How to untangle a wig

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
HOW TO DETANGLE YOUR WIGS💁‍♀️(extremely tangled)
Video: HOW TO DETANGLE YOUR WIGS💁‍♀️(extremely tangled)


Whether you cosplay on the weekends or wear a wig in everyday life, your wig will get messed up over time. Do not throw your wig in the trash if the hair is tangled. With a few cheap products and a lot of patience, you can untangle your wig and make it look good again. Taking some time to prepare, comb your wig, and let it dry for a while can help keep your wig looking like new again.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Place the wig on a wig stand and prepare the conditioner

  1. Gather your supplies. The best thing about this method is that the necessary materials are easy to find and inexpensive. All you need is a comb, a spray bottle with water and some conditioner. It may be helpful to use a wig stand, but it is not necessary. Gather the following supplies:
    • A wig comb or a wide tooth comb
    • A fine comb (if your wig has bangs)
    • An atomizer three-quarters filled with water
    • Conditioner
    • A wig stand to put your wig on (optional)
  2. Put down your wig. Place the wig on the wig stand. If possible, place your wig on a tripod in front of a camera or other tall object so that you can work on it easily. This is especially helpful if the wig you want to detangle has very long hair.
    • If you don't have a wig stand or a tripod, put your wig on a table or counter.
  3. Prepare the conditioner. Fill the atomizer about three-quarters with water. Then fill the rest of the bottle with conditioner. Try to use about 3 parts water to 1 part conditioner. Shake well with the spray bottle to mix everything.
    • You can also choose to use a leave-in conditioner or a product specifically designed for detangling wigs. You do not have to dilute these products with water.
    • You can also use fabric softener for a synthetic wig. Again, use 1 part fabric softener to 3 parts water.

Part 2 of 3: Combing out the wig

  1. Soak your wig. If your wig is very tangled, it is a good idea to soak it in warm water. To do this, fill a sink with warm water. If necessary, remove your wig from the wig stand and soak it in the water for 10-15 minutes. Gently squeeze out the excess water and put the wig back on the stand.
    • If the wig is very dirty, you can put a squeeze of shampoo in the water. If you do this, don't forget to rinse the wig with clean water before combing it out.
  2. Soak the ends of the wig. Take the spray bottle and spray the mixture of conditioner and water on the ends of the wig until the bottom 8-12 inches of the hair is completely wet.
    • If the conditioner is no longer well mixed with the water, shake the spray bottle briefly.
  3. Comb out the ends of the hair. Comb out the bottom 8-12 inches of the wig with your wig comb or a wide tooth comb. Hold the hair firmly with one hand just above the area you are combing and comb the hair with your other hand. If the hair is very tangled, you will likely need to comb out small strands until the entire bottom of the wig is free of tangles and knots.
  4. Keep spraying and combing and working up the wig. When you have combed out the bottom 8-12 inches, soak the mixture for the next 8-12 inches and continue combing. Keep doing this until you have combed out the entire wig.
    • Depending on how long the wig is, this can take a long time (up to an hour).
    • Be careful not to pull on the wig as this will only make tangles and knots worse. Instead, gently comb out any tangles and knots.

Part 3 of 3: Style the wig and let it dry

  1. Comb out the bangs and style the wig. If your wig has bangs, use a fine-tooth comb to detangle them and style the bangs the way you want. Gently style the wet hair of the wig in the desired way.
  2. Spray the entire wig with water again. If you used quite a lot of conditioner and your wig is not synthetic, it is a good idea to spray the entire wig again with clean water. This helps to further dilute the conditioner and reduce oiliness.
  3. Let the wig dry for several hours and comb it out every half hour. Leave the wig on the wig stand and let it dry for a while. Gently comb through the hair every 30 minutes. Your wig should be completely dry after 2-3 hours.
    • If you are in a hurry, you can use a hair dryer set on a low setting. Be careful as you can easily damage your wig this way.
    • For best results, let the wig air dry.