Let a phone dry without rice

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 11 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Dry Your Wet Water Damaged Phone ● I Found The Fastest Way ( Rice is the Worst ! )
Video: Dry Your Wet Water Damaged Phone ● I Found The Fastest Way ( Rice is the Worst ! )


If you dropped your phone in water and now need to let it dry, don't worry too much about it. There are several ways you can do that without putting your phone in a container of uncooked rice. In fact, rice may not even be the most reliable substance for getting the moisture out of a wet phone. If you want to let your phone dry, it is imperative that you take it out of the water and take it apart as soon as possible. Wipe the internal components dry and let them sit in a desiccant for at least 48 hours. Also, never shake your phone when it is wet as this could damage it even more.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Choosing a desiccant

  1. Try crystal litter. Crystal cat litter is made from silica gel. This material is highly absorbent and is very good at removing residual moisture from a water damaged phone. You can buy crystal litter at any major supermarket or pet store.
    • Do not use any other type of litter. Powdery or clay-based cat litter can stick to your phone and turn it into a wet, clay-covered mess.
  2. Give oatmeal a try. Oatmeal flour absorbs better than regular oatmeal and more than chopped oatmeal flakes. If you already have oatmeal flour at home, this may be the most effective substance you could use to dry your phone. Just keep in mind that when you use oatmeal flour to dry your phone components, you may be left with a phone covered in small and sticky pieces of oatmeal dust.
    • You can buy unflavored oatmeal flour at a supermarket.
  3. Look for synthetic desiccant bags you could use. Synthetic desiccant pouches are those small pouches that come with various commercial items, including shoe boxes, dried food (eg, dried meat or spices), and electronic devices. The pouches are usually filled with highly absorbent silica beads, which can draw moisture out of your phone. You do not have to open the bags. Just stack them on your phone and let them draw the moisture out.
    • This option will only work if you have saved silica gel bags several months in advance. However, this is not a bad idea: many people have a smartphone and the chance of dropping it in water at some point is quite high.
    • If you haven't saved up silica gel bags, you can order them in bulk from online wholesalers.
  4. Use grains of couscous to dry your phone. Couscous is a type of ground and dried grain of wheat. The small and dry grains work much the same as silica pearls or oatmeal, pulling any residual moisture from the phone components. You can buy couscous at any supermarket. These granules don't leave any couscous dust on the phone components, making this a cleaner option than oatmeal.
    • Make sure to buy unflavored and unseasoned varieties.

Method 2 of 3: Get your phone out of the water

  1. Take your phone out of the water immediately. Whether you dropped your phone in the toilet, bathtub or in a lake, the first step is to get it out of the water as soon as possible. The longer you leave the phone in the water, the greater the water damage will be.
    • Leaving the phone in the water for an extended period of time will cause the electrical components to absorb more water and become more soaked.
  2. Remove the phone battery and other internal components. Before taking any steps to dry the outside of the phone, remove the electrical components from the phone. Open the phone case and take out the battery and SIM card. If you put an SD card in your phone, take it out too.
    • The internal components are critical to the functioning of the phone. If they are soaked in water then the phone will not work.
  3. Blow off the water from the telephone components and dry them with a towel. You can get most of the water out by blowing on the electrical parts of your phone. Wiping the phone parts with a clean, dry towel will help remove any moisture left on the parts. You should only use a desiccant to remove the moisture that has entered the components of the phone.
    • Instead of blowing on the phone components, you can also quickly shake them back and forth through the air. Just be careful not to accidentally fly the battery across the room.

Method 3 of 3: Using a desiccant

  1. Place the telephone components in a container with a capacity of 1 to 2 l. If you're going to cover your phone with a desiccant, you'll need quite a bit of it. So look in your cupboards and take out an empty pitcher, a large bowl or a large frying pan. Place all disassembled telephone components on the bottom.
    • You can omit the plastic back of the phone. This is not essential for the phone to function and can be air dried.
  2. Pour at least 350 g of desiccant over your phone. Do not be economical with the chosen desiccant. You need a significant amount of it to get the last of the water out of the electrical telephone components.
    • If you are using a non-edible desiccant such as silica gel, put a lid on the container.
  3. Let the phone dry in the tray for two to three days. It takes a while for your phone to dry up and be fully usable again. Let it sit in the desiccant for at least 48 hours. If you take the phone out too early, you will likely start assembling it while it still has water in it.
    • If you need your phone in the meantime, you can ask a friend to borrow his or her phone. You could also communicate via email and social media, instead of texting or calling.
  4. Assemble your phone and try to turn it on. Remove your phone from the desiccant after 48 to 72 hours have passed. Shake off pieces of the desiccant and put the battery, SIM card and SD card back in the phone. Then press the power button to turn your phone back on.
    • If the phone doesn't turn on after drying - or if it turns on, is barely working or the screen is damaged - take it to a professional repair shop.


  • If you don't have a desiccant, leave the phone in a cool room with a fan pointed at it.
  • Never put the phone in a hot oven or under a hot hair dryer. The hot air can damage or even melt the essential components of the phone.
  • If you have a Galaxy (or another Android), you can open the case with your fingernails. Some may need a small Phillips screwdriver, like the one you would use with glasses. For an iPhone you have to use a special 5-point screwdriver.