Take a shot of liquor

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Kendrick Lamar - Swimming Pools (Drank)
Video: Kendrick Lamar - Swimming Pools (Drank)


Taking a shot with a friend or group of friends can be a unique experience to bond. However, it can be challenging to consume the liquor in one sitting. With the right technique, you can drink a shot without gagging or throwing up.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Hitting the shot back

  1. Tilt your head back. Tilt your head slightly as you bring the shot glass to your mouth. Keep tilting your head and the shot glass while drinking the drink at the same time. The shot glass should be upside down when you are done taking the shot. This move makes it easier for you to get the shot down your throat.
    • Don't tilt your head too far back. You don't want to choke on the booze.
    • Make sure to tilt both your head and the shot glass. Tipping just one of these can cause a mess. For example, if you tilt the glass but don't tilt your head back, you can mess the shot on your clothes.
  2. Breathe through your mouth. Inhale just before opening your mouth to take the shot. Do not exhale before drinking the drink. Exhaling before taking the shot may cause you to gag. When you are done with the shot, exhale through your mouth again.
    • Do not inhale through your nose while drinking the shot. Breathing through your nose intensifies the flavor of the shot.
    • Remember to inhale before the shot. Inhaling while taking the shot causes you to inhale fumes and cause you to cough.
  3. Swallow the shot immediately. Shots are not intended for sipping. Holding the drink in your mouth will make it harder for you to swallow the shot or it may trigger your gag reflex. You will also taste the drink much better if you do not swallow it immediately.
    • Extending the shot can also cause the drink to get into your windpipe.
    • Keep your jaw and throat relaxed while you swallow.

Method 2 of 3: Preparing your shot

  1. Designate someone to drive. Before you go out, someone must be appointed as the driver for the evening. If there is no driver, call a taxi or use a service such as Uber or Lyft to get home safely. If you are drinking with friends, spend the night at that friend's house instead of driving home. If you notice that someone has had too much to drink, arrange a way for that person to get home safely.
    • Alcohol slows down your reaction time, changes your vision and makes it more difficult for you to process information. This increases your chances of being involved in an accident.
    • If you plan to drive home, do not have more than one drink (one glass of wine, beer, mix or shot) and with your meal. Again, it is best not to drink alcohol if you plan to drive.
  2. Do not drink more than set limits. Women should drink no more than one glass of alcohol per day and men no more than two glasses. A single glass is 33 cl of beer, 24 cl of top-fermented beer, 15 cl of wine or 2-3 cl of spirits. You should also avoid drinking too much. Binge drinking (also known as binge drinking) is drinking five or more drinks at one sitting if you are male and four or more drinks at one sitting if you are female.
    • If you or someone you know has a drinking problem, call 085-1045390 (AA) for assistance.
    • Excessive drinking is associated with many health problems, including cancer, high blood pressure and accidental injury.
    • If you are pregnant, do not drink. Alcohol is harmful to the fetus.


  • Never accept a drink from a stranger and never walk away from your drink. If you leave your drink to go to the toilet, don't drink it when you come back.
  • The legal drinking age in the Netherlands is 18 or older. This also applies in the United Kingdom.


  • Shot glass or shot glass
  • Liquor
  • Salt and lime (possibly with the tequila)