Getting a six pack (for girls)

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Do you also want a six pack where that flabby stomach is now? That's easier than you think! In this article you will learn the best exercises to make a washboard out of your stomach.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Following a diet

  1. Eat small portions regularly. Try to eat small portions 5-7 times a day. If you want a snack, you can have a banana, some walnuts or salad. The biggest meal has to be lunch.
  2. Watch what you eat! Make sure you get enough protein (proteins) to build muscle. Avoid sugar altogether and watch your calorie intake. You do have to eat enough carbohydrates, otherwise your body will look for another energy source and that is not your fat, but your muscles. This actually causes muscle breakdown.
    • Wimp well must eat:
      • Lean meat such as beef, chicken or turkey.
      • Lean proteins such as soybeans (tofu) or other beans
      • Fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants, such as spinach, kale, blueberries, tomato or strawberries. You can also eat fresh herbs rich in this. Search for this on the internet which herbs they are.
      • Nuts and seeds, such as walnuts and sunflower seeds (unsalted).
      • Whole grains, such as oat flour, whole wheat pasta and also brown rice.
    • Wimp not must eat:
      • Fast food.
      • Bad carbohydrates (fast sugars). They are in soft drinks, products with added sugar, such as cakes, cookies and candy, and fruit juices such as orange juice.
      • Orange juice is packed with fast sugars. This does not mean that you should not eat fresh fruit, but avoid fruit in liquid form, so fruit juices. Also, do not drink drinks with sweeteners.
      • Processed foods such as sugar cereals, chips, fish fingers, etc.
    • Try not to eat right before going to bed. If you eat before going to bed, it can no longer be processed by your body and is immediately converted into fat. So stop snacking late at night!
  3. Drink lots of water. Try to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
    • Remove all sugary drinks from your diet! Sugary drinks - even those like Diet Coke or Coke Zero - won't contribute to your overall health like plain water. You don't have to get fanatic about it, but try to avoid soda in general.
    • Drink green tea! Green tea is high in antioxidants and contains only 1 calorie per cup. Don't put sugar in it.
    • Drink a large glass of water or green tea before a meal. Then your stomach will be fuller and you will eat less.

Method 2 of 2: Do exercises

  1. Do the plank exercise. The plank exercise is one of the simplest ways to get your abs hard. All you need is a flat surface and a little time, and maybe some resilience for the burning muscles.
    • Lie down in an inclined position. Only your toes and forearms - from your elbow to your clenched fist - should touch the ground.
    • Make sure your entire weight is supported by your toes and your forearms.
    • Keep your body as straight as possible all the time. Hold this position for as long as possible.
      • If you want to make it more difficult, you can lift an arm or leg. Or place one foot over the other.
  2. Do an exercise that involves lifting your legs. Another great exercise for gaining abs is lifting your legs. You will feel how effective that is when you start.
    • To get into the starting position, lie on a mat with your head, back and legs flat on the floor. Slide your hands under your buttocks.
    • Gently lift your feet a few inches off the ground so that they float just above the ground. Keep your legs straight. Hold this until you feel it burning in your abs.
    • Slowly raise your legs, now with your knees slightly bent, until they are at a 90 degree angle to the floor. Your body is now in the shape of an "L".
    • When your legs have reached the 90 degree angle, tighten your abdominal muscles for a moment. Then you bring your legs to the starting position, exhale and start again.
  3. Do crunches. Crunches are a great way to train your abs effectively and there are many variations of crunches. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Keep your hands to your temples. Bring your chest and head up to the ceiling. Make sure to keep your lower back on the floor and keep your shoulders relaxed. Hold this pose for two seconds and focus on the contraction of the abdominal muscles. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat.
    • Attempted hands above your headcrunch. Instead of holding your hands to your temples, do a crunch while extending your arms with your palms crossed. Keep your arms fully extended throughout the exercise.
    • Attempted crossed crunch. With your hands behind your head, move your left elbow and right knee toward each other in the crunch. Go back down and move the right elbow and left knee together. Try to move your shoulder towards your knee, not just your elbow. Remember that the point is to tighten your abs during the exercise.
    • Attempted legs on a gym ballcrunch. Instead of your legs on the ground, put your legs on a large gym ball at a 90 degree angle. Slowly roll your shoulders off the floor and tighten your abs, just like you would with a normal crunch. Move back down and repeat.
    • Try the crunch on one sloping bench. Sit on an inclined bench (30 ° slope), with your hands next to your head. Try to lock your feet so that your knees are at a 90 ° angle. Make sure your back is almost perpendicular to the sofa. This is your starting position. Slowly bring your chest to your thighs, hold for a moment, then come back down and repeat.
    • Try a rotation of crunches. Example: 20 normal, 10 cross-body, 15 overhead hands.
  4. Use your weight. Take two chairs of the same height and rest your forearms on the armrests, lift your legs off the floor, up and down. Be careful not to slip or fall.
  5. Do as much cardio as possible. Run a few miles at least once a week. Playing tag or hide and seek outside can also burn calories. Run your dog and make sure you drink enough water!
  6. Do your ab exercises for 30 minutes a day, 3 days a week to start with. Slowly work your way up to 5 days a week. When it gets easier, do it twice a day, 5 days a week.


  • Your exercises are of little use if your abdominal muscles are covered with a layer of fat, because no one will see the result.
  • Sufficient moisture is very important! But be careful not to drink too much, as this can cause kidney and stomach problems. Do not drink sports drinks with sugar.
  • You often see those carbohydrate-free diets or those high-protein diets. You will not see any results with such a diet. To build perfect muscles, you need to eat more protein than carbohydrates, less fat and drink lots of water. 40% protein, 40% carbohydrates and 20% fat are a good start to build muscle.
  • If you are addicted to food, always have gum with you. That is sweet, but it keeps you from eating other things.
  • After the exercises it is good to eat a carrot that burns fat.
  • Stretch well after the exercises. By stretching exercises you prevent muscle pain. Stretch before and after the abdominal exercises.
  • Swim! Don't swim too far to avoid exhaustion. Go with a friend, preferably an experienced swimmer.
  • Rest is very important to grow good muscles! You can train yourself to death, but without enough rest you will not see any results. Also limit your stress because this also plays a role.


  • Make sure you don't dry out!