • Roll out the towel and remove the jacket.
  3. Let the coat dry flat. Grab a clean and dry towel. Spread the coat on the towel and let it dry flat.After the first day, turn the coat over to let the other side dry. Drying can take two to even three days.
    • Never hang wet wool to dry, as this can cause stretching and deformation.
    • Never tumble dry a wool coat as this can cause shrinkage.


  • You can keep your wool coat clean by removing stains when needed and hanging it up, and airing it after each time you wear it.


  • Do not wash a wool coat in the washing machine if hand washing is recommended. You can damage the fabrics that give the jacket its shape and structure, such as nonwoven, padding and lining.