Heal oily skin

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Video: SKIN CARE TIPS- For Oily Skin


The oil on your skin helps to protect your skin and prevent signs of aging, but many people suffer from oily skin. We often think that only teenagers have this problem, but people of all ages can suffer from it. Oily skin can cause blemishes, blemishes and other problems. There are several home and topical remedies you can try and medications you can use under your doctor's supervision to get rid of your very oily facial skin.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Treat oily skin with topical agents

  1. Use a mild facial cleanser twice a day. Most dermatologists agree that cleansing the skin is the best way to get rid of the fat. Make sure to use a mild, pH-neutral cleanser instead of regular soap. Most soaps are very basic and remove the skin's natural acidic barrier, making your skin susceptible to bacteria.
    • It is best to use products with benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or beta-hydroxy acid. However, these products are slightly acidic, so start with a small amount to make sure you don't experience side effects.
    • Make sure to use warm water instead of hot water to wash your face. Hot water can make your skin irritation worse.
  2. Use a toner without alcohol and acetone. Place a few drops on a clean natural cotton pad and gently wipe the affected area. Toner can be harsh on the skin, so dermatologists recommend using it only on the oily areas of your face, rather than all over your face.
  3. Hydrate your skin. This may seem counterproductive, but fat and moisture are two different things. Even oily skin can be dehydrated and need moisture to stay healthy. Make sure to use a light moisturizer without oil. EXPERT TIP

    Use blotting papers. This is a type of tissue paper with which you can absorb the excess fat very well and quickly. However, this does not ensure that your skin produces less fat. So also clean your skin to achieve the best results.

    • Be careful not to rub your skin with the paper. This can spread dirt and cause skin irritation. Instead, just gently press the paper onto your skin and hold it there for 15 to 20 seconds.
  4. Use a clay mask. A mask can help pull the dirt and grease out of your pores to keep your pores clean. However, it can also dry out your skin, so make sure you don't apply a mask too often. Only use a mask once a week, not more often.
  5. Apply powdered oil-free mineral makeup during the day. Use powdered blush and eyeshadow instead of cream. You can apply a layer of translucent powder to your face two or three times a day after blotting the excess oil off your skin with a tissue.

Method 2 of 4: Avoid triggers

  1. Do not use harsh soaps and creams. Products containing alcohol and other harsh chemicals can irritate your face. This irritation can make your skin more oily and make the problem worse.
  2. Don't wash your face too often. You may think it is best to wash your face as often as possible, but that is not the case. Washing your face very often can irritate your skin and worsen your symptoms, just like using agents with harsh chemicals. Don't wash your face more than twice a day.
  3. Stop using heavy makeup. These products can clog your pores, leaving grease and dirt in your skin and causing more acne.
  4. Use a clean washcloth and towel on your face every day. This can leave grease, dirt and bacteria on it, which you can spread over your face again if you use the same washcloth or towel more often.

Method 3 of 4: Treat oily skin medically

  1. Visit your dermatologist. Home remedies and over-the-counter remedies don't work for everyone. You may need something stronger. Talk to your dermatologist and explain what symptoms you have and what remedies you have already tried. He or she can then recommend various other means.
  2. Use prescription topicals. If over-the-counter topicals aren't helping your oily skin, there are stronger prescription-only ones. Typically containing tretinoin, adapalene or tazarotene, these creams will shrink your pores and reduce the amount of oil in your skin.
    • Make sure you follow all directions on the package if you are using a prescription cream. If you use such a cream incorrectly, your skin can become even more irritated.
  3. Try a laser treatment. Lasers can be used to shrink pores and ensure that your skin produces less oil.
  4. Use Roaccutane. This is a prescription drug that must be taken orally. Roaccutane shrinks your sebaceous glands so that they produce less sebum. It is usually prescribed to treat severe acne that does not respond to treatment with other agents.
  5. Try a chemical peel. During this treatment, a chemical is applied to your face that removes the top layer of skin. This treatment treats wrinkles, sun damage and some forms of acne.

Method 4 of 4: Treat oily skin with home remedies

  1. Apply aloe vera to your face. The aloe vera plant has several healing properties and can treat burns, cuts and infections. Aloe vera also helps with oily skin and acne.
    • Cut a leaf from the aloe vera plant in half and squeeze out the gel.
    • Apply the gel evenly on your face.
    • Let the gel dry. After the gel has dried, rinse your face with cool water.
    • You can repeat this two or three times a day.
  2. Apply yogurt on your face. Yogurt helps to open pores and exfoliate the skin. It also absorbs the excess skin oil.
    • Apply a tablespoon of plain yogurt evenly to your face.
    • Let the yogurt sit on your face for 15 minutes and then rinse your face with cold water.
    • Repeat this once a day.
  3. Rub cucumbers on your face. Cucumbers are often used during facials and spa treatments, because cucumbers soften your skin. They contain vitamins and minerals that can combat swelling, redness and an excessive amount of skin fat.
    • Slice a fresh cucumber and rub the slices over your face.
    • Let the cucumber juice sit on your face overnight and rinse your face with warm water in the morning.
    • Do this daily.


  • You can mix bleaching earth with rose water to make a good mask for oily skin. You can apply this mask twice a week.
  • Make sure to stick to your skin care routine. Don't go to sleep without treating your facial skin. Your skin is very active during your sleep. It recovers and makes new cells faster than when you are awake. Help your skin by cleaning it so that your skin can breathe at night.


  • Do not try to remove all fat from your face. The fat protects your skin. By removing all the fat, you can damage your skin and even cause your skin to age prematurely.
  • Make sure to look up information about all products and remedies before applying them to your face. Everyone has different skin, and what works for one can cause skin irritation for another.
  • Follow the package directions carefully when using topical agents. Many products work well if you use the right dose, but are harmful if you apply too much.