Getting a strong jawline

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 25 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Mewing Tutorial: How to Get a Stronger Jawline
Video: Mewing Tutorial: How to Get a Stronger Jawline


Whether you are born with a strong jawline depends on several genetic factors. There are things you can do to strengthen your own jawline. For some, that means losing weight so that the jawline is more visible; others can change their eating habits or even their wardrobe. Nothing will stop you from looking as fearless as possible, whether you have a naturally powerful jawline or a slightly less prominent one!

To step

Method 1 of 4: Exercises for your jawline

  1. Consider purchasing a facial training program. If you want to seriously strengthen your jawline, there are programs that can train your jaws with a variety of facial exercises. Compared to most fitness programs, they are relatively inexpensive and easy to follow.
  2. Laugh. Some naturally smile more easily than others, but the fact is that it brings a laundry list of benefits to your facial muscles. Just like with the rest of your body, the more you train your face, the better and tighter it will look. Laughing is good practice because it is psychologically linked to feeling happy, so if you make it a habit to smile a lot, you will likely notice an improvement in your mood as well.
  3. Clench your jaws and relax them. If you want a tighter jawline, you will have to train the jaw yourself. To do this, you can clamp your jaws together for 10 seconds and then release. It may hurt or burn a little. Repeat this as many times as you want - between 10 and 15 times is sufficient at the beginning.
    • You can increase the number of repetitions over time. Then your jawline continues to develop.
    • Clenching your jaw can easily be integrated into your daily routine. Since it's not as noticeable or as crazy as most other facial exercises, you can even do it on the train on the way to work.
  4. Lift your chin. Tilt your head up and keep your eyes on the ceiling. Pucker your lips as if you were trying to kiss someone a few inches above you. Keep your lips tight for about 5 seconds, then relax and give them a few seconds to recover. You can repeat this exercise as many times as you want, but start with 10 times. With this exercise you tighten your face through the position of your head and the muscle tension using multiple facial muscles.
  5. Massage your temples. By massaging your temples and relaxing the area between the eyebrows, you stimulate the circulation of your entire face. Massage your temples with two fingers of one hand using small circular movements. Keep this up for 30 seconds per session.
    • Massaging the temples is one of the best ways to combat migraines.
  6. Make a fish mouth. Making a fish mouth is a great exercise to tighten your cheeks and jaw. Suck your cheeks and try to smile. Do this for at least five seconds per rep. It doesn't feel very pleasant, and at the end of each rep, your muscles should start to burn a little. That's good, because it means that your muscles have been put to work. Repeat this 10 times to start, and try to slowly increase the number of reps.
    • Exercises such as the fish mouth are easy to fit into your daily routine, as long as you don't forget to do them. For example, you can practice it in the shower or just before going to sleep.

Method 2 of 4: Be healthy

  1. Drinking water. Drinking a lot of water has so many advantages that we cannot list them all here. Needless to say, drinking water is necessary (and sadly underestimated) for your overall health. Water helps to lose weight and ensures that you have energy all day long. In addition, sufficient moisture is good for the blood circulation in your face. Most of the benefits only indirectly affect your jawline, but drinking water is one of the best things you can do if you want to see positive physical change.
    • If you're overweight, drinking water is a great way to shed some pounds, as it will keep you full without having any calories, unlike soda or snacks.
    • Drinking water speeds up the body's metabolism.
  2. Eat less salt. Salt is one of the ingredients that we eat way too much of these days, and it's incredibly bad for the skin. If you can find ways to eat less salt (like eating more whole foods and less junk food), it will definitely benefit your skin. Your skin retains less moisture and you look less bloated, making your jawline more visible.
    • Many alternative diets are based on the idea of ​​limiting salt intake. Do some research and choose a diet that suits you and your lifestyle.
  3. Get enough sleep every night. You probably know that you need to sleep at least eight hours a night. Most people only sleep for five or six hours. However, if you want a nice jawline, you will need to sleep the full eight hours so that your body can recover properly.
  4. Stop smoking. Just like salt and lack of sleep, smoking can also be disastrous for your skin. If you are a staunch smoker and want a better jawline, there is no harm in quitting smoking. Seeing the first improvements in the mirror after a month will keep you motivated, no matter how difficult it may be at first.
  5. Chew gum. Eating gum is one of the easiest and best-known ways to improve the jawline. Chewing gum has a lot of surprising benefits, one of which is that it works facial muscles. The results of your efforts will show after a few weeks. And the best part is that it is fun to do, so it takes less effort to make it a habit.

Method 3 of 4: Clothing and grooming

  1. Consider growing your beard if you don't have a strong jawline. Not everyone is born with a strong jawline. If so, keeping your beard on can give the impression of a fuller face.
    • Think about the size of your face. A beard often makes your face appear smaller; if you have a big face, you might be able to balance it out with a big beard. However, if you have a small face, it is better to keep your beard short.
  2. Give your beard a clean line in your neck. A beard can dramatically change the appearance of your jawline. A mistake many boys make is that they stop their beards at the neck too soon, namely just below the arch of the jaw. Then the jaw appears to be weaker and less visible. If you have a tendency to keep your beard too high, try growing it a little further (lower) than you normally would, and shave it a nice clean, well-groomed line.
    • If you have a hard time determining where to end your beard, run an imaginary arc from one ear to the other. This should be well below the jawline, which will make your face look fuller.
  3. Choose a collar that suits your face shape. A general rule in the fashion world is that every stylistic choice is influenced by the areas that surround it. A shirt is usually not chosen based on the face shape, but it does become important if you want to emphasize your jawline with it.
    • An oval face is widest at the cheekbones and quite long compared to other face shapes. If you have an oval face, you are lucky; your face is very versatile and suits all kinds of styles.
    • People with a round face are better off choosing items of clothing that make the face appear a little longer. A shirt with a narrow collar is ideal for this.
    • An angled or square face has the opposite problem of a round face; if your face is angular, it wants to make it look a bit fuller. A wide collar can help with this.
  4. Groom your beard regularly. While it can seem very manly to keep your beard flowing wildly and freely, taking the time every day to make sure your beard looks neat and tidy will make a much bigger impression. That means shaving off the hairs on your neck and trimming beard hairs that are getting too long. A well-groomed beard works wonders for your jawline.
  5. Hydrate your skin. Spots and pimples quickly kill your strong jawline. Even if you are not bothered by this, your face could use some extra care. Moisturizing your skin is a great way to make your face look better quickly. Hydrate your skin with an oil-free emulsion and cleanse your skin every few days. You won't see change in a day, but you will definitely notice improvement after a few weeks.
    • This is even more important if you have skin problems such as acne.

Method 4 of 4: Make your jaw even more beautiful

  1. Use a good toner. A good toner will keep your skin from going limp, which will keep your face (and jaw) looking tighter. Dead skin cells rob your skin of its natural glow, so it's important to get rid of that if you really want a sculpted jawline.
    • Buy an astringent toner as it works best to tighten the skin.
  2. Use a product that provides more collagen in your skin. Collagen is the active ingredient of your skin, which keeps it taut. Certain cleansers and toners stimulate collagen production, so try to look for them when buying new products. There are also collagen injections, but because they have unnatural side effects, you better see them as a last resort.
  3. Accentuate your jawline with makeup. Using makeup can emphasize your jawline. There are a few ways to do that; if you're not used to makeup, you may need to practice a little before it works out properly. Keep these techniques small and subtle; then the human eye will not see that you have done anything to pimp your jawline a bit.
    • Shading your cheeks and jaw with a light bronzer will make your jawline stand out more. Apply lightly in a downward motion, choosing one or two shades darker than your natural skin tone.
    • Highlights on your jawline emphasize the shape. Apply a line about two inches wide directly above your jawline. Then your jawline is more noticeable.
    • Spreading a little bronzer over your jawline and neck will help fuse the above techniques. Apply very little of it; you just want the shadows to blend well.
  4. Consider liposuction. As with all other facial features, you can also have your jawline operated on if you really want a quick fix to the problem. You can inject digestive molecules into the areas you want to target, which will then burn off any excess fat, and then stimulate collagen production. Talk to a doctor if you think plastic surgery is for you.
    • If you want a strong jawline, plastic surgery can be effective, but the cost and potential side effects can make it tricky, so try all the other options first.


  • By shifting attention to other body parts, such as your nose, cheeks, or eyebrows, you can keep people from paying attention to your jawline.
  • A weak jawline is often the result of too much body fat. Switch to a healthy diet and exercise every day to get the results you want.


  • It is especially important to make sure that the adjustments you make to your appearance are consistent with the traits you were born with.