Using an oven

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to BAKE using an Electric Oven.//*Basics*
Video: How to BAKE using an Electric Oven.//*Basics*


Ovens are fairly easy to use, if you know the right tips and tricks. You use gas ovens and electric ovens in a slightly different way, so make sure you have the right cooking equipment for your specific oven. All ovens should be cleaned regularly. Clean your oven when you notice food scraps and dirt accumulating on the floor and oven racks.

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Method 1 of 3: Using a gas oven

  1. Learn the basics of handling your oven. Before attempting to use your gas oven, or any other oven for that matter, read the manual for it. This will teach you about turning the oven on and off, as well as moving the grids and other aspects of how your oven works.
    • Each oven comes with grids. Before using the oven, experiment with placing and removing the grids. Depending on what you want to prepare, you may need to adjust the height of the grids. It is wise to know how to do this in advance.
    • Find out how to turn on the oven and set the temperature. Usually this will require you to set a knob on the front of the oven to do this. You can then turn the knob to the correct temperature. Some ovens have an indicator, such as a light that goes on and off, or a beep, to show that the oven has preheated sufficiently.
  2. Use an oven thermometer. Gas ovens often have a varying temperature. Even if you set the oven to a certain temperature, it can be unexpectedly hotter or colder during the cooking process. That's why you need an oven thermometer to keep track of the temperature. You may have to set the temperature slightly higher or lower during the cooking process.
    • Use the oven light to keep an eye on the oven temperature. If you open the oven door too often while cooking a dish, the temperature can drop suddenly.
  3. Turn the baking trays during cooking. Heat tends to fluctuate in a gas oven. Some places will be hotter than others during cooking time. Therefore, it can be helpful to occasionally open the oven and turn your baking trays a little to make sure the dish is evenly heated.
    • Cakes, cakes, loaves, and muffins should be turned 90 degrees halfway through the baking time. If you're using more than one baking tray for baking something like cookies, turn the top and bottom baking tray over as well.
    • Casserole dishes should be turned several times during the cooking process.
  4. Place an oven stone on the oven floor. An oven stone can be used to cook things such as cakes and pizzas. However, it can also help regulate the temperature in a gas oven. It can radiate up even heat. Place it on the bottom of your oven or on the lowest rack when not in use. Then place what you are baking just above the oven stone to make the process more even.
  5. Place dishes to be browned on top. Sometimes it can be difficult to brown the top of something like pies in a gas oven. In that case it can help to place dishes at the top. This will make them tan faster.
  6. Turn up the temperature for an extra crispy crust. Gas ovens are usually more humid, which can affect the crispness of dishes. Things like roast potatoes don't always get that crispy in a gas oven. It can help to set the oven temperature about 25 degrees hotter than the recipe calls for. This will make the end result a bit crispier.
  7. Do not use dark metal cookware. Never use dark metal cookware in a gas oven. In a gas oven, the heat comes from below. Dark metal cookware will absorb heat more quickly, causing the bottom of dishes to brown or burn.
    • Instead of dark metal pans, use light-colored metal, glass, or silicone.

Method 2 of 3: Using an electric oven

  1. Learn the basics for handling your oven. Make sure to read the owner's manual for your electric oven. This should teach you how to turn the oven on and off, as well as things like raising and lowering the grids.
    • Know how to set the temperature. On an electric oven you can usually key in the temperature after which a signal is given when the oven is ready. It may be that a light on your oven turns on or off, or that a sound signal is given to indicate that the oven has preheated.
  2. Give your oven extra time to preheat. If you're using an electric oven, preheat your oven as you begin preparing the food to be cooked. Gas ovens get hot quickly, but electric ovens take longer to reach the correct temperature.
    • Use an oven thermometer to make sure the electric oven is at the correct temperature.
  3. Bake your dishes in the center of the oven. Unless a recipe specifies that something should be placed at the top or bottom of the oven, always use the center rack with an electric oven. This is where the heat will fluctuate least during the cooking process. This will cook your food more evenly.
  4. Add steam when needed. Electric ovens are usually quite dry. Here it may happen that bread and similar foods rise more slowly. If you can't get a pizza base or a loaf to rise, get some steam in your electric oven. Pour a cup of warm water into a saucepan and place it on the bottom of the oven.You can also leave the oven ajar and spray a little water into the oven with a spray bottle.
  5. Select the right pan for what you are going to prepare. You can use different baking tins and pans in an electric oven. However, each will yield a different result. Make sure you have the right pan for what you are cooking.
    • If you want the sides and bottom of the food to brown, choose metal utensils.
    • If you want a less brown result, choose glass or silicone.

Method 3 of 3: Cleaning your oven

  1. Take advantage of the self-cleaning option. If your oven has an option to clean itself, that's usually the best way to get the job done. Your oven manual should explain how this feature works. Typically, the oven will shut itself down and clean itself for about two hours. After the oven has finished self-cleaning, simply wipe off any dirt with kitchen paper.
  2. Remove and clean the oven racks. If your oven is not self-cleaning, you will have to clean it manually. To start, remove the oven grids to clean them.
    • Place a towel on the bottom of your bathtub (if applicable) and fill the tub with warm water. Add half a cup of dish soap and stir it into the water.
    • Let the racks soak for about four hours. Then wipe away any gunk and stains with a non-abrasive brush.
    • Rinse the racks completely and let them air dry.
  3. Coat your oven with baking soda and water. Mix baking soda with water until you have formed a workable paste. Then use a cloth or sponge to clean the inside of your oven with your baking soda paste. Make sure to clean the sides, bottom, and top of your oven.
  4. Add vinegar to remove the baking soda. Pour vinegar over the baking soda paste. Let the vinegar sit until it starts to sizzle. This will happen pretty quickly. This will help loosen dirt and debris so that you can easily clean the oven.
    • Once the vinegar starts to sizzle, scrub the top, bottom, and sides of the oven with a sponge. Scrub until you have removed all loose dirt and grime.
    • When you're done, remove the remaining baking soda, water and other dirt and food scraps with kitchen paper.
  5. Place the oven racks back in the oven. After you've cleaned the inside of the oven, replace the oven racks. Your oven is now clean and ready for use again.


  • During baking, open the oven door as briefly as possible, and only when really necessary; this saves energy and keeps the temperature even.