To be a perfect girl

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Mareux - The Perfect Girl
Video: Mareux - The Perfect Girl


Ever wondered how to get perfect? Some say it's impossible, but in this article, you can learn how to become the girl you've always wanted to be. The girl we can call perfect because everyone would want to be just like you!

To step

Part 1 of 2: Looking perfect

  1. Grooming. Good hygiene gives you a clean starting point for a beautiful and attractive appearance, every day. If you are not a morning person, shower in the evening. Try to include the following steps in your routine:
    • Shower at least once a day. You don't have to wash your hair every day (more on that later), but you do need to clean your body so often. Have you already had the daily shower, but you got sweaty from a workout / walk / work? Then shower again.
    • Wash your hair often enough to keep it clean. African style hair varies greatly, but you can usually find a product to wash your hair at least once a week, without damage. Other types of hair should be washed every 1-3 days, with thinner and greasier hair washed more often. If your hair is oily, wash it every day, but if not, don't wash it every day.
    • Brush your teeth, floss, and use mouthwash. Do all three twice a day, and you will have a clean mouth.
    • Use deodorant.Apply deodorant (or a combination of deodorant and antiperspirant) under your armpits as soon as you get up, and again as needed. Do not use aerosol deodorant; the others are better for you, and for the earth.
    • Take care of your nails. Treat yourself to a mini manicure pedicure at least once a week right after you shower. Clean and trim all your nails and toenails. For fun, add some nail polish as well. Don't bite your nails as this will cause pain, and large nails are much more attractive.
  2. Take care of your skin. If your skin is radiant and clean, you don't need a lot of makeup to look great - which comes in handy on days when you're in a hurry. If you are under 11, never use makeup as it will likely make your skin look awful later in life. If you're a teenager, you can use makeup, but keep it simple or people will think you're fake, and you don't want to be a laughable cosplayer when you go to school.
    • Cleanse yourself. Use a cleanser that's right for you. Unless you exercise, you only need to wash your face once a day. In the morning, all you have to do is wash your face with some warm water. Consider your skin type.
    • Use a toner. Use an alcohol-free toner immediately after washing your face to balance the PH value of your skin. Do this twice a day.
    • Hydrate. Apply lotion to the skin twice a day before applying makeup. If you have oily skin quickly, choose something light or gel-based; if your skin is dry, use a heavier cream.
    • Prevent acne. You can use salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide to treat blemishes on your own. If that doesn't work, consider an appointment with a dermatologist. Whatever you do, don't squeeze them! That can cause scars and lead to more breakouts! And when you squeeze or puncture them, they turn red! Makeup can cover acne in an emergency.
    • Protect your skin from sun damage. If you're out for more than 15 minutes, put some sunscreen on exposed skin. (You'll thank yourself for it in 30 years, when your tanned friends have wrinkles, but your skin is still supple and firm.
  3. Trim stray hair. How you deal with body and facial hair is up to you, but most girls in Western culture remove any facial hair except for the eyebrows. Consider the following options to manage its growth:
    • Picking. This is the best and most common way to update your eyebrows. If you're not sure where to pluck, consider shaping your eyebrows professionally the first time. After that you can do the maintenance yourself, just by removing the small starting hairs.
    • Shave. Shaving is the cheapest and most common way to remove underarm and leg hair. Make sure your razor is sharp and apply shaving cream or conditioner over the area you want to shave - not only will this help keep track of where you have gone, it will also help prevent nicks. If you are afraid of shaving yourself with a knife, a trimmer is a better and safer alternative, because the chance of wounds is smaller. If you'd rather avoid razors, read articles on wikiHow on getting smooth legs without shaving.
    • Waxing. Getting started with laundry yourself can be a major disaster, but seeing a professional is an efficient way to combat hair growth, if you have the money. Make sure the esthetician maintains strict health and safety standards.
  4. Style your hair. The hairstyle that works best for you depends on many factors - such as the shape of your face or the texture of your hair - but you can do some simple upkeep without going too far.
    • Keep your hair brushed or combed, trim split ends every 6 to 8 weeks, and try not to indulge in styling products such as gel and hairspray.
    • Read articles on wikiHow about simple and cute hairstyles for a few other ideas.
  5. Using makeup. Not everyone wants to wear makeup, but it can be used to highlight your natural beauty. Remember not to wear too much makeup. Here are a few simple guidelines:
    • Wear foundation that is as lightweight as possible. Foundation should cover irregularities without completely hiding the skin. Start with a thin layer of powder, and if that doesn't work, move on to an opaque liquid.
    • Lighten dark circles under the eyes. If you get dark purple circles under your eyes quickly (whether due to allergies or sleep deprivation), you can use concealer to lighten your skin.
    • Make up your eyes. You can keep it simple and just apply some light eyeshadow, or go all out with eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara.
    • Use blush to give your cheeks a red color. Choose a shade that is close to the color of your cheeks when you blush and apply it lightly - less is more in this case.
    • Wear lipstick or lip gloss. For everyday use, choose a color that is only a shade or two darker than the color of your lips. For special occasions, you can choose something similar to the color of the inside of your lips.
  6. Make sure you smell great. In general, being clean will help you smell good, but you can take it a step further. Use scented soaps and moisturizers, and try a few hints of perfume in the morning.
    • Find out what works for you. Something that goes great with your girlfriend in terms of scent doesn't have to work on your skin at all - everyone's chemistry is different.
    • Ask for free samples. Some websites sell perfume samples at a discounted price, or you can go to a department store and try some perfumes on scraps of paper. Try a few to find out what you want.
  7. Dress well. Dress attractively and neatly without overdoing it. Here are a few ideas for putting together a wardrobe:
    • Buy a few classic pieces of clothing. Straight-leg jeans, white shirts, a good sweater and a nice pair of boots are all basic garments that can be combined with a lot of different outfits.
    • Don't be a slave to trends. Fashion comes and goes, so resist the urge to buy something outrageous just because it's "in" now. Chances are that it will be "off" again before it is useful to you.
    • Don't go too far with accessories. Follow the old adage: Get rid of one item before you leave the house.
    • Make sure you always have clean clothes. Your outfit may be composed of great clothes, but feel unpleasant if they are not clean. Set up a washing schedule so you never have to search for clean clothes in the morning.

Part 2 of 2: Getting the best out of yourself

  1. Show your confidence. Most people are attracted to confident and optimistic personalities. Why? Probably because most people can be sad and withdrawn on their own, but feel more comfortable with someone happy. Even if you don't feel confident and happy all the time, here's a method to pretend you're bursting with magnetic confidence:
    • Maintain a strong stance. Pull your shoulders back, straighten your back and keep your chin up. How you hold yourself communicates a lot to people, so show them that you are capable and take charge.
    • Compliment others instead of competing with them. When you notice that someone can do something better than you, or wish you could, give them a heartfelt compliment instead of feeling jealous. You will feel great for having a good turn, and it will show that you are not intimidated by other people's accomplishments.
    • Pretend until you really can. No one feels confident and great all the time. But if you're pretending, it could be your self-confidence actually increases as the day goes on.
  2. Smile often. Sparkling your pearly whites is one of the best things you can do to be considered perfect.
    • Make sure your smile comes naturally and easily. Don't try to pull your lips up too hard.
    • Let your eyes squint. When a smile makes your eyes contract slightly (a Duchenne smile), people consider it more genuine.
    • Develop a sense of humor. Laughing not only makes you feel better, but can also make other people feel more comfortable. Don't try to take yourself or anything else too seriously.
  3. Be polite and respectful. Present yourself to the world in a dignified and elegant way, and win the respect and admiration of others. Consider these methods:
    • Maintain good manners. Say "please" and "thank you," and don't publicly gossip about people.
    • Don't try to swear. Swearing will often make people feel like a stupid, immature person who should be ignored. If you accidentally swear, consider it an "Oops!" Moment, but don't make it a habit.
    • Don't put yourself or others down. No one is perfect, and there will come times when you have to be critical. However, try to avoid criticizing yourself or others from becoming a daily routine.
    • Don't forget your values. Peer pressure can be cruel and seductive, but it is only temporary. Your values ​​are your reputation and your future. They are all you really own; they take a human life to build and only a moment to destroy. Once they are affected, what do you have left?
    • Be mature. Learn how to handle things in a mature and reasonable manner. You don't have to whine or cry to get what you want. It's okay to go crazy and have fun sometimes, but be careful not to make yourself a clown. Stay collected, calm, and as calm as possible.
  4. Maintain your own interests. Your interests are the things that make you an interesting and unique person, so make time for that. Engage in sports, music, reading, hobbies or whatever else you enjoy - it makes you a rounded and fascinating person.
    • Participate in extracurricular activities. They are a great way to meet people!
    • Keep busy. Being busy makes you interesting so you have something to talk about when meeting new people. Think about it: you are probably more interested in someone with different interests who is always busy with something than someone who just sits at home all day.
  5. Focus on your education. A perfect girl always tries to be smart and get good grades. Make time to study, plan your homework, and try to be genuinely interested in what you are learning. It will pay off in the future.
  6. Respect everyone. Always respect others and don't let others put you down so you can move forward. Listen to and respect your parents. Clean the house from time to time and do the dishes; they will certainly appreciate that.
    • Remember to always listen to your parents, elderly relatives, and teachers. You may not always agree with the things they say, but they are older and have more life experience. If you listen and remain friendly when they ask you something, they will notice and appreciate your adult behavior.
    • If you stick with it long enough, you may even be rewarded with more freedom. Remember not to do anything crazy with your degenerate freedom, or you risk losing it.
  7. Be positive and proactive. Don't argue or confront, but don't let people walk all over you or take advantage of your kindness. Letting people boss you around can hurt your self-esteem and self-image. You are your own person.
    • Instead, learn to resolve disagreements calmly, by being understanding but firm. Tell people that you absolutely respect their beliefs, visions, and opinions, but you don't even have to be there. If something really bothers or scares you, don't be afraid to be determined and, if necessary, talk to someone else about it.


  • People appreciate someone they can easily hook up with more than someone who is moody and difficult to talk to. If someone offers or asks you to do something with them, don't immediately say, "Oh no, I can't. Sorry, "only to get out of the way quickly - they'll just think you don't want to spend time with them." If you're only hanging out at home while you could go out with a friend, go for the latter. If you really can't, explain it as politely as possible. Finally, offer to schedule a different time - this will come across as friendly, reachable, and polite, and be willing to make up with someone if you've been disappointed.
  • If someone criticizes you, don't take it personally, but take it to heart. Don't let it get you down.
  • Be friendly. If a young child asks you to play together, join us! Small children will love it! In addition, be kind to animals and pets and be open to the opinions of others.
  • Don't let rude or rude people lure you out. You don't have to listen to them. Stand up politely and calmly for yourself without appearing rude or arrogant yourself. Show the other person that you are better off by ignoring them or pretending that you don't mind. Most importantly, never gossip about anyone in public, you never know who can hear you. With a bit of bad luck, a teacher hears you and you get into trouble.
  • Respect the opinions, dreams, attitudes and interests of others. If a friend is a fan of a football club you hate, don't say so. Don't try to talk about football. Send the conversation in a different direction.
  • Be open. Being able to deal with people personally sets you apart from everyone else. Don't be too afraid to talk about your stuff and let him talk about his interests, it will make you both closer and he'll appreciate that. Boys often pretend they have no feelings and are tough, but they are just as complex as girls.
  • Make people feel welcome. Don't say something like, "Oh no, I don't have time." Even if you're in a hurry; stop, smile and ask what they need. The other person will respect and like you, and if you treat everyone like that, people's faces will light up when they see you. All girls are likely to read this; it is a wonderful feeling to be loved and appreciated.
  • Laugh and joke with someone else, even if it is your most feared enemy who made the joke.
  • Part of taking care of yourself is being healthy and fit. This doesn't mean you have to have a thigh gap or a washboard, it just means you need to be healthy, specific to your body type. Set up a training schedule and go for a run, exercise, or gym a few miles a day. If you don't have the time or money for this, look for five-minute workouts and do them every day. Not only will this make you look great for your body shape, it will also improve your happiness and confidence.
  • Be not only a good friend, but also a good student, daughter, family member and a great person to your environment. People will respect your behavior, and young or even older girls may start looking up to you. You will become more trusted and more reliable. All it takes are good displays of friendship and character.