Making a signboard in Minecraft

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 11 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Minecraft | 10 Secret Sign Tricks
Video: Minecraft | 10 Secret Sign Tricks


Minecraft is a Sandbox game where you can unleash your imagination. One of the objects in the game is a sign. This allows you to type text into the board in Minecraft so that everyone can see what you have written. If you don't know how to make a sign, this is an article to read!

To step

Part 1 of 3: Gathering resources

  1. Collect the resources. Making a signboard requires you to have wood. Use an ax or sword to cut down a tree. To make one sign you need the following:
    • 6 wooden planks.
    • 1 stick.
  2. If you haven't already done this, now is the time to make wooden planks and a stick. If you have already collected the resources, move on to the next step. If you don't know how to make planks (and eventually a stick) out of wood, read on.
    • Make boards out of wood. You can get 4 planks from one block of wood. So to make a sign you need at least 2 blocks of wood.
    • Make sticks from wooden planks. Place two wooden planks vertically in the workbench grid to make 4 sticks.

Part 2 of 3: Making the sign

  1. Place your stick in the middle, at the bottom of the workbench.
  2. After placing the stick, you now also place the 6 wooden planks on top of the stick. The wooden planks should occupy the first 2 rows of the workbench grid.
  3. Create the signboard. Take the sign and make as much of it as you want, depending on how much material you have.

Part 3 of 3: Placing and applying the signboard

  1. Place your sign wherever you want. If you place it on the ground, a stick will appear, anchoring the board to the ground. If you place the board against a wall, no stick will appear. The signboard is placed in the direction you are looking; so, if you are looking in a direction that is oblique to the wall, your board will also be placed at an angle.
    • You can attach a signboard to the following parts of the game: any block (including walls and fences), glass, other signboards, minecart rails, and even chests (while sneaking).
    • If you place a sign under water, an air bubble will escape after placing it. You can use this air bubble to breathe underwater.
  2. Enter your text. When you have placed the signboard, a text box will appear. This box has four lines with a width of 15 characters each, so you can enter a total text of 60 characters.
    • Once you have the text of the sign ready, the only way to edit the text is to destroy the sign and insert a new one.
  3. Liquids cannot pass through a sign. This makes these objects very suitable as a dam (for example if you use an air bag underwater and you want to stop the flow of water).
    • Signboards can also be used to serve as armrests on a sofa. Make two steps and place a signboard on each side of the steps to make a sofa or chair.


  • Use the signboard to mark an area. Name the area.
  • Live near a forest so that you have wood to hand.
  • All types of wood are suitable for making a signboard. Whether it is ordinary wood or tropical wood.
  • You cannot use signboards as a weapon.