Become a stylish person

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Most Attractive Outfits For Men | STYLISH Outfits For Guys 2022 | Men’s Fashion & Style 2022!
Video: Most Attractive Outfits For Men | STYLISH Outfits For Guys 2022 | Men’s Fashion & Style 2022!


Being stylish has nothing to do with being arrogant. It's about cultivating respect. And that means respect for everyone, including yourself. Make sure you are polite to others and show a genuine interest in them. Be confident, dress how you want and behave accordingly. If you want to be stylish, follow the steps below.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Looking stylish

  1. Avoid trendy clothes. There is nothing wrong with liking trends or buying clothes that you like, but avoid clothes that don't flatter your figure, skin and hair color, etc.
    • Don't be too preoccupied with your looks or you might come off as foolish, vain, and superficial. The clothes you wear should enhance your personality and not create or change it. This advice can be applied in many areas of your life where you may feel the pressure to fit in.
  2. Present yourself as someone with a simple and elegant style. An excellent presentation of yourself is half the battle. Wear clothes and accessories that flatter your body. Never wear anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. You don't have to wear the most expensive clothes or expensive looking clothes that you bought cheaply. Better to adopt a personal and deliberate style.
    • Good hygiene is very important. Take a shower daily and when you go to a place for the first time, make sure you feel and look fresh.
  3. Never dress too casual. If you are going to a formal or semi-informal meeting, you better know what that means. Because it is better to look too dressed than too casual, and it is not acceptable to go to a formal meeting in jeans if you had to wear pants or a dress. It is also not funny to wear sneakers if you should have put on proper shoes.
    • Make sure you know what is expected of you in terms of clothing. Ask the host or friends attending the meeting if you are unsure.
  4. Don't look like you partyed the night before. So don't show up with a wristband, stamp or x on your hand from the party you went to the night before. Furthermore, avoid stinking of sweat, cafes, beer, or even vomit. Remove the eyeliner from the night before, take a shower, and don't go anywhere, including brunch, until you look ready to start the day and not like you're ready to find your hole again.
    • Even though you've had a long night, never say Ooh I have a sooooo hangover. That's just not stylish.
  5. Make sure you dress yourself up before you go out. So don't put on make-up in public or comb your hair, button your blouse, tie your shoelaces, check your outfit or do anything that it is clear would have taken no effort to do before you went out the door. . Put your blouse in your pants, put on your mascara and lip balm, and do the rest before you face the outside world.
    • Prevent others from seeing your underwear. Stylish ladies are not allowed to show their bra straps and stylish men are not allowed to show their underpants.
  6. Don't wear provocative clothing. Leave something to the imagination. When choosing your outfit, make sure you know the difference between sexy and raunchy. Ladies, don't let your cleavage be the focus of your outfit. You can show a little skin but don't show people everything you have to offer because then you give the wrong impression. Show your legs but make sure your buttocks are covered.
  1. Make sure your posture is excellent. Excellent attitude is part of being stylish. Keep your back straight, look in front of you instead of at the floor, and avoid lanky walking as much as possible. Do not cross your arms in front of your chest, but keep them next to your body so that they help you open your chest. Keeping your head high will make you look stylish and feel more stylish too. Never try to sit down.

Method 2 of 3: Sound stylish

  1. Don't curse. A coarse mouth is anything but stylish. If you feel like swearing, go to the bathroom and turn on the water while you swear a string of swear words or curse into a pillow. But don't show others that you curse. Because that would look vulgar, and, if you swear when you are angry, it would look like you are out of control of your feelings which is a very big lack of class.
  2. Give people compliments behind their backs. Yes really. Instead of talking about how vulgar, annoying, noisy, or stupid someone is, take the time to say something positive about someone who is not there. That shows that you have class and that you have enough confidence and wisdom to recognize the qualities of others rather than gossip as soon as they turn around.
    • Praising people behind their back makes you come across as a positive, controlled person rather than someone who is always out for trouble.
    • If you are always gossiping, people think you have no class because it shows that you are mean-minded and unkind.
  3. Don't be the loudest person in the room you are in. Has anyone ever said to you, "I knew I was in the right place when I heard your voice from across the street" when he walked into a party? If so, it's time to mute your volume. Everyone can hear you well, don't think you have to yell or shout to win a discussion. Speaking evenly, even when you are in front of a lot of people, is a sign of class because it shows that you are confident enough not to scream to get people's attention.
    • If you're concerned about this, ask your friends to rate how noisy you are on a scale of 1 to 10. When you get close to 10, it's time to turn your volume down.
  4. Don't talk about the amount of class you have. Sometimes, for whatever reason, people who think they are classy just love to talk about their perceived class, especially when compared to someone who would not have class. If you notice that you sometimes say that you have class yourself or that you are a woman with class, then you are not very stylish. Let other people decide for themselves how stylish you are instead of boasting about it.
    • Ideally, if you have class you should never use the word "class."
  5. Don't burp in public. Farming in public isn't cool, funny, or a great way to entertain your friends after consuming a hamburger and large soda. If you enjoy burping for fun, please stop. And if you farm accidentally, that's no problem. Just put your hand over your mouth and excuse yourself.
  6. Make sure you observe good etiquette when it comes to mobile telephony. If you are in class, do not check your phone every five seconds, do not keep staring at your phone when in company, do not ring or buzz the phone, even when in class, do not answer the phone a lunchroom or cafe and do not have a personal conversation there. Only talk on the phone when you are alone and if you are not disturbing anyone unless it is an emergency.
    • It's really rude and not cool to check your phone every two seconds in a public place. It gets there quiet called for a reason.
  7. Make sure your voice is calm when you are angry. Even if you're in a public place and your partner, best friend, or a stranger has made you terribly angry, take a few breaths, close your eyes, talk slowly, and generally keep comfortable. Make sure no one ever sees or hears you in public while you scream, yell, or throw things. And try not to do these things in your private situation.
    • Remember that you can convey your point of view better if you not are yelling.
  8. Don't talk about money. It is not stylish to talk about how much money you make, how much money you have, how much money your new car / jacket / excesses / earrings cost or whether you received a salary increase of 1,000 euros. Don't talk about how much your parents, partner, best friend, or anyone else earns. That's just not stylish.
    • Never ask how much others earn.

Method 3 of 3: Behave stylishly

  1. Be authentic. If you have class, live in such a way that you can be proud of it. If you keep feigning and cheating, you have to ask yourself why you are actually doing that. A person with honor and integrity never has to hide behind a facade. If you can't show your true self to the world who will people see in you? Just stop pretending. Even though you're tired of hearing it, it's really true that you just have to be yourself. If you pretend you will never succeed in life.
    • You don't have to be 100% yourself in every situation. You have to adapt depending on whether you are talking to a professor or your best friend. But at the core you always have to be yourself.
  2. Be independent and courteous but don't overdo it. If you do that, people may take advantage of you in the future. Limit your time and indicate your limits to others so that they are aware of your limits. Owning almost nothing and taking the time to find out who you really are instead of always obsessing about planning is also very stylish.
    • People will then see you as truly unique and respect you even more.
  3. Be assertive. Avoid passive-aggressive thinking patterns; sooner or later you will experience the disadvantages of this. Being assertive shows that you are mature, thoughtful and confident. Class requires balance and assertiveness is an important example of this.
  4. Don't pretend you have knowledge that you don't actually have. If the people in your group or date are talking about a topic you don't know or understand about, it is wise to say that you don't know much about the topic being discussed or if you want to talk about the topic , asking you for more information on this topic. Not only do you show that you are an adult, but you also show that you have an open mind.
    • People will respect you more if you admit that you don't know about something.
  5. Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself. The Golden Rule is a guide that has been used throughout the ages to treat adults and children with style. Make sure you cancel a dinner in time, defend those who cannot do it themselves, call your parents to let them know how you are doing, seek regular contact with your friends; these are all small gestures that express your class and authenticity.
    • Make sure you choose friends who share your values.
    • Everyone should be treated as your equal by you until they prove they are inferior to you. Give people the benefit of the doubt.
    • And always respect the elderly in society. Being rude to the elderly is the ultimate proof of lack of class.
  6. Be open to personal development. Do not lose yourself, but be receptive to constructive changes. In our world, change is inevitable. Be positive and flexible about this and guide others in this. Take on life instead of burying your head in the sand. Others will then sense that you are someone whose opinion is important.
    • Take lessons in things that will increase your skills and teach you new skills.
    • Remember that the learning process never stops. It's not stylish to think you already know everything.
  7. Be knowledgeable and aware. It is good to be politically, culturally and religiously aware. Even the most basic knowledge can save a person from shame and inappropriateness. If you know in advance that you will be spending time with someone who has a background you are unfamiliar with, it is advisable to do more in-depth research to avoid a painful faux pas.
    • Be well-read. This is an important part of being stylish and having a stylish conversation.
  8. Know when to ask for help but avoid desperate behavior. That is disastrous if you want to be a stylish person. Only desperate times call for desperate measures. Take a deep breath, be strong, and get through the situation with elegance and grace. You will then be victorious regardless of the outcome. If things get out of hand and you are completely caught off guard, seek help from a close friend, or family member.
    • It's classy to admit you have a problem and try to fix it. It's not stylish to be in denial.
  9. Be responsible. Stylish people leave their environment in good condition, at least as good as it was when they found it. Unless they are in a restaurant where the staff clean up the mess, stylish folks insist on cleaning up their own mess and trash. They don't expect others to clean up after them. And when others do them a favor, stylish people immediately notice and express gratitude and appreciation, unlike arrogant and spoiled people who assume it's normal and ignore those who offer help.
    • If you're a guest with someone, clean up your own mess. If you borrow a car from a friend, fill the tank before returning it.
    • If you make a mistake, take responsibility for it instead of blaming someone else.
  10. Be considerate. Truly stylish people cringe at the thought of being a burden to others, making others feel uncomfortable, getting in the way of others, or being annoying to others in other ways. Stylish people go their own way when they are with strangers and make people feel comfortable at social occasions. Truly stylish people are gracious and friendly to everyone, be it the principal, the postman or the security guard.
    • Stylish people know the names of others and use them when greeting people they see regularly, be it the doorman, the security guard or the boss's wife. Stylish people treat everyone the same - with courtesy and respect.
  11. Don't be promiscuous. If you want to be stylish, don't go home with a different one every night. But if that's your thing, don't talk about it, brag about it, and don't walk around with garish hickes. Stylish people keep their amorous contacts to themselves so don't elaborate on details of your last fling. Also, don't show other people that you're kissing on the dance floor, because, you guessed it, that's not classy.
    • It's okay to experiment and have multiple sexual partners. But if you brag about it or pretend it is a competition, you will get in trouble.
  12. Have good manners. Say, "Yes Madam", "No Sir" and "Thank you" as often as you can. Be polite to people older than you. If you need to sneeze, put it in your hand or, better yet, in a handkerchief, not in the air. Don't wipe your nose on your sleeve. Do not try to remove food from between your teeth in public. Place a napkin on your lap before eating a good meal. Don't scratch yourself in public.
    • Take etiquette lessons as needed.
  13. Be classy when you drink alcohol. So don't get so drunk that you don't remember what you did the night before the next day. While you may be a little tipsy and a little out of control, people should be able to see that you have your mind and body under control. When people see you stumble around and hear that you are unclear at night because you are drunk, people are really not going to think that you are stylish. Not even if you neatly wear your study books during the day and look stylish.
    • If you've gotten yourself into trouble more than once while drinking, it may be time to quit.


  • Stand and sit upright. Always act thoughtfully and think before speaking.


  • Making mistakes is human. If you make a mistake, forgive yourself, apologize to the people you may have hurt with it, learn from it, and continue your development.
  • Changing your behavior can feel unnatural. If so, remind yourself that every human being is always evolving. A stylish person is simply someone who consistently displays graceful and friendly behavior.