Perform a cleansing ritual

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 16 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual FULL WALKTHROUGH + Timestamps (Genshin Impact)
Video: Sacred Sakura Cleansing Ritual FULL WALKTHROUGH + Timestamps (Genshin Impact)


It is a good idea to cleanse the spiritual energy of your living space when you move into a new home and a few times during the year. If you or someone you know are having difficulties in some area of ​​life, or have experienced a traumatic or uncomfortable event in the house, a cleanse can also be helpful.

To step

  1. Dispose of junk. Clutter is one of the main sinners when it comes to blocked or sluggish energy in your home. Reuse that collection of old newspapers and magazines (and consider ending memberships), tidy up your cupboards and drawers (throw out anything you haven't worn or used for more than a year), and go through your collection of books, music, and other media.
  2. Clean the area thoroughly. Dust and dirt have an effect on the psyche. Get out the vacuum cleaner, broom, dustpan and dustpan and mop!
  3. If you've just moved into a new home with a bad aura or a really negative feeling, wash wood surfaces and floors with mild witch hazel diluted with water: 10 to 1 mix.
  4. Move around your house in a circle. Now that you've gotten rid of your clutter, it should be easier to clean the floors - always a good starting point for a thorough home cleaning. You can choose to move clockwise (deosil) or counterclockwise (widdershins) through your house. If you are moving clockwise, focus on bringing in light, peace, clarity, serenity, prosperity, or other positive energies that you want to bring into your home: the emphasis for this direction is on pulling in, or invite. As you move counterclockwise, focus on banishing dirt, old memories, dustiness, stale, and blocked energy: the emphasis is on banishing, or pushing out.
  5. Make sure to sweep the doorways and steps at the front and back entrances.
  6. Put one of the following in the soapy water you use to mop your floor. If you have carpets, consider making a small mixture and sprinkling or spraying it on the floors after vacuuming. Just a few drops of the essential oils will suffice: Salt (purifying and grounding); essential oil of Sage (purifying); lemon essential oil (provides energy and a clean scent); Patchouli (brings prosperity - use this extra lightly); Den (brings prosperity and love)
    • Don't forget to wipe surfaces, clean mirrors and tidy up your desk. If you need to, take a box and put all your old mail and bills in there. You can clean up your papers later, but seeing them lying around day and night can be a constant source of stress.
    • Once you've thrown out all the dust and debris, and your floors and surfaces are shiny clean, you'll feel better. Use one or more of the following methods to get rid of lingering stagnant energy: Burn white sage and sweep the smoke around your house in a counterclockwise motion, expelling it from your home. Always burn herbs with a fireproof container! Walk around your house with a bell or rattle in a counterclockwise motion. Shout, clap your hands, stamp your feet and laugh.
    • When you feel like your home has been thoroughly cleaned, say in a strong, clear voice My home has been cleansed of all negative energy. Let it be a place of peace, serenity, love and prosperity.
  7. Seal off your home from negative energy by doing one or more of the following:
    • Using a stick, sketch a pentacle in the calling direction at each of the entrances to your house (windows, doors, etc.). Don't forget the door to the basement or garage!
    • Sprinkle salt water around the outside walls of your home.
    • Place a coin (right side up) in each of the outside corners of your house.
    • Place a protective symbol - such as a mirror, a house god, or a broom - on or near your front and back doors. It is best to choose the symbol that most aligns with your own ethnic heritage.


  • I place a symbol of happiness / spirituality at every entrance to the house
  • "Do not let sorrow come through this door. Do not let trouble come to this area. Do not let fear come through this door. Let there be no conflict in this place. Let this house be filled with the blessing of joy and peace."
  • Light the sage.
  • After a good cleanse, choose a time when the energy is low, usually early in the evening. Usually 2 or more people should be present. Only positive energy is allowed during a cleaning. Children and pets must be removed.
  • If others participate in the ceremony, they should work with you in a friendly manner. Do not allow negativity or skepticism to cloud this ritual.
  • Imagine that the space within and around you is filled with light, a protective, healing and positive light. Think of the light as a shield against dark forces and negative energy. Send up a prayer asking for what you want to achieve with the ceremony (for example, cleansing, harmony, protection, purification of yourself and / or a space, healing or blessing of a new home).
  • When the smoke starts to rise, gently turn your hands through the smoke towards you and around you. Then slowly carry the smudge to every part of the room, making sure the smoke reaches every corner. Make sure that the smoke goes around the edges of the walls and especially around the rabbets of the windows and doors, crisscrossing the threshold.
  • As you do this, keep your mind focused on positive thoughts and energy. Focus on what you want to achieve with this ritual. You can say a special prayer or mantra for support.
  • When you have completed the ritual, remove the smudge from the room and carefully extinguish it.
  • If you have any length of your smudge stick left, save it for future use. Or, if you have a fireplace, you can burn any leftover sage or the rest of a smudge stick in it.


  • Fear will hinder your ability to maintain a positive outlook on life. Try to focus on the positive, instead of feeding on any fears you may have in your life. Take a calming breath and remind yourself that fear has no hold on you.
  • Believe or envision a quiet and peaceful home. If you focus on struggles and negativity, that's what you'll get.