Becoming a successful high school student

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
HOW TO BE A SUCCESSFUL STUDENT | high school study tips!
Video: HOW TO BE A SUCCESSFUL STUDENT | high school study tips!


If you want to become a successful high school student, you have to be patient and motivated. Unfortunately, there are so many distractions during your teenage years that can get in the way of success. To become a successful student, you must learn to say "no" to this distraction by using organizational tools such as schedules, living a healthy life, and balancing your school life with your social life and extracurricular interests. It can be difficult and exhausting, but all efforts will pay off in the end.

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  1. Make a lot of use of your agenda. You don't have that for nothing. Don't just write your homework in it, but also other things you need to remember (like your soccer practice, drama lessons, etc.). To become a successful student, you must make sure that you are in control of all your activities. Use your calendar so that you are well organized and can carry out your plans. Also use your calendar to set time limits. If you spend more than an hour on that math assignment, you may not understand the material, and it will be of little use to you. Stop it, put it aside and do other homework. Come back to it later, and if you still don't get it, explain to your teacher why you didn't complete the assignment. Chances are that he / she will be happy to explain it to you so that your grade does not decrease. Just make sure you've at least tried to do the job.
  2. Be well organized. Make sure you have all the supplies you need.It can be helpful to have a binder for each lesson (maybe just a documents folder if it is an elective) with cut sheets and tabs. When your teacher explains, make sure you have a notepad you can take notes on, preferably with holes in it so you can put them in your folder later. Keep the papers in chronological order to make them easier to find when you go to college. If the folder becomes full, put old papers in another folder that you keep at home. Then you don't have to carry them with you to school every time, but you can find them again when you start learning for your tests or exams.
  3. Know that school is very important. You don't have to be a nerd who always locks himself up in his room on Friday nights or reads huge books to be someone who takes school seriously. The truth is that school is really important. If you want to go to college and have a good career later, you will have to do your best, but even if you don't have those ambitions, school can be very helpful. Both socially and intellectually. It's important to have fun and do lots of extracurricular activities, but school should always be the most important. That said, don't forget that extracurricular activities can also give you an awful lot.
  4. Remember that school is important, but so is social life. It is essential to find a good balance. You can always only get A's for your tests, but if you don't have any social contacts at all, you will have a hard time when you go to college. Do your best at school, but don't forget to have fun too and join a few clubs or associations to socialize. You will not regret it.
  5. Feel involved with your school. You don't necessarily have to wear your school colors every day to do this. You just have to keep track of what's going on, current events, who won the school football tournament last Friday, go to school parties, sign up for the school council, etc. Just as it is important to be up to date with the news and the politically, it is also good to be active at school. Then you not only get a better relationship with the people around you, but you also have more influence on how certain things are organized. It also shows that you are interested in your learning environment.
  6. Join a sports team. It's sometimes difficult to stay in shape if you have a lot of homework to do, so joining a sports team at your school will help you fit exercise into your schedule. Try it for a year, but be reasonable. If you find that your schoolwork is going to suffer, take a step back the next season. Do your best while exercising and during your schoolwork, you will benefit twice - you become healthy and get good grades.
  7. Find out what other after-school activities the school organizes. Just because you're not sporty doesn't mean you can't do anything fun after school. If you like art, join the drawing club. If you are a music lover, join the school band. Go somewhere and try to keep it up for a long time. You will benefit from that later in life. If you don't like any club, ask the rector if a new club can be set up. Often you can, and then you can help set up a new activity at your school.
  8. Immerse yourself in further studies. If you are in your final year, you should see what you want to do after high school. Go to open days of vocational training courses or universities so that you get a better idea of ​​what you like. You can also ask your mentor or dean for advice if you have no idea what you want to do after your exam.
  9. Try to get a high average final grade. A high average mark can be important for your further education. With a high average final grade, you are more likely to be accepted at certain schools or universities. There are also companies that look at the grades you obtained in secondary school when applying for a job.
  10. Try to be friends with everyone. It's a waste of time worrying about cliques, who's friends with, who the popular people are, etc. It's best to be friends with everyone else. Be confident and be yourself. Make it a habit to greet everyone, and don't be afraid to talk to new classmates. The easier it is to interact with a diverse group of people, the more people like you, and the easier it is for you to adapt to the variety of people you will meet during your life.
  11. Don't compare yourself to others. It cannot be stressed enough that you already have so much on your plate to worry about that you shouldn't bother with this. High school is only a competition with yourself. Try to get better every day, but don't wonder if the girl sitting in front of you might be much better dressed than you, getting better grades, having a nicer boyfriend, etc. In ten years, all of that will be totally unimportant. Focus on yourself. Focus on what you can do to yourself to improve. And then go for it!
  12. Don't procrastinate. This is probably the biggest pitfall for all high school students. It's hard, and it's okay if you do it now and then. But when an important test, exam or paper is coming up, don't make it a habit. You will regret that later, especially if you go to college and have to read huge amounts of material. Get used to getting everything done on time, and not waiting until the last minute. Make a plan and list all your homework. Hang it somewhere you can see it so you don't forget. And include the submission dates!
  13. Breakfast and lunch. It sounds stupid, but you'll be surprised how many people skip breakfast or lunch. That is not only stupid, but also very unhealthy. Firstly, a bowl of fruit with muesli is delicious. If you don't have time to have breakfast at home, at least get a sandwich from the bakery or canteen before your first class begins. It is important to get your digestion going so that it works well throughout the day. Lunch is also important to prevent your stomach from rumbling during the last hours of class. You can concentrate better with a full stomach. If you skip meals, your metabolism slows down, making you fatter, not thinner.
  14. Make sure you stay healthy both inside and outside the school. Don't fall for the candy machine trap. Most of the things in there are dirty and unhealthy. Opt for some nuts or a wholemeal cake if the machine is your only option. Also, don't be tempted to buy "vitamin water" - it's full of sugar. Only if you exercise a lot and have burned those 500 calories again can you justify that Mars or pink cake for yourself.
    • When you get home after school, have a healthy snack to keep your stomach full until dinner - have fruit, nuts or vegetable chips. Not only is it unhealthy to eat a lot of sweets during the day, but it also gives you a little energy, and then a dip, and then you still have to start on that 10-page paper.
  15. Get plenty of sleep. That is often easier said than done, but sleep has so many benefits. If every high school student were to sleep between 8 and 9 a.m., everyone would be a lot happier at school. Try to have everything done on time so that you get your much-needed rest. Then you are not only much more alert during the day, but it is also good for your skin and your figure, you can pay more attention during boring lessons, and therefore get better grades. If you have a lot of extracurricular activities, and find yourself still spending way too long with your homework afterwards, it is wise to drop a few clubs. It is of no use to anyone if you are sleep deprived. A nap can work wonders too. Caffeine helps keep you focused, but it can also have side effects and ultimately isn't good for you. Try to use these stimulant drinks in moderation, such as only if you have an important test.
  16. Develop your own taste. That does not mean that you go to school with a pantyhose on your head, for example. But make sure you develop your own taste and form your own identity so that you are not a replica of someone else. People are more likely to remember you and want to be friends with you if you dare to be different and authentic.
  17. Go out on the weekend. If you survived 5 exhausting days at school, it is time to do something for yourself. Even if you don't have that many friends, you can relax during the weekend and do what you like. Relax and recharge your batteries before Monday returns. Remember that school is a priority, so don't party so hard on the weekend that you are totally exhausted on Monday.
  18. Never give up. Another cliché, but important. In high school, you'll often go wrong, get back on your feet, give it another try, and make friends along the way. Don't be too hard on yourself if you get a 5 or a 6. Learn even harder so that you get an 8 or a 9 next time. If your soccer team has lost, try to run a little faster next time. These kinds of incidents will make you feel stronger later in life. Learn from your mistakes and you will come a long way. And remember that no one is perfect.


  • If you often procrastinate, here's a great trick. The beginning is the hardest. Force yourself to start your homework without thinking about it, and keep it up for 15 minutes. You will find that you can train your mind so that you can stay focused longer and longer. You end up so absorbed in your work that you forget that those fifteen minutes are over!
  • Stay away from arguments and gossip. You do have more important things to worry about than that.
  • Know that organization and high school in general are a learning process. Think of yourself as a work in progress. As you discover who you are, you will also discover which methods and habits suit you best. Don't be afraid to try things out and go wrong, and take risks. You'll be glad you did later.
  • Befriend your teachers. That makes everything a lot easier.
  • Even if you're shy, try making some friends so you have people to talk to and someone to assist you when you get in trouble. Joining a club or association can help. You will see that you can easily make contact with people.
  • If you find it difficult to complete the amount of homework you are given, tell your teachers. Don't be afraid to ask for extra help after class. They are there to help you. Plus, the worst thing they can do is say "no".
  • If you want to give up, think about what education you would like to pursue after high school. Look ahead, you will get a lot further!
  • You don't necessarily have to have a boyfriend or girlfriend in high school. Don't feel obligated to date because everyone else is too. You still have so many years ahead of you, so why not focus on your schoolwork now? However, don't be afraid to go on a date with someone. A steady boyfriend or girlfriend can also just be very nice.
  • You can occasionally skip a day at school, although this is not recommended, but remember not to do this too often. If you feel like it is all too much for you, ask your parents if you can stay at home for a day, but only do so if you also get permission. In any case, just do the homework that is on your agenda for that day, so that you don't get behind.
  • Be nice to teachers. They shouldn't hate you!


  • Don't worry about bullies because they are suckers. They think they are a lot, but they just aren't! You do have more important things to worry about, and it's not okay to surround yourself with negative people. Try to avoid bullies as much as possible and surround yourself with positive people like your friends to keep the bullies at bay.
  • Make sure you don't get overworked or your grades will go down and that's the opposite of what you want.


  • agenda
  • School supplies