Preparing a steam treatment for the face with essential oils

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Steam distillation - Lemon essential oil 🍋
Video: Steam distillation - Lemon essential oil 🍋


Getting a facial can be quite expensive at most spa centers. Fortunately, you can easily make a luxurious steam treatment for the face at home. You probably already have most of the essentials at home, and you can customize your facial by choosing your own essential oils. Improve your blood circulation, cleanse your skin or simply relax by choosing essential oils with beneficial properties.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Choosing essential oils

  1. Clear your sinuses and treat a cold. There are several essential oils that can soothe the symptoms of the common cold and clear your sinuses. Add a total of 3 to 7 drops of peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, or oregano oil to your facial. If you feel like your sinuses are clogged, oregano oil can treat sinus infections. Peppermint oil can cure sinus congestion headaches and eucalyptus oil tackles the blockage itself. Eucalyptus oil also soothes respiratory problems.
    • You can also use cedarwood oil, thyme oil, olibanum oil, marjoram oil, myrrh oil, sage oil, sandalwood oil, or tea tree oil to treat the common cold.
  2. Relax and unwind. If you're feeling stressed, lavender oil can help calm you down and even make you fall asleep. Sage oil can also soothe the symptoms of anxiety, stress and depression. Add a total of 3 to 7 drops to your facial.
    • Other essential oils that will help you relax include tuberose oil, vanilla ollie, and wintergreen oil.
  3. Get in a better mood. If you are depressed or just want to improve your bad mood, try lemon oil, rosemary oil, or rose oil. Rose oil is often used as a remedy for depression and rosemary oil can give you new energy. Lemon oil or any other oil made from a citrus fruit can improve your bad mood and improve your concentration. Add a total of 3 to 7 drops to your facial.
    • Ylang ylang oil, patchouli oil, jasmine oil, and chamomile oil are also good essential oils to help put you in a better mood.
  4. Treat acne. If you want to get rid of acne or blemishes on your face, consider steaming your face with tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, or rosemary oil. These oils all have antibacterial properties that can heal the infection causing the blemishes. Add a total of 3 to 7 drops to your facial.
    • Other antibacterial essential oils include oregano oil, sage oil, basil oil, and pine oil.
  5. Take care of your skin. Use rose oil if you have scars, stretch marks, or blemishes from old acne. Rose oil contains antioxidants that can help your skin to recover more quickly. It is also an astringent that can shrink your pores so that your skin looks firmer. Add a total of 3 to 7 drops to your facial.
    • Geranium oil works well with rose oil, and both oils share many of the same properties. They heal the skin by improving blood circulation.
  6. Do a skin test. If you are concerned about an allergic reaction to an essential oil, test the oil on a small area on your skin. You should do this before steaming your face with it. Mix the essential oil with a small amount of carrier oil (such as baby oil) and put a few drops on the absorbent part of a patch. Stick the patch on your forearm and leave it there for 48 hours. See if your skin turns red, irritated, or blisters. This could mean that you are allergic or sensitive to the oil.
    • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult your doctor before using essential oils. Many of these oils have not been extensively tested.

Part 2 of 3: Preparing a steam treatment

  1. Gather your supplies. Have everything you need for your steam treatment ready so you don't have to rush around while the hot water is ready and the steam escapes. You can easily prepare your facial steam treatment in the kitchen (near a hot water tap) or the bathroom. You need the following:
    • A waterboiler
    • Water
    • 3 to 7 drops of essential oils
    • A thick, clean towel
    • A large tub or bowl
  2. Prepare the water. Fill the kettle with clean water and bring the water to a boil. Pour the boiling water into a heatproof bowl or tub. Add the essential oils to the water. Use caution when pouring or moving the water into the bowl.
    • If you are boiling the water in the microwave, don't forget to put a wooden spoon, utensils, or chopstick in the water. This will prevent the water from getting too hot, which could cause it to explode.
  3. Hold your face over the bowl or tub. Place the bowl on a table so that you can sit on a chair and keep your face over the steaming bowl. Hold your head over the bowl and place the towel so that it covers the back of your head and the entire bowl. This prevents the steam from escaping.
    • Be careful not to keep your face too close to the hot water.
  4. Inhale the steam. Breathe in the steam deeply for 5 to 10 minutes, or as long as the water continues to steam. If necessary, you can reheat the water so that it starts steaming again.
    • You can reuse the water until it boils dry. Only add more essential oils if you are also adding more water.
  5. Rinse your face. Because the steam opens your pores, you will have to rinse your face with cold water after the steam treatment. Cold water contracts the pores and makes them close.
    • To hydrate your skin even further, you can apply a lotion immediately after the steam treatment.

Part 3 of 3: Cleanse your skin

  1. Wash your face. Splash warm (not hot) water on your face and apply a cream cleanser. Gently massage the cleanser into your skin with your fingertips. Choose a cleanser that contains the essential oils you like to use. Rinse the cleanser off your skin with warm water and pat your face dry with a soft towel. Do not rub your face or scrub your skin. This can damage your skin.
    • To get the most out of a steam treatment for your face, it is best to wash your face before you start. This removes make-up and excess oil from your skin. You can also wash your face after the treatment to deeply cleanse your pores.
  2. Apply a face mask. Buy a face mask that suits your skin type. If you need to mix the mask with water, follow the instructions on the package. You can apply some masks directly without having to mix them. Use your fingertips to apply the mask evenly all over your face. Leave the mask on your face for as long as it says on the package. Gently remove the mask from your face by wiping it away with a clean cloth and warm water. You can choose from the following masks:
    • Clay mask. Clay can remove oil from combination skin or oily skin.
    • Hydrating mask. This type of mask can moisturize dry or flaky skin.
    • Exfoliating mask. This type of mask lightly exfoliates your skin and can leave dull skin looking fresh and new.
    • Mineral mask. A mineral mask can help with inflamed and sensitive skin.
  3. Use a toner. Put some toner on a cotton ball and gently wipe it over your face. A toner has astringent properties and can remove excess oil and cleaner residues from your skin. A toner can also balance the pH of your skin. Toners often contain essential oils such as tea tree oil, rose oil, lavender oil and grapefruit oil.
    • Look for a toner that does not contain alcohol at the store, as alcohol can dry out your skin.
  4. Hydrate your face. Try to always apply a moisturizing lotion after washing your face to help retain moisture in your skin. Keeping your skin hydrated is important to keep your skin healthy. Keeping your skin well hydrated can help prevent wrinkles in the long run. To help moisturize your skin, remember to apply a moisturizer at the same time every day.
    • The moisturizer should be formulated for your skin type (oily, dry, sensitive or combination skin) and should also contain some sunscreen (such as SPF 15).


  • You can also use essential oils when taking a bath. Prepare a hot bath and add several drops of essential oils. Sit in the bath and breathe in the steam.
  • If you don't have essential oils, consider steaming your face with dried herbs and flowers.
  • Your face may look a little red after steaming and washing. This red color should disappear quickly. If you appear to have blisters on your skin, your skin appears to be swollen, or the red color doesn't go away, see a dermatologist. You may have a reaction to a skin care product.


  • Do not touch the side of the bowl if you just poured boiling water into it.