Seduce a friend

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Turn A Female "Friend" Into A Lover In ONE Easy Step | Friend Zone Buster That Works Every Time
Video: Turn A Female "Friend" Into A Lover In ONE Easy Step | Friend Zone Buster That Works Every Time


Everyone has heard of the dreaded friend zone. Many people have had to deal with unrequited attraction to a boyfriend or girlfriend. There is much debate as to whether friendship can coincide with romantic attraction. Trying to seduce a male or female friend is a different game than attracting someone out of the blue, and much of your success will depend on the strength of your existing friendship. Seducing a friend can feel more risky than usual because you're putting your friendship at risk in this attempt. However, if you feel like there is something more, then taking a step and trying something can lead to great things, if you do it right.

To step

Part 1 of 4: Making the circumstances right

  1. Be a good friend first. Making sure you are in a good relationship as friends before moving on to anything else should be viewed as much more than just preparing for your great temptation. If you are already friends with someone, they will judge your seduction attempts based on what they know about you as a person, more than the temptation itself. Friendships come in all degrees, but many things apply to all.
    • Try to make it a regular habit to talk to the other person. Even if it is just a small conversation, it shows that you are interested in them as a person and care about the little things.
    • Make the other person feel good about themselves. People usually choose the people in their life depending on how they make each other feel. This is just as true for relationships as it is for friendships.
  2. Make sure the conditions are right. You only want to take a step when you think the timing is right. If your boyfriend or girlfriend has just heard some bad news and is looking for a shoulder to cry on, a seduction attempt may not be such a good idea. The same is true if there is a lack of chemistry between the two of you at the time. If you think things aren't working right now, better wait and see.
    • Don't try to wait too long, though. If you do that, you might be letting someone else pull your boyfriend into a relationship, ruining your chances of getting him or her.
  3. Spend a lot of time together. As a general rule, the more time two people of the opposite sex spend together, the more likely something will spark. Before making an immediate seduction attempt, it can sometimes be telling enough to simply ask to do something together. If you don't spend time together on a regular basis, you should ask to meet up. Even if you only date as friends, it's a great way to maximize the chances of something happening.
    • Time in a group is okay, but there's little chance that anything special will come out of it. However, one at a time is different as it means that two people are there special for each other during that time.

Part 2 of 4: Seducing your friend

  1. Find a quiet moment together. A good seduction cannot take place when you are in a crowded space. To be intimate, you need an intimate space. This could be at the end of an evening at a party together, or after one of you invites the other. A quiet, private environment is important because you don't want outside pressure to affect the way the temptation is received. Even when someone wants to be seduced, he can feel shy when he thinks his friends will be there and see it happen.
  2. Make the interaction light and playful. Even if your friend finds you physically attractive, you will have a hard time seducing him / her if you take his / her mood down. Emphasize your positive side. This can be as simple as making a conscious decision to be pleasant around the person you would like to seduce. Being cheerful opens up opportunities to flirt more openly, whether you mean it consciously or not. Good seduction is very rarely a serious matter.
  3. Express attraction with light touch. Touch is an important part of flirting. It's the way the two of you are going to break past the barrier between friends and something more. Light touches can be anything from a hug to a brief touch on the arm. These moves don't risk much, and you can usually tell from the way the other person responds to them if they'll appreciate more intimate actions.
    • You can try to keep your flirtation subtle if you want to keep the opportunity to withdraw if you find that your affections aren't reciprocated.
  4. Hold your friend's gaze. While it's normal to make eye contact with a friend while talking, prolonged eye contact usually indicates that something more is going on. Studies have shown that holding a person's gaze for extended periods of time can generate intense feelings. Even if you normally spend time with this friend, make conscious eye contact while trying to seduce him / her.
    • The response to eye contact can be positive or negative. Much depends on whether the other person finds you physically attractive.
  5. Tries to flirt a bit during a conversation. If the friend you want to seduce is already close and comfortable with you, regular conversation should be natural for the two of you. Once the foundation has been laid, you will want to weave playful flirting into your conversation. Exchanging light, teasing comments in your conversation is a great way to start. Compliments are a more direct way to show interest, especially if those compliments focus on things that you typically feel attracted to.
    • An example of a flirty comment: "Your hair looks good today. I think it really suits you. "
  6. Gauge your friend's current response. A simple but important thing to do before giving the final push is to think about the ways your friend has responded to your flirtation so far. If he or she smiles when you touch him or her or responds to your teasing with their own teasing, it is likely that your friend is inviting you to give it a try. However, if the other person seems uncomfortable, it is probably a sign that you should stop.
    • Everyone's psychology is different. If you are already friends with this person, you should at least have a basic idea of ​​how you think they would respond to someone they are attracted to.
  7. Make a bold move. All temptations come with a moment of truth. Usually this means a kiss, although it can also mean an overtly sexual or romantic comment. If your friend has responded well to noncommittal advancement attempts, then you can make your move. Kissing on the lips is often seen as something that is reserved for more than just friends. When you think the time is right, go for it. Don't be too quick with it either. It can be stressful, but it's not an experience you want to rush.
    • All daring steps are risky by nature. It is a good idea to check your chances before deciding to resort to a temptation.
  8. Open yourself to the possibility of being seduced. A strange thing about seduction is that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish who is actually seducing whom. Women generally tend to take a more submissive role in temptation, but women sometimes play it off as an active way of getting a man in. If you think there is mutual attraction, they may well be waiting for the right time to make their own move. You need to let them know it's a good idea to get moving.

Part 3 of 4: Maintaining the friendship

  1. Accept the consequences. The consequences of a temptation can be very good or very bad. Your friendship can turn into a one-night stand or even a long-term relationship. On the other hand, it can also quickly become uncomfortable and awkward. If so, the best way to mend a friendship (if you want to mend it) is to openly talk about what happened. Explain what you felt and why you tried this.
    • It's usually best not to delve into questions like why they rejected you. Focusing on the rejection itself can lead to bitterness on both sides.
    • If everything is indeed lost, you have to accept your loss. Not everything goes the way you want - that's especially true in the pursuit of relationships.
  2. Talk about it. If the temptation failed for some reason, things will be a bit awkward at first. It's best to turn this into an opportunity for both parties to vent their feelings and say how they feel. This can lessen the impact of the rejection, but it's necessary if you want to keep the friendship alive. Be honest about how you feel. If the other person is trying to pass it off as a joke, it might be best to act on it and get rid of the episode as soon as possible. Otherwise, it's a good idea to talk as friends about what happened. Make sure to let your friend know that you care about him or her as a friend, despite all the added attraction you've had for him or her.
    • You could start a conversation with something like this: "I know what this might look like. Although I am attracted to you, I also appreciate you as a good friend. I hope you don't think this makes me feel less about our friendship. "
  3. Leave it behind. After the temptation, you have to move forward. This is true if the temptation has worked, you just remain friends, or if the friendship has broken down as a result of your attempt. The outcomes vary wildly, but even in the worst case, there is no benefit to be gained from suffering from the case. An important part of life consists of accepting your decisions and learning from them. Even if you regret the temptation, forgive yourself as soon as possible. After all, you took a risk, and for that you should be proud of yourself.
    • If the temptation fails completely and your friendship ends, fill the emotional void with something new and fresh. Keep yourself busy. The people who heal the fastest from emotional pain are the ones who keep busy. Don't take it personally. Move on, and use your frustrations as fuel to move forward in your life.
    • If the temptation fails, but you manage to stay friends, try to get things to resume the way they went. Staying friends is easiest if you manage to talk things through when the temptation happens. Accept that some feelings are not mutual, while others are.
    • If you are initially rejected and the friendship continues, the other person may begin to see how much you appreciate them. If you put the topic aside for now, there is a chance that the other person will change their mind and realize what a catch you are.

Part 4 of 4: Considering your options

  1. Consider your opportunities. If you are already friends with someone, there is a chance that you can estimate your chances of success based on your existing interactions. Have you flirted with each other yet? Does the other already have a relationship with someone else? Do you have the impression that the other person already finds you attractive? If you get a less than desired answer to at least one of these questions, it does not mean that there is no hope for you. Rather, you will have to play your cards well, and possibly change things about yourself to better match their image of the right partner.
    • Having expectations in advance is an important part of making things work. Even if you successfully seduce your boyfriend, things can quickly go wrong if you don't know how to proceed now.
  2. Realize that your friend may want to be seduced by you. Seduction is essentially a form of positive attention, and there is no human who does not enjoy feeling wanted. Whether or not they respond well to your temptation is another thing, but keep in mind that your friend may already have feelings for you that you haven't noticed yourself. If you do it in a way that isn't weird or demanding, the gesture can at least come across as affectionate.
  3. Determine whether a temptation is worth it or not. Unlike dating a stranger, there is a higher risk of seducing a friend. For one thing, your friendship could suffer. Even worse, its aftereffects can affect other friendships as well. On the other hand, a strong enough friendship can usually survive a failed temptation, provided things are discussed openly.
    • Put your expectations next to your expected opportunities and decide for yourself whether you want to continue.
    • There is no easy answer to a question like this, but it is important that you live with whatever decision you make. While going for the temptation may seem like the riskier move, staying still can be just as painful if you actually like the person.
  4. Determine what your expectations are. It should also be said that there are varying degrees of success that come with your expectations. If you want a relationship, but think you will get a one-night stand at most, the question is whether it is worth it. Likewise, it is dubious to try a one-night stand with someone who you think could become emotionally attached to you afterwards.
  5. Decide what you want from your boyfriend or girlfriend. There are a lot of degrees to which you could seduce a friend. You may want a full-on relationship, but you may also prefer a "friends with benefits" type of situation.
    • If a "friends with benefits" arrangement is something you are specifically looking for, it is recommended that you try something with someone who has the same open and casual attitude towards sexuality.


  • Don't forget to look at yourself as well. If you think there is something you can do to make yourself more desirable, do it to maximize the chances of the business being successful.
  • Doing something to change the way you appear can make a big difference. Even something as simple as a new haircut can make friends who have known you longer see you in a different light.


  • Don't try to seduce your friend if they are already in a relationship. That shows a very bad attitude. The temptation will likely fail, and your friendship will likely be ruined too.
  • Don't value your friendship based on a possible relationship. The friendship itself will feel hollow, and the chance that a relationship will actually develop will therefore be minimal.