Getting a six pack in a month

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 6 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How I Got a 6 Pack in 6 Weeks  -  BRUTAL Abs Workout...
Video: How I Got a 6 Pack in 6 Weeks - BRUTAL Abs Workout...


Getting a six-pack can sometimes seem as difficult as climbing Mount Everest, but with the right exercise, a healthy diet, and a little persistence, you can achieve the six-pack of your dreams in less than a month. Read on to learn how to get the six-pack you've always wanted.

To step

Part 1 of 2: Developing an exercise routine

  1. Determine your fat percentage. Usually you can only detect a six pack when your fat percentage drops below 13% (in men) and 17% (in women). Of course there are always exceptions to the rule. So that means that most people have to reduce the percentage of fat on their body in order to see the underlying muscles. There are several ways to measure body fat percentage - the easiest is by using the body analyzer in the gym.Click here for more ways to measure your body fat percentage.
    • For example: Suppose you are a man and you weigh 76 kg, with a fat percentage of 18%. Your goal is a percentage of 12%. So you will have to lose 6%. Use the following formula to calculate how much weight you will need to lose. (Fat% to lose) x (original weight) = Weight to lose. In this example, the man will have to lose 0.06% x 76 kg = 4.56 kg.
  2. Do abdominal exercises. Train on this 5 days a week. Each exercise should consist of 3-4 sets, with as many reps as you can handle per set. If you can do more than 30 reps, use a weight to make it heavier. Do the following exercises:
    • Lie down and do leg raises on a bench. This will target the lower abs.
    • Crunches with raised legs. This one is for the upper abs.
    • Lie down and do twists for the oblique abs.
  3. Do high-intensity interval training (HIIT). HIIT consists of all the cardiovascular training you know. While most people think that you can get a six pack by doing a lot of crunches, the point is actually getting rid of body fat so that the underlying muscles show up. That's when HIIT comes into play. Running, cycling, and swimming are all great ways to start sweating. An example of a HIIT session is:
    • Do ten sprints on the 100m combined with a 100m walk. This means you sprint 100m and then quickly walk back where you started. Repeat this 10 times and expect a session to last approximately 30 minutes. The goal is to keep your heart rate high for about 30 minutes. Do this 5 times a week in combination with your abs workout.
  4. Make a plan for your workout and stick to it. It is best to do the cardiovascular workout in the morning and the workout for your abs in the afternoon or evening. Also start with a healthy diet right away and stick to it for a month.

Part 2 of 2: Changing your diet

  1. Go for healthy, honest food. This means that you do not use pre-processed food. Instead, your food consists of whole, whole, and balanced nutrition. With processed food you can think of the following products, for example:
    • Chips, burgers, pizza and all other ready meals are all factory food and you should definitely not eat anymore.
  2. Eat a balanced diet. To really give your six-pack a chance, you need a balanced diet consisting of lean protein, fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products and healthy carbohydrates (but not too many of these). But breakfast and post-workout meals may contain more carbohydrates.
  3. Eat 6 small meals a day. Better than skipping meals for weight loss, you can switch to dividing your meals into 6 smaller meals per day. Each meal should then contain no more than 400 calories. As indicated above, it is important that you follow a balanced diet, so sufficient protein, fruits, vegetables, and whole grain products, every day. If you don't plan on cooking with every meal, you can also have a protein shake as a snack. A daily schedule for a six-pack diet could look like this:
    • Breakfast: A scrambled egg with spinach and low-fat cheese. Add two slices of wholemeal toast.
    • Snack 1: Two scoops of frozen yogurt without cream.
    • Lunch: Shrimp pasta, Pasta al pomodoro, mushrooms, olives, shrimps, herbs, vegetables.
    • Snack 2: A bowl of tomato soup.
    • Dinner: Stewed chicken with vegetables.
    • Snack 3: Protein shake.
  4. Drink lots of water. It's important to keep your moisture levels up, especially during this month of intense workouts. Drinking water also helps to prevent water retention due to dehydration. Drink cool, fresh water throughout the day to keep you fresh, alert and energized.


  • Reward yourself for making sure you stick with your plan and your diet. Maybe it's a vacation on the beach, buying new clothes, or showing off your new abs at that beach party where your ex will be.