Being a responsible teenager

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Ways On How To Become a Responsible Adolescent
Video: 10 Ways On How To Become a Responsible Adolescent


Being a teenager isn't easy. Teens can be under tremendous stress at school, at home and with friends, and the expectation of being perfect can be paralyzing. Fortunately, teens who want to be responsible can find help in a variety of ways. Being a responsible teen means knowing who you are and following a few simple rules. It also has benefits, as you can earn more freedom and independence and learn valuable life lessons that will help you in adulthood.

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Part 1 of 3: Planning school and work

  1. Focus on schoolwork. No matter how smart you are, excelling in school means being the best you can be. School can take a lot of effort (and even boredom), but it will all pay for itself in the end with jobs, education, and perspective.
    • Finish your homework even if you think you don't know. Many teachers give marks for completing them, even if the answers are not perfect.
    • Try to find topics that you are interested in and can engage in. School can be a really exciting, educational journey.
    • Talk to your teachers. Your teachers should, if all goes well, have the best for you. They want you to learn, have fun and succeed.
  2. Take a job. You may not want to flip burgers or work in retail, but the job is less important than the attitude you bring. If you are smart, attentive, and work hard, your employers will notice. That extra money that comes in will also be quite useful. In addition, working in a part-time job while still in school can teach you a lot about responsibility and time management. However, it's important to balance your school and work so that your grades don't suffer.
    • Make a resume of your achievements and bring it with you when you are looking for a job. A resume is a list of all the things that make you employable in the job market.
    • Be presentable for your job interview. You only make a first impression once.
    • Smile and be yourself. Most people will like you just the way you are - you don't have to convince those who don't.

Part 2 of 3: Taking care of your health and hygiene

  1. Visit your doctor and dentist regularly. If you are a teenager, it is a good idea to start learning good habits, and health is one of them. Visit your doctor and dentist regularly so you can live your life without worrying about your health. Here are a few tips to keep health issues at bay as much as possible:
    • Eat healthy. Avoid excessive junk food and fast food. Experiment with eating many different fruits and vegetables.
    • Exercise and exercise often. Try to get your body moving for at least 30 minutes every day. This will make you feel and look better.
  2. Avoid drugs and alcohol. At some point in your teens, you may find yourself in a situation where you are offered drugs or alcohol. There are many reasons why teens start experimenting with narcotics, whether it's through peer pressure or belonging, as a way to escape your problems, or simply out of curiosity. However, it is important to remember that drugs and alcohol can have many serious consequences in your life, both in the short and long term.
    • Drugs (any age) or alcohol (especially if you are a minor) can get you in serious trouble with the law.
    • Drink and drugs can cause you to lose your driver's license, be grounded, or face community service. You can even be arrested. All these consequences diminish the freedom you have now.
    • Drinking or taking drugs can cause you to say and do things that you normally wouldn't say / do, which can lead to hurt feelings and damaged relationships.
    • Drugs and alcohol can cause lasting health problems, especially in a young developing mind and body. You can also develop a dependence or addiction to drugs / alcohol.
    • Try to avoid spending time with people who drink or use drugs, and avoid parties where you know drugs or alcohol will be present.
  3. Maintain good hygiene. Teenage bodies are constantly changing. Your body is going through some pretty significant hormonal changes, so make sure to shower and pay attention to other basic hygiene practices. Don't be afraid to see a doctor or ask your parents about anything you are uncomfortable or unsure about.
    • Brush your teeth, wash your face, and try to be clean.
    • Experiment with different styles, but always groom yourself. Taking care of yourself means taking care of yourself so that you are representative of other people.
  4. Wear clean clothes. This goes hand in hand with maintaining good hygiene. Wearing clean clothes will show other people how confident you are.
    • Talk to your parents about how often they want their laundry done. Maybe you should do the laundry yourself.
    • For job interviews, family gatherings and other important events, you can invest in a nice suit or dress.
    • What is especially important is that you wear clothes that express who you are. Being responsible doesn't mean you have to dress a certain way. It means that you know what is permissible and how you can fit your own personal style within that framework.
  5. Be neat and tidy. Keep your room tidy. Your parents shouldn't have to clean up like a housekeeper. Cleaning up after you make a mess indicates that you are an adult and respect their time and feelings.
    • Hang your clothes or put them in drawers. Your clothes will look better if you put the energy into hanging or folding them.
    • Make your bed after you sleep in it. A made bed is more pleasant to sleep in.
    • If you mess it up, clean it up. Offer to tidy up dishes after dinner. Help clean up the backyard if you're throwing a birthday party.

Part 3 of 3: Working on the correct posture

  1. Be honest with your parents. Every parent wants the best for their children. Believe it or not, your parents were once kids too, so they sure know what you're going through. Being honest with your parents will give them feedback on what's working and what's not, and will help you communicate better.
    • Tell your parents where you are going and who you are dating. Your parents care about your safety.
    • Tell your parents when you feel good and when you feel bad. They want to celebrate your happiness with you and are happy to help you when you are sad.
    • Ask their advice. Your parents may have some tricks up their sleeve, tell you funny anecdotes, or suggest solutions.
  2. Try to have a good relationship with your parents. Parents appreciate if you take the time to tell them what's going on in your life. You don't have to tell them every intimate detail of your life, just let them know what's important to you.
    • Tell them about a funny thing that happened at lunch or about that test you took.
    • Ask them about their work, friends, goals. Listening is just as important as speaking.
  3. Do not treat others less than you would like to be treated yourself. Empathy has taken over in other people's shoes. Empathy is the opposite of selfishness. Wanting to be empathetic helps to develop yourself emotionally and strengthen your friendships.
    • Respect others, even if they don't respect you. Those people will learn to respect you.
    • Don't lash out at other people. Control yourself even in difficult situations.
    • Help others if you can. Helping others doesn't have to mean giving them something. It may mean lending a hand, listening, or giving advice.


  • Stand in front of your friends unless they are doing illegal or unethical things like dealing or stealing drugs. In that case, you may want to distance yourself from them.
  • In certain situations, such as when joking with friends, sarcasm is good. It's okay to be funny when the situation warrants it.
  • Your emotions shall not be perfect. Being angry, sad, bloated, or irritated doesn't mean you're bad; it means that you are human.
  • Surrounding yourself with positive things and role models is a great way to become happier and more responsible.
  • Don't be pressured by a group - just state that you don't like drugs, alcohol, or stealing. Whatever the situation, don't give in to peer pressure.
  • There is a time to be serious and a time to be joking. Remember to stay serious in a serious situation or you may end up reaping its bitter benefits.
  • Do not hide your feelings from your parents and / or trusted friends, because they only want to support and help you in a difficult situation, if you cannot handle it on your own.
  • Before you do something, it is good to ask yourself whether it is a good choice and a responsible decision.